Community Design and Transportation (CDT)
The Community Design and Transportation Manual (CDT) is designed to inspire new thinking about the form and function of growth, broaden and strengthen the range of transportation choices, and make the...
The Community Design and Transportation Manual (CDT) is designed to inspire new thinking about the form and function of growth, broaden and strengthen the range of transportation choices, and make the...
Bring together various community development stakeholders to identify shared project objectives and transit integration opportunities and challenges at the earliest stage in the process to...
Austin, TX, USA - Smart Growth Matrix
To streamline the review process, give a clear sense of development expectations, and provide a financial incentive for Smart Growth, the City of Austin (Texas...
The design of new development is often driven by the physical planning requirements and outlined in zoning codes. Setbacks, height and bulk limits, and building density are factors that directly...
Communities designed to enable people to accomplish daily activities in equal comfort through multiple transit modes lead to healthy, vibrant public life. Concentrating services, activities, and...
The design of parking facilities plays a significant role in a transportation system as parking is always the very start and end of any passenger vehicle trip. Parking design and layout has a...
Fort Collins, CO, USA - Multimodal Level of Service Standards
The City of Fort Collins was one of the first cities to adopt Multimodal Level of Service (MMLOS) standards to evaluate how projects...
Visual cues, landmarks, and useful signage orient pedestrians with their surroundings and destinations and provide safe and easy navigation. Clear sight lines to and from station stops increase...
Establish parking maximums to set a cap of parking needed for specific zones and reduce the potential for an overabundance of parking to detract from an area.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission. “Priority Development Areas (PDAs).”
Plan for neighborhood integration to ensure that new development and the proposed urban pattern provide a natural transition in size, scale, and character to adjacent neighborhoods.
Integrate Trans...
Mountain View, California, USA – Innovative Development Standards
The City of Mountain View approved the East Whisman Precise Plan in 2019 with special standards requiring that new development...
Provision high environmental quality parking facilities that improve water quality by filtering and cooling though stormwater best management practices, including vegetated swales and rain gardens.
...Minimize use of tall shrubs in favor of lower shrubs and groundcovers to allow for greater visibility within a parking area for pedestrian and vehicular safety. Clear lines of sight minimize...
Build in flexibility. Use engineering design discretion to design streets in context with surrounding land uses. Look at the full range of values provided in design manuals, rather than default to the...
Rethinking Parking Requirements: There are new ways to consider how much vehicle parking a city, development, or region should have. Many parking zoning codes err on the side of caution to accommodate...
Provide secure and convenient cycling and micro-mobility amenities including, but not limited to, bike racks, bike lockers, and bike and scooter share to encourage multi-modal transportation.
Conform parking structure height and façades to match the surrounding built environment and adjacent uses. Parking structures should complement the scale and character of the neighborhood.