10 ways to go green for the holidays
Tips to Reduce Holiday Waste
Stacey Hendler Ross

This article was contributed by VTA Environmental Planner III Lani Lee Ho

Did you know Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day than any other time of the year? Holiday food waste to wrapping paper and packaging contribute to an additional 1 million tons a week to our landfills.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can help reduce your environmental footprint while celebrating with co-workers, family, and friends.

  • Make it easy for your guests to recycle and compost at gatherings by providing bins with signs on what goes where.
  • Use plates, glasses, and cutlery that can be washed and re-used.
  • Skip disposable table covers and opt for more durable decorations that can be reused each year.
  • Enjoy your favorite holiday drink in a reusable cup. Write a note to help you remember to BYOC.
  • When choosing gifts, upcycle, shop local, or give the gift of an experience, such as event tickets or memberships.
  • Ride VTA to holiday fun.

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