Equitable Development Incentives

Encourage development projects that include affordable or below-market rate housing near transit to provide low-income residents with achievable housing options near transit and to mitigate potential displacement.


  • Partner with community-based organizations (CBOs) and community development corporations (CDCs) where possible in development, property management, or resident services. 
  • Utilize various capital and financial resources, including local (e.g., taxing and bonding authority), regional, public, private, and philanthropic sources to encourage greater numbers of below-market rate (BMR) and affordable housing units than mandated by inclusionary requirements.
  • Provide lower interest rates and longer terms for affordable housing development to minimize developer financial risk.
  • Allow unbundled parking and eliminate minimum parking requirements for affordable housing and mixed-use developments near transit to increase financial feasibility.
Design Guidelines
Policy & Implementation
The Role of Local Government & Transit First Policies
Guiding Principles of Land Use
Flexible Zoning Strategies
Street Design Implementation
Revising Transportation Analysis Practices
Transportation Demand Management
Rethinking Vehicle Parking Requirements
Parking Management
Best Practices to Attract Successful Developers
Clarifying Design Expectations
Integrating Retail into Transit Oriented Development
Community Planning for Rail Transit
Additional Resources


Related Documents


Photo of children playing and riding tricycles at a playground
Fruitvale Village, Oakland, CA (Source: Flickr - Sergio Ruiz)