
September 14, 2021
CEC Proposes Funding for Groundbreaking VTA Fleet Electrification Project
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is included on a funding proposal list to receive a $4.68 million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to fund a groundbreaking fleet...
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February 18, 2021
What Will Next Generation High-Capacity Transit Look Like?
As VTA begins planning for what service will look like post-pandemic and beyond, one thing already being studied is the future of high-capacity transit, specifically light rail. The fact that the...
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January 27, 2021
Workshop Lays Out VTA's Complex Budget Process
VTA’s Board members, the majority of which are newly appointed this year, received a briefing on the agency’s complex financial situation at a special workshop January 22. The workshop was intended to...
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August 31, 2020
VTA and Partners Receive Lion's Share of FTA Grant; Added to Bus Automation Community of Practice
Editor's note: This article has been updated since it was originally posted. VTA is the recipient of a multi-million dollar federal grant to help deploy automated electric vehicles designed for...
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May 21, 2020
VTA Workers Rise to Challenge, Find Creative Solution to Protect Their Own
Plastic barriers made from decommissioned bus parts proves quick, economical fix VTA employees at the maintenance yards are used to finding creative fixes to problems with vehicles and getting them...
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November 01, 2019
Data Nerds Unite! Spend GIS Day at VTA!
Come join VTA staff to celebrate international GIS (geographic information system) Day. This event is open to members of the public or technical professionals with an interest in geospatial and...
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October 25, 2019
VTA Serving as a Model for Accessible Autonomous Vehicle Use
Verge Conference 2019 is focused on Carbon pollution, leveraging technologies for a circular economy, decarbonizing the energy system, and supporting the move to zero emissions transportation. VTA has...
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July 16, 2019
New VTA Website to Streamline and Simplify On-Line Help
Ready to meet the new VTA.org? We’re replacing our current website with the new one as soon as Thursday, July 18. The mobile-first design is based on input and testing from real users - transit riders, people affected by or interested in VTA projects, and engaged community members.
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May 30, 2019
Test Drive the Redesigned VTA.org Beta Launching this Summer
We’re nearly ready to launch the new VTA.org. Please visit beta.vta.org to familiarize yourself with the beta version of the new site, and use the Feedback buttons on the side of the pages to share...
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