
January 19, 2022
Downtown Transportation Plan Ready for Your Feedback
(This article was contributed by VTA Senior Transportation Planner Adam Burger) Imagine a Downtown San José designed to be more sustainable, to combat climate change, to decrease vehicle miles...
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October 21, 2021
Nine New Projects Aimed at Emissions Reduction Slated for Funding Approval
A slate of new clean air-focused transportation improvements in Santa Clara County may be coming soon. VTA’s Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee recommended Board approval of nine...
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May 18, 2021
Morgan Hill Community-Based Transportation Plan Approved
The plan to address some of Morgan Hill’s most challenging transportation issues is in motion now that the City of Morgan Hill and the VTA Board of Directors has approved the Morgan Hill Community...
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March 08, 2021
Overnight Freeway Closures on March 8 and 9 for the US 101/Blossom Hill Road Overcrossing
Northbound and Southbound lanes of Highway 101 will be closed overnight at the Blossom Hill Road/Silver Creek Valley Road interchange, exit 378, over the span of two nights, one night for each...
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January 27, 2021
Workshop Lays Out VTA's Complex Budget Process
VTA’s Board members, the majority of which are newly appointed this year, received a briefing on the agency’s complex financial situation at a special workshop January 22. The workshop was intended to...
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October 28, 2020
Survey of Bus Stops Finds a Variety of Décor!
There is no doubt the pandemic has changed business as usual, but it has also allowed us to look at things differently or look at things with an entirely new perspective! Earlier this year, some VTA...
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October 21, 2020
Central Bikeway Virtual Community Meetings: Oct. 28 & 29
Picture this: The sun is shining; the air is clean. Bicycling between Santa Clara and North San José is joyful. No traffic, no congestion. The Bay Area's first "bicycle superhighway" is a safe...
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October 20, 2020
VTA Launches 2016 Measure B Transparency Website
We are excited to launch the 2016 Measure B transparency website to provide a window into 2016 Measure B program revenue and spending. Thank you to all the usability testers and survey respondents who...
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August 04, 2020
Road Closures in Place as Construction Begins on Mixed-Use Development Across From Levi's Stadium
Construction is underway near Levi’s Stadium as the site of the former Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Club, David’s Restaurant and adjacent land will be redeveloped in a partnership between the City of...
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