
December 01, 2022
Feds Clear the Way for VTA to Pursue Billions More in Funding for BART Silicon Valley Extension
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) just received authority to pursue federal funding for up to 50% of the cost of Phase II of the BART Silicon Valley Extension Project. The funding...
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November 30, 2022
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project - December 2022 Newsletter
Project Overview VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project (The Phase II Project) is a six-mile, four-station extension of the regional BART system from the Berryessa/North San José Station...
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November 08, 2022
BART Phase II Opportunities for Contractors
Please join this IN-PERSON meeting to learn about upcoming construction opportunities in VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Program. Meet the project team and representatives from our...
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November 05, 2022
Independent Study Confirms VTA Plans for Single Bore Tunnel
An independent study by world renowned tunneling experts, confirms the Valley Transportation Authority’s single bore tunnel design is the right approach to deliver the BART Silicon Valley 6-mile...
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November 03, 2022
BART Silicon Valley Phase II: Continued Momentum with New Direction
SAN JOSE, CA – VTA made a critical decision in its approach to secure federal funding for the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension (Phase II Project). VTA has submitted a request to the Federal...
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September 09, 2022
Get to know the Capitol Station Transit Oriented Development Project
Transforming the Capitol Station Park & Ride lot into a livable, walkable, shoppable community close to transit is the objective of this transit-oriented development project. Join VTA on September 14...
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August 25, 2022
Innovative Design Suggestions Surface for BART Silicon Valley Phase II
Those eagerly anticipating VTA’s BART Silicon Valley’s extension into San Jose and Santa Clara will soon get a glimpse of how the design of the stations and tunnel are shaping up. A joint committee of...
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July 13, 2022
VTA’s BART Phase II Extension Community Collaboration
As work to bring BART service and four new stations to Silicon Valley moves forward, VTA is entering a more robust collaborative phase on the biggest transportation infrastructure project in County...
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July 01, 2022
VTA Encouraged by California Budget’s Strong Support of Public Transit Projects
The newly signed California state budget represents an historic funding opportunity for public transit operators like the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. VTA hopes to see tremendous...
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