Rider waving at light rail train
VTA Participates in See Tracks? Think Train® Week

See Tracks? Think Train® Week (formerly Rail Safety Week), September 23-29, 2024, is a week of rail safety education focusing attention on the importance of making safe choices when driving or walking near railroad tracks and trains. Although this is a dedicated week to bring awareness to riders and the community, VTA works to be vigilant about safety all year round.

Rider waving at light rail train

Here are some helpful tips to remember for your next ride with us:

  • Stay behind the yellow safety strip when waiting for your train. Standing near the edge of the platform is extremely dangerous.
  • Stop when the crossing arms are down. Even if you think a train has already passed; you can expect a second train coming from the other direction.
  • Look both ways before crossing the tracks. Your eyes should be on the road and the tracks, not on your phone.
  • Listen for audible warning signals. You may not hear these signals if you are wearing earbuds so it’s best to remove them when at rail crossings and intersections.

Safety around trains is a collective effort, a partnership between us and you—our riders and community members. Together, we can foster a safety-first culture around the VTA light rail system. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community well-connected and safe. For more safety information, visit vta.org/go/safety.

Go one safety step further and take the Operation Lifesaver Rail Safety Pledge

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