In lieu of requiring project-specific mitigation measures or improvements, agencies can also consider mitigation frameworks that work on a broader scale such as citywide or area-wide impact fees.
Base fees on land use type or size or tie fees to the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) generation of the land use. Use collected fees to pay for multimodal transportation improvements, prioritized through a community planning process that matches improvements to community needs.
- Jurisdictions can choose to build discounts into the fee structure for projects located in community cores or high-transit areas and incorporate best practices into site and building design.
- Jurisdictions and VTA can collaborate on multi-jurisdictional or countywide improvements along major arterials or transit priority corridors.
- Agencies can study the feasibility of a VMT exchange or bank, in which developers can implement or contribute funds to VMT-reducing projects which are cross-jurisdictional or larger than a single development project can implement.