Increasingly, local governments are including explicit transportation demand management (TDM) requirements in formal planning processes. This gives cities more leverage over how TDM is implemented within their jurisdictions and provides the opportunity to align with other planning initiatives, such as climate action planning, changes to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process, smart growth strategies, and first/last mile planning, among others.
Strategies include:
- Encourage cities that have an existing TDM policy or ordinance to enforce and/or strengthen it.
- Support cities that do not have policies to design and implement TDM by developing sample or template policies and ordinances that can be adopted in an efficient manner.
- Engage developers, property managers, and businesses who are required to comply with new TDM policies or ordinances to facilitate a more seamless process for administration of the programs.
- Use vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the basis for transportation analysis of development projects and mitigation instead of level of service (per Senate Bill 743, which was adopted in 2013 and went into full effect in July 2020). Under this framework, the emphasis is placed on reducing automobile travel demand in lieu of building automobile roadway capacity.
- Integrate TDM ordinances in areas focused on traffic mitigation and growth management such as single occupant vehicle (SOV) reduction targets or mode share targets.