P19045 - Salt Delivery and Installation Service
Important Dates
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) seeks bids from qualified firms to Deliver Salt and Installation Service. Firms interested in obtaining a copy of the Contract Documents including instructions and specifications may do so by accessing the VTA Website at www.VTA.org (then “Doing Business with VTA”) or by contacting Lida Delos Santos at (408) 952-4240 or email: lida.delossantos@vta.org. All interested firms are asked to register on the Website, so they may automatically Notified of any changes to the IFB P19045 document.
- A Pre-Bid conference is scheduled for July 1, 2019; 10:00 AM PST at the following address: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, 3331 North First Street, Building A, San Jose, California 95134-1906. Attendance at the Pre-Bid conference is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged.
- Please Email the buyer listed above to register as a teleconference attendee no later than 2:00 pm PST on Friday, June 29, 2019.
- Brand name or Equal submission deadline are due no later than July 12, 2019 by 5:00PM P.T. at the Purchasing Office at 3331 North First Street, Building A, San Jose, California 95134-1906.
- Sealed bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m. P.T., July 31, 2019, at the Purchasing Office at 3331 North First Street, Building A, San Jose, California 95134-1906.