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VTA Unveils Project Microsite for the BART Phase II Project 

The Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is thrilled to announce the launch of a special Microsite dedicated to the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project! This innovative Microsite is seamlessly integrated within VTA.org and serves as a gateway to the future of transit in Silicon Valley, offering the community an immersive and informative experience with this transformative project.

The easy to navigate Microsite is designed to deepen the connection between the community and this once-in-a-generation project that will transform commutes and reshape the region's transportation landscape for decades to come. Designed with the community in mind, the Microsite is packed with features that bring the Phase II Project to life. From real-time construction updates once major construction commences, via an interactive map, to detailed insights into the project's benefits, the Microsite ensures you’re never out of the Phase II Project loop. 

One of the standout features of the Microsite is the Thriving Business Program, an initiative focused on supporting local businesses through the major construction phases, ensuring that our communities continue to thrive as we build for the future.  

The Microsite also emphasizes VTA’s commitment to transparency to the community. Visitors can easily access key project reports and documentation including environmental impact reports, review financial updates, and explore the project's timeline—all in one accessible, user-friendly space. Plus, with translation and ADA accessibility features, this valuable information is available to everyone in our diverse community. 

Why The Phase II Project is so Important 

The six-mile, four-station extension from Berryessa Station to Santa Clara will connect downtown San Jose to the broader Bay Area, ringing the bay with clean, efficient rail transit. This project is a critical piece of Silicon Valley’s transportation future, promising reduced traffic, cleaner air, and faster commutes for Santa Clara County residents. 

We invite you to explore vtabart.org to stay updated and get involved in this transformative journey. As the Phase II Project progresses, this Microsite will be your go-to source for the latest news, community engagement opportunities, and all the information you need about the project.  

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