The Project is located in the City of Sunnyvale from Almanor Avenue/Ahwanee Avenue to Innovation Way, including on- and off-ramp improvements at the SR 237/Mathilda Avenue and US 101/Mathilda Avenue interchanges.
The design features of the Project include reconfiguration of the US 101 and SR 237 interchanges with Mathilda Avenue. This includes modification to on- and off-ramps; removal, addition, and signalization of intersections; and provision of new left-turn lanes. In addition, the Project would require modification to bicycle and pedestrian facilities, utilities, stormwater treatment facilities, street lighting, ramp metering, signage, retaining walls, and light rail crossing facilities as described.
To reduce congestion on Mathilda Avenue, improve mobility for all travel modes, and provide better access to local destinations throughout the City of Sunnyvale.
Environmental Clearance
Phase Date Range
Phase Date Range
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Moffett Park Drive is now closed and under construction as we make accommodations for a new bike path. This small section between Mathilda Avenue and Bordeaux Drive will not re-open to cars. During the construction period, all users including pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists should use Bordeaux Drive and Innovation Way to connect to Mathilda Avenue. When construction is complete in 2020, the sidewalk and bike path will open.
August 23, 2019, a new off-ramp will open at Mathilda Avenue in Sunnyvale. Motorists traveling northbound on US 101 who exit at Mathilda Avenue will experience a new ramp configuration and traffic light. This will allow for left and right turns, accessing Mathilda Avenue in the northbound and southbound directions. The exit for Mathilda South will permanently close.
On November 1, 2019, a new off-ramp will open at Mathilda Avenue in Sunnyvale. Motorists traveling southbound on 101 who exit at Mathilda will experience a new ramp configuration and traffic light, allowing for left and right turns.
The new bike path on Moffett Park Drive is slated to open in Summer 2020.