The Blossom Hill Station is a 7.59-acre property is located along Blossom Hill Road at Canoas Creek and serves as a Park & Ride lot for Light Rail and Bus passengers.
The parking lot has the potential for mixed use/mixed income transit residential and commercial development. Transit-Oriented Developments (TOD) enhance VTA’s transit operations through increases in ridership and infrastructure improvements. TOD allows people to live and work near public transportation which helps clear the air, ease traffic and get you moving more efficiently and reliably.
VTA's Board of Directors selected developer partner, Green Republic Blossom Hill LLC, at the March 2019 board meeting. Green Republic Blossom Hill is a joint venture between Republic Urban, Swenson, and EAH Housing. VTA staff are working with the developer to define the project and seek necessary approvals from the City of San Jose.
Green Republic LLC, has created a vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-affordability transit-oriented development proposal to replace a portion of the parking lot at the Blossom Hill Station.
This development consists of the following:
- 239 new market-rate rental units
- 89 new, permanently deed-restricted affordable rental units
- 13,590 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail and commercial space
- Upgraded VTA parking and transit facilities
- Substantial public and private open space amenities, including a new transit plaza and improvements along Canoas Creek trail
VTA's TOD Program works with municipal and private partners to encourage the development of housing, retail, and employment centers in places that will help increase transit ridership and contribute to a vibrant community. Among VTA's Joint Development requirements is that 25% of housing on a particular site must be affordable.
Environmental Documents
This development requires an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The process is managed by the City of San Jose.
The City of San Jose has released the Draft EIR for public review from March 10, 2022 to April 25, 2022. The Draft EIR and documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available below, online at the city of San Jose's "Active EIRs" website at, and also available at the following locations:
- Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement,200 E. Santa Clara Street, 3rd floor, San José, CA 95113, (408) 535-3555
- Dr. MLK, Jr., Main Library, 150 E. San Fernando Street, San José, CA 95112, (408)277-4822
- Edenvale Branch Library, 101 Branham Lane E, San José, CA 95111, (408) 808-3036
SP20-012 NOA Draft EIR signed
Blossom Hill Station Draft EIR (03-8-22)
Appendix A NOP Comments Redacted
Appendix B Air Quality Analysis
Appendix C Biological Resources and Arborist Reports
Appendix D Tribal Consultation Letters
Appendix E 2030 GHGRS Compliance Checklist
Appendix F Phase 1 ESA
Appendix G Noise and Vibration Analysis
Appendix H Transportation Analysis
Final Blossom Hill Station Mixed Use Project NOP
Station Access Study
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) initiated a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Station Access Study to analyze multi-modal station access and circulation at the Blossom Hill Light Rail Station. The analysis was conducted in two phases in coordination with a proposed residential mixed-use joint development project located south of Highway 85 and north of Blossom Hill Road on a portion of the station's Park & Ride lot. The Blossom Hill Station Access Study final report provides proposed access improvements, travel demand management strategies, and cost estimates for the identified access improvements to the station area and the proposed TOD project.
Community Outreach
VTA delivers outreach to the community in many ways, from email, web page posting like this, signage, tabling at events, presenting at your neighborhood association, and by mail notifications, to name a few. We use multiple approaches to ensure the community is informed and allow for authentic engagement.
Community Meetings
City of San Jose Planning Commission July 16, 2022
City of San Jose City Council meeting August 9, 2022
Previous Meetings
To date, VTA has hosted four community meetings. The presentations provided at the meetings are available for download by the selecting following dates. The previous meetings were held on January 2018, October 2018, May 15, 2019 and September 9, 2020. The September meeting was a recorded webinar and available on VTA's YouTube channel. It's linked here for easy access: Blossom Hill Station Development Meeting
Development Opportunities
Learn more about VTA's Portfolio of TOD Opportunities.
The Blossom Hill Station is a 7.59-acre property is located along Blossom Hill Road at Canoas Creek and serves as a Park & Ride lot for Light Rail and Bus passengers.
The parking lot has the potential for mixed use/mixed income transit residential and commercial development. Transit-Oriented Developments (TOD) enhance VTA’s transit operations through increases in ridership and infrastructure improvements. TOD allows people to live and work near public transportation which helps clear the air, ease traffic and get you moving more efficiently and reliably.
VTA's Board of Directors selected developer partner, Green Republic Blossom Hill LLC, at the March 2019 board meeting. Green Republic Blossom Hill is a joint venture between Republic Urban, Swenson, and EAH Housing. VTA staff are working with the developer to define the project and seek necessary approvals from the City of San Jose.
Green Republic LLC, has created a vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-affordability transit-oriented development proposal to replace a portion of the parking lot at the Blossom Hill Station.
This development consists of the following:
- 239 new market-rate rental units
- 89 new, permanently deed-restricted affordable rental units
- 13,590 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail and commercial space
- Upgraded VTA parking and transit facilities
- Substantial public and private open space amenities, including a new transit plaza and improvements along Canoas Creek trail
VTA's TOD Program works with municipal and private partners to encourage the development of housing, retail, and employment centers in places that will help increase transit ridership and contribute to a vibrant community. Among VTA's Joint Development requirements is that 25% of housing on a particular site must be affordable.
Environmental Documents
This development requires an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The process is managed by the City of San Jose.
The City of San Jose has released the Draft EIR for public review from March 10, 2022 to April 25, 2022. The Draft EIR and documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available below, online at the city of San Jose's "Active EIRs" website at, and also available at the following locations:
- Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement,200 E. Santa Clara Street, 3rd floor, San José, CA 95113, (408) 535-3555
- Dr. MLK, Jr., Main Library, 150 E. San Fernando Street, San José, CA 95112, (408)277-4822
- Edenvale Branch Library, 101 Branham Lane E, San José, CA 95111, (408) 808-3036
SP20-012 NOA Draft EIR signed
Blossom Hill Station Draft EIR (03-8-22)
Appendix A NOP Comments Redacted
Appendix B Air Quality Analysis
Appendix C Biological Resources and Arborist Reports
Appendix D Tribal Consultation Letters
Appendix E 2030 GHGRS Compliance Checklist
Appendix F Phase 1 ESA
Appendix G Noise and Vibration Analysis
Appendix H Transportation Analysis
Final Blossom Hill Station Mixed Use Project NOP
Station Access Study
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) initiated a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Station Access Study to analyze multi-modal station access and circulation at the Blossom Hill Light Rail Station. The analysis was conducted in two phases in coordination with a proposed residential mixed-use joint development project located south of Highway 85 and north of Blossom Hill Road on a portion of the station's Park & Ride lot. The Blossom Hill Station Access Study final report provides proposed access improvements, travel demand management strategies, and cost estimates for the identified access improvements to the station area and the proposed TOD project.
Community Outreach
VTA delivers outreach to the community in many ways, from email, web page posting like this, signage, tabling at events, presenting at your neighborhood association, and by mail notifications, to name a few. We use multiple approaches to ensure the community is informed and allow for authentic engagement.
Community Meetings
City of San Jose Planning Commission July 16, 2022
City of San Jose City Council meeting August 9, 2022
Previous Meetings
To date, VTA has hosted four community meetings. The presentations provided at the meetings are available for download by the selecting following dates. The previous meetings were held on January 2018, October 2018, May 15, 2019 and September 9, 2020. The September meeting was a recorded webinar and available on VTA's YouTube channel. It's linked here for easy access: Blossom Hill Station Development Meeting
Development Opportunities
Learn more about VTA's Portfolio of TOD Opportunities.
Project Development
Phase Date Range
323 Apartments, of which 84 will be classified as affordable to low-income renters.
10,775 square feet of retail and commercial space will be available.
Extended from May 2019 to August 2020.
Due the COVID-19 pandemic, this community meeting was held via Zoom Webinar and live streamed via YouTube. You can download the presentation slides, and participate in the developer survey.
This development requires an Environmental Impact Report. This will be managed by the City of San Jose. On October 13, 2020, the City of San Jose will be holding a Public Scoping meeting. For the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and meeting details and Zoom log in information, go to City of San Jose Meeting Notice.
The City of San Jose has released the Draft EIR. It is available for public review through April 25. The Draft EIR and documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available online at the city of San Jose's "Active EIRs" website at, and also available at the following locations:
- Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement,200 E. Santa Clara Street, 3rd floor, San José, CA 95113, (408) 535-3555
- Dr. MLK, Jr., Main Library, 150 E. San Fernando Street, San José, CA 95112, (408)277-4822
- Edenvale Branch Library, 101 Branham Lane E, San José, CA 95111, (408) 808-3036
Extended date of agreement to November 15, 2025.