
March 02, 2022
Transit-Oriented Development Moving Forward
UPDATE: At the March 3 VTA Board meeting, the VTA Board of Directors to voted to authorize a Release for Offerings (RFO) for potential project developers for the Winchester Station Transit-Oriented...
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January 31, 2022
Survey: How to Improve Curtner Station Access
We want to improve the rider experience for customers who utilize the Curtner Station, and we need your help. A new survey seeks to better understand how folks use the Station, and what changes they...
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January 25, 2022
Future Winchester TOD Sparks Productive Discussion
More than 40 local residents and business owners tuned in to VTA’s first public meeting soliciting feedback on possible new housing near the Winchester Light Rail Station. The January 19th virtual...
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January 19, 2022
Downtown Transportation Plan Ready for Your Feedback
(This article was contributed by VTA Senior Transportation Planner Adam Burger) Imagine a Downtown San José designed to be more sustainable, to combat climate change, to decrease vehicle miles...
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January 13, 2022
Community Meeting: Potential Winchester Station Development
VTA is considering a project that could provide affordable rental housing adjacent to the Winchester Light Rail Station in Campbell. If approved, the development could enable senior citizens, veterans...
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November 24, 2021
Help Inform the Future of Curtner Station
VTA is conducting a Curtner Station Access Study, concurrent with the Curtner Station Transit-Oriented Development, project to identify recommendations and projects to improve how you get to and from...
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November 02, 2021
Curtner Station Access Study Pop-Up Event
The Curtner Station Access Study is focused on identifying recommendations and projects to improve how you get to and from the Curtner bus and light rail station. We want to learn from you! How do you...
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October 25, 2021
FTA Releases Formal Intention to Expedite Funding for BART Phase II Project
VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project achieved another major milestone to help advance the biggest infrastructure project in Santa Clara County history. VTA received a Letter of Intent (LOI) from...
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October 21, 2021
Community Meeting to Address Housing Near Berryessa Transit Center
VTA’s Transit-Oriented Development program is moving forward on transforming the Berryessa/North San Jose Transit Center into a livable, walkable, shoppable community close to transit. Join VTA on...
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