

Peery Park  Rides Coming soon!

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in partnership with the City of San Jose, has initiated a study of State Route (SR) 87. Nine miles in length and serving as a connector between US...
State Route (SR) 237 in Santa Clara County connects I-880 and I-680 with US 101 and SR 85, providing an east and west connection between the East Bay Area and the Peninsula. SR 237 connects commuters...
In January 2019, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) through funding from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), initiated a Community-Based Transportation Plan in...
The State Route 85 Transit Guideway Study evaluates transportation alternatives of the 23.7-mile corridor that connects the cities of Mountain View and San Jose, from the State Route 85 / US 101...
In early 2017, VTA initiated a new component of its Complete Streets Program by beginning a series of corridor studies to implement Complete Streets elements along selected roadways in Santa Clara...
The VTA Board of Directors has adopted a 2019 New Transit Service Plan to be implemented when BART service to Santa Clara County begins by the end of 2019. In 2017, VTA adopted the Next Network Plan...
Portions of the Eastridge Loop Road entrance off southbound E. Capitol Expressway in San Jose has collapsed/caved in. This road repair project will limit further road damage, and provide a safer and...
Project locations are in the City of San Jose at the southbound (SB) US-101 diagonal on-ramp from eastbound and westbound Story Road (Location 1) and SB US-101 to SB State Route (SR) 87 freeway to...
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The US-101 Mobility Action Plan (MAP) is a multi-county effort to develop programs and policies intended to maximize the benefits of planned infrastructure projects and address disproportionate...
數月前,當我們開始研究2021年之服務改動,我們預期疫情可能於明年初有所緩和,可惜事與願違.現在疫情肆虐,在滿足衛生要求(例如強制戴上口罩及保持安全社交距離)之同時,繼續為公眾提供安全可靠之公車服務尤其重要.有鑑於此,在暫緩實施2021年服務改動草案之同時,我們將集中精力增加最擁擠路線之班次.關於增加班次之詳情及何時重啟服務改動草案,請繼續留意我們的更新。 鑑於疫情造成的經濟及財務影響...