
October 26, 2023
MTC Completes Regional Funding for VTA’s Silicon Valley BART Extension
On October 25, 2023, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) voted to allocate the $375 million for Phase II of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Project, bringing regional BART service one...
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October 23, 2023
VTA Board of Directors Workshop Reviews BART Phase II Timeline, Costs, And Next Steps
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board Chairman announced the creation of an Ad Hoc BART Silicon Valley Phase II oversight committee that will be responsible for overseeing all...
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May 08, 2023
Community Meetings Offer Preview of Proposed Biennial Budget
As the VTA Board of directors prepares to adopt a new biennial budget for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, there will be multiple opportunities for the public to learn about what’s in the proposed budget...
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March 09, 2023
Federal Support Comes Out Strong for VTA's BART Phase II Project
President Biden made a strong statement of support for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II project, including a $500 million request in the administration’s budget for FY 2024. This is the initial...
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July 01, 2022
VTA Encouraged by California Budget’s Strong Support of Public Transit Projects
The newly signed California state budget represents an historic funding opportunity for public transit operators like the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. VTA hopes to see tremendous...
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April 13, 2021
VTA Biennial Budget Process Happening Now
VTA Board members are in the process of making decisions about the agency’s biennial budget, to be voted on in June. There are more than a half-dozen opportunities for the public to learn about the...
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January 27, 2021
Workshop Lays Out VTA's Complex Budget Process
VTA’s Board members, the majority of which are newly appointed this year, received a briefing on the agency’s complex financial situation at a special workshop January 22. The workshop was intended to...
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January 14, 2020
New VTA Board Chair Calls for Courageous Conversations to Address Climate Crisis
As Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez takes on two leading roles this year, one as President of the Board of Supervisors and the other as Chair of VTA’s Board, she’s aligning some of her...
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June 18, 2019
VTA Responds to Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury Report
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) received a report from the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury dated June 18, 2019. This report carefully examines the operation and governance of...
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