City street with VTA bus and cars
VTA Develops Framework to Reduce Driving

After receiving public comments and input on the draft report last Fall, the Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Final Report is available. 

As a reminder, due to a change in California state law, cities and counties are now required to consider the amount of driving (vehicle miles traveled or VMT) when they evaluate development projects. With the Equitable VMT Mitigation Program, VTA seeks to develop a framework, where cities, the county and developers can work together to improve transportation options that reduce driving and improve equity along the way.

One of the key elements of the VMT mitigation program framework is what types of transportation improvements a program could fund.  Based on community and local jurisdiction feedback, the project team is recommending that a program could fund Financial Incentives (such as E-Bike Subsidies), Capital Improvements (such as Bus Speed Improvements), and Services (such as Enhanced Vanpools).

VTA staff will be bringing the final report as an action item to the following VTA committees and Board of Directors meetings listed below:

February 12, 2025

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

February 13, 2025

Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

February 20, 2025 

Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee (CMPP)

March 6, 2025

Board of Directors Meeting

Join meetings by clicking here

These meetings are hybrid in-person and online.  You are welcome to offer comments verbally or submit written comments before the meetings. Visit the Board & Committees page and navigate to the specific committee for instructions on commenting. 

After the board reviews and accepts the action item, local jurisdictions would need to opt in to an implementation phase for a program to move forward.

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