Keep Santa Clara Valley Beautiful is a countywide, multi-agency initiative to clean and prevent littering on the highways in Santa Clara County. Trash on the highways is hazardous to drivers, the...
A grant award made official by the California Energy Commission's Clean Transportation Program on January 26 brings VTA a big step closer to transitioning to a newer, quieter, greener and zero...
(This article was contributed by VTA Senior Transportation Planner Adam Burger) Imagine a Downtown San José designed to be more sustainable, to combat climate change, to decrease vehicle miles...
When the Los Angeles Rams come to town to take on the home team November 15, they‘ll be bringing more than their game plans for football. The team is helping to beautify communities wherever they go...
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is included on a funding proposal list to receive a $4.68 million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to fund a groundbreaking fleet...
It’s like a carpool…only bigger. Vanpools are gaining in popularity as Bay Area commuters become increasingly frustrated with heavy traffic. Now, VTA is making it more affordable for vanpoolers to pay...
This article was contributed by Transportation Planner Aiko Cuenco and Senior Environmental Planner Lani Lee Ho VTA is honored to be selected as a recipient of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Sustainable...
This post was contributed by VTA's Environmental Team. Sustainability is an integral part of the operation and delivery of accessible, community-focused, and innovative transportation services. As we...
VTA’s Berryessa Transit Center has been awarded the Envision Platinum Award by The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) awards program. The Envision Platinum award recognizes the...