Support Equitable Transit Oriented Communities
Target growth and development (intensified and mixed land uses) to bus routes, light rail lines, and transit stations and provide pedestrian- and bike-friendly access.
- Ensure developments...
Target growth and development (intensified and mixed land uses) to bus routes, light rail lines, and transit stations and provide pedestrian- and bike-friendly access.
Downtown San José has turned a corner. The arrival of BART can help to further reposition downtown to a new place of prominence in the Bay Area. Current City plans would allow for about 12 million...
The Santa Clara Station Area is transitioning into an important new urban center. The arrival of BART can help to accelerate that positive change. Current Santa Clara and San José plans would allow...
The Federal Transit Administration's Pilot Program for TOD Planning provides funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity...
28th Street is at a key point in its development story. The arrival of BART can help accelerate implementing the areas Urban Village Plans. Current City plans would allow for about 3.6 million square...
Seattle, WA, USA - University District Urban Design Guidelines
The Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development undertook a four-year strategic partnership between the community, city, and...
Promote neighborhood vitality and a balanced mix of uses through standards for jobs/housing ratio, adjustments to setbacks, provision of public open space, and maximum parking requirements...
Current project feasibility challenges necessitate clear entitlement paths to engage a range of private and non-profit partners and successfully deliver healthy, connected, prosperous, and...
Everyone is a pedestrian. Pedestrians are defined as any person on foot, walking, running, jogging, hiking, in a wheelchair, sitting, or lying down. Places that are safe, comfortable, and engaging for...
Austin, TX, USA - Plaza Saltillo, Community Benefits Through Joint Development
Plaza Saltillo, a joint development project at Austin’s eastern Downtown Commuter Rail Station, opened its first phase...
VTA created a Design Development Framework (DDF) for the Downtown San José BART station block intended to guide transit-oriented development (TOD) decision-making for the block. TOD increases transit...
Parking at or near stations should be structured, leaving surface areas available for active uses, including community gathering.
Speed up transit. On VTA’s high-frequency network, provide design and operational enhancements that reduce transit vehicle delay.
The transit-first policy will be implemented in one of the following ways:
System Design
VTA must balance highly technical aspects of planning, design, construction, operations, and maintenance with community needs and expectations alongside the needs and expectations of...
Provide clearly marked and easily navigated ticketing systems that accommodate a range of users. Consideration should be given to providing multiple ways to obtain tickets depending on a person’s...
Create a critical mass of activities such as clustered amenities near transit stops and mobility hubs to encourage “access by proximity”.
Enable easy...