riders bus bridge between Gish and Civic Center stations
1987 light rail tracks to get some TLC starting May 27

Updated on Wednesday, May 26 at 2:30 PM

This construction project has been postponed until further notice.


The crisscrossing network of rails embedded in the streets of North First Street and Younger Avenue in San Jose will be removed and replaced starting Thursday, May 27 through Sunday, June 13. Installed in 1987, these aging girder rails in this section we call the Younger “Half Grand” will be replaced with new rails which will ensure this important rail junction is in a state of good repair.

This Y-shaped configuration of rails serves a critical function for VTA light rail operations, allowing the trains to move west of First Street in and out of VTA’s Guadalupe Maintenance Yard. It also allows passenger service to operate in the north and southbound directions.

It’s a BIG undertaking and we ask for your patience while we complete this important work.

Light Rail Passengers: You will not be able to connect between Gish and Civic Center stations by light rail. Substitute bus service, or a bus bridge, will run on West Younger and North San Pedro Streets, around the County Parking lot if all lanes on First Street need to be closed. Bus bridge signage is placed on the light rail platforms and customers can get VTA project notifications and service alerts by subscribing to www.vta.org/subscribe.

Drivers: First Street in the project area has two lanes in each direction with additional left-turn lanes. For much of the work, one lane in each direction will remain open. The turn lanes will be closed. Construction and detour signage has been placed along First Street to provide plenty of warning.

Neighbors: This rehabilitation project will include jackhammering, dust, noise, and night work. VTA contractors will install a temporary noise-dampening perimeter fence. Our Hyde Park neighbors are bookended between VTA’s Younger Half Grand project and the City of San Jose’s sewer replacement project along North Fourth Street. We thank these neighbors for your patience and hope you will enjoy the new transit infrastructure near you when this is all over.


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