Winchester Station Transit-Oriented Development Community Meeting


You are invited to join the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and participate in a virtual community meeting to discuss a proposed Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) at the Winchester Station. The property is located at 2400 Winchester Blvd in Campbell. VTA is considering a TOD project that could provide additional affordable housing in the area.

In this meeting, participants will learn about VTA’s TOD program. VTA wants community input on this location and encourages your attendance at this meeting. You can help shape your neighborhood.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at the meeting. Individuals who require other language translation or accommodations are requested to contact VTA Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575/TTY (408) 321-2330, or email, by January 14, 2022. Additional information is available at

You can join us directly on Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 830 8328 1230

Passcode: 256309

One tap mobile: +16692192599,,83083281230#,,,,*256309# US

Dial by your location: 1-669-219-2599

To view the livestream, without participating, you can watch this meeting on YouTube: