Unbundle parking to sell or rent parking spaces separate from building costs. Unbundling parking costs allows occupants that do not have a vehicle to pay less than someone who does.
Require new developments to unbundle parking costs to allow occupants to pay for the parking spaces that they need. Unbundling can help to reduce both the parking required for the project, as well as the cost of housing for residents.
Design Guidelines
Development and Built Form
Street Design
Parking Design
Policy & Implementation
The Role of Local Government & Transit First Policies
Guiding Principles of Land Use
Flexible Zoning Strategies
Street Design Implementation
Revising Transportation Analysis Practices
- Revising Transportation Analysis Practices - Home Page
- Modernize Transportation Analysis Policies
- Performance Standards for Active Modes
- Update Level of Service (LOS) Analysis Practices
- Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Multimodal Improvements
- Consider Broader Mitigation Frameworks
- Develop a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Case Studies
Transportation Demand Management
- Transportation Demand Management - Home Page
- Changing the Cost of Commuting
- Helping Communities Leave Their Cars at Home
- Transportation Demand Management and the Development Process
- Transportation Management Associations
- Sustainable Model Education, Infrastructure and Accessibility
- Transit and Transit Oriented Development
- Legal Considerations
- Case Studies
Rethinking Vehicle Parking Requirements
Parking Management
Best Practices to Attract Successful Developers
- Best Practices to Attract Successful Developers - Home Page
- Joint Development
- Casting a Wide Net
- Enumerated Components of Mixed-Use
- Innovative Market Analyses
- Apportioned and Mitigated Risk
- Value Capture Baseline
- Special Taxes and Assessments
- Equitable Development Incentives
- Community Collaboration
- Environmental Regulations
- Case Studies
Clarifying Design Expectations
Integrating Retail into Transit Oriented Development
Additional Resources
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