Eastridge to BART Regional Connector - EBRC

Construction workers and heavy equipment performing demolition work

An operating engineer performs demolition work in the northwest corner of S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road, while a construction worker observes and safeguards the activities. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]

Project Background

The Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project (EBRC) extends light rail from the existing Alum Rock Light Rail Station to the Eastridge Transit Center with an elevated guideway primarily in the center of the Capitol Expressway. The Eastridge extension will include an elevated light rail station at Story Road and an at-grade station located at the Eastridge Transit Center. When this project is complete, VTA riders can board the light rail at the Eastridge Station and connect directly with BART at the Milpitas Station.

This project (formerly Capitol Expressway Light Rail Project) has been delivered in phases. The first phase was delivered in two parts. In Phase 1A, VTA addressed pedestrian access and improved safety measures along the expressway between Quimby Road and Capitol Avenue. This was completed in Fall 2012 and included new sidewalks, street lighting, and a landscaping buffer. Phase 1B was the reconstruction of the Eastridge Transit Center. The improvements to the transit center included new shelters and amenities and support BRT. This was completed in 2015. 

The light rail extension is Phase 2, and the final phase of the larger Capitol Expressway Transit Improvement Project that transforms the Capitol Expressway into a multi-modal expressway offering bus rapid transit (BRT), light rail transit, and safe connections to the regional transit system.

Project Status

Construction has started and is anticipated to be completed in 2028. Construction activities will increase traffic and drive time from permanent and temporary lane closures on Capitol Expressway. Construction activities are noisy. There will be large equipment that causes vibrations that will be felt by people who live or work along the corridor.

Weekly Updates
031025 Striping and K-rail Installation

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
Weekly Construction Update   
Monday, March 10, 2025

Construction workers and heavy equipment performing demolition work

An operating engineer performs demolition work in the northwest corner of S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road, while a construction worker observes and safeguards the activities. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]

Rain is expected later this week. The general forecast is a 90% chance of rain on Wednesday, 80% on Thursday and rain on Friday. Construction activities will continue throughout the construction zone, as deemed appropriate by the contractor. 
A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue was completed on Friday, March 7. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. After striping at night, the concrete barriers (K-rail) were moved during the day into the section where re-striping was completed. 
This will allow structure work in the median soon.
Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. The speed limit is 35 mph. Please slow down.

Moving Forward,
The Construction and Engagement Team

Anticipated work through April 4, 2025
PARTIAL LIST - *Construction activities can change at any time

  • Drainage work will occur overnight on northbound Capitol Avenue on Capitol Expressway/Capitol Ave/Excalibur Drive through March 19. Expect lane closures overnight.
  • Pile driving continues on the west side of Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Eastridge Loop. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  
  • Falsework removal will occur on northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road from Wednesday, March 19, through Tuesday, March 25.   Expect overnight road closures with detours between 10:00 pm and 5:30 am.
  • Falsework installation will occur on southbound Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Tully Road from Tuesday, April 1, through Friday, April 4. Expect overnight road closures with detours between 10:00 pm and 5:30 am. 
  • Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues segments between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 
  • The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
  • Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for Thursday, March 20 at night, with K-Rail installation on Friday, March 21 during the day. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. Expect lane closures overnight.
  • The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for five days to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems. The 24-hour-a-day operation is scheduled from Wednesday, March 19, through Monday, March 24. This intersection will be closed during the day and at night for these five days.
  • Please note: 
  • This work will close the intersection and pose significant transit impacts for bus lines 23, 25, and the corresponding Bus Bridge in place. Expect delays of 15-30 minutes, as well as missed connections.  
  • Please call the VTA Customer Service Call Center at (408) 321-2300 to help plan your trip accordingly.  
  • Pedestrians will not be able to cross Capitol Avenue at Wilbur Avenue and will need to cross at Florence Avenue.   
  • Vehicles exiting Montevista Apartments via Nuestra Castillo Court will need to turn right towards Capitol Expressway; vehicles exiting Wilbur Avenue will need to turn right towards Alum Rock Avenue.  In both instances, turning left won’t be possible.
  • Beginning on Monday, March 24, Crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve units 1-10 of K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property located by S&S Market, for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 
  • Full road closure details have been broadcast via CMS boards placed along the project corridor and will be posted to the vta.org/ebrc website and shared on social media platforms (X, Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and Next Door). Please stay attentive when driving along the project site.
  • Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning, from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. Day crews work Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am through 5:00 pm. Crew schedules and construction activities can change at any time.

The Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Policy Advisory Board meeting will be held next Wednesday at 4pm. Meeting details are provided at VTA.org
The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   
 Community Outreach Office 
(408) 321-7575

#  #  #


030425 Night Work, Traffic Shift, Intersection Closure, and more!


Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
Weekly Construction Update  
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Resident Engineer, Surveyor, and home owners

Resident Engineer Scott Hensler explains to homeowners the upcoming construction activities in front of their home while a surveyor ensures the accurate layout for the upcoming roadway, sidewalk, and driveway activities. [Photo: VTA/EBRC LFP].



The weather forecast indicates rain this week, which will push the construction activities such as installing K-Rail and striping by two days.

The rest of this month is filled with traffic shifts and subsequent lane and road closures, with a highlight on two important road closures: one at the intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Avenue for OCS purposes (Overhead Catenary System), and the closure at northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala to Story to remove segments of falsework. 

Drainage work will continue at night on Capitol Expressway north of Story Road, and on March 10th, the sidewalks and curbs on Kollmar Drive by K&K Apartments will be reconstructed.

Please remember that scheduled construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions. Please check the “Anticipated Work” section below for details on each activity. 

The speed limit throughout the construction zone is 35 mph. Worker and public safety are of the utmost importance. We remind the public to slow down, as some of the lanes at the intersections will be striped to a minimum width of 10’. Respect the construction zone if driving, and be alert while walking or riding bikes on temporary paths.

Moving Forward!
The Construction and Engagement Team


ANTICIPATED WORK through Sunday, March 30, 2025
*Construction activities can change at any time


Drainage work will occur overnight on northbound Capitol Avenue on Capitol Expressway/Capitol Ave/Excalibur Drive through March 19. Expect road closures overnight.

Pile driving continues on the west side of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Tully Road. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

Falsework removal will occur on northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road from Wednesday, March 19, through Tuesday, March 25.   Expect overnight road closures between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.

Falsework installation will occur on southbound Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Tully Road from Tuesday, April 1, through Friday, April 4.

Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues on segments between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue is anticipated to begin on Thursday, March 6. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. This operation will utilize lane closures at night for two consecutive nights on northbound Capitol Expressway south of Story Road to Capitol Avenue. After striping at night, the concrete barriers (K-rail) will be moved during the day into the section where re-striping has been completed. This will allow structure work in the median soon.

Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for Monday, March 17, and Tuesday, March 18, with K-Rail installation during the day and striping during the night. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median.
The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for five days to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems. The 24-hour-a-day operation is scheduled from Wednesday, March 19, through Monday, March 24. This intersection will be closed during the day and at night for these five days.

Please note:

  • This work will close the intersection and pose significant transit impacts for bus lines 23, 25, and the corresponding Bus Bridge in place. Expect delays of 15-30 minutes, as well as missed connections.  
  • Please call the VTA Customer Service Call Center at (408) 321-2300 to help plan your trip accordingly.  
  • Pedestrians will not be able to cross Capitol Avenue at Wilbur Avenue and will need to cross at Florence Avenue.   
  • Vehicles exiting Montevista Apartments via Nuestra Castillo Court will need to turn right towards Capitol Expressway; vehicles exiting Wilbur Avenue will need to turn right towards Alum Rock Avenue.  In both instances, turning left won’t be possible.

Beginning on Monday, March 10, Crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve units 1-10 of K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property located by S&S Market, for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 

Full road closure details have been broadcast via CMS boards placed along the project corridor and will be posted to the
vta.org/ebrc website and shared on social media platforms (X, Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and Next Door). Please stay attentive when driving along the project site.
Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning, from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. Day crews work Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am through 5:00 pm. Crew schedules and construction activities can change at any time.

Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. The speed limit is 35 mph. PLEASE SLOW DOWN!

men and women, construction workers

Respect the Cone Zone, Protect the Workforce.
Be Our Partner in Safety!



Graffiti removal

(Capitol Expressway & Capitol Avenue) - Before and After. Graffiti by the construction zone is a recurring problem. Thankfully, the community outreach team is working closely with the contractor to promptly respond and repaint. [Photo by MCM Construction, AK].



A construction update is scheduled to be mailed this week to 14,000 residents and businesses near the project. This publication includes important information that will help the public navigate the construction zone through May. The EBRC construction update is translated from English to Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Tagalog.


The Community Outreach team is eager to connect! Feel free to reach out if you’d like us to table with information at your resource fair or present updates at your Neighborhood Association meeting


The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  


 Community Outreach Office
(408) 321-7575


#  #  #

022425 Night Work, Traffic Shift, and Intersection Closure

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
Weekly Construction Update  
Monday, February 24, 2025

Intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road

There will be changes to the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection this March after traffic lanes are shifted. As a result, the Expressway will have three lanes in each direction. [Aerial Photo by Mark DeFeo, Heliphotos/MCM Construction].  


Night work is steadily happening at various locations, allowing the project to move forward according to schedule. Additionally, night work is pivotal for minimizing traffic disruptions during the day. Beginning on Sunday evening, February 23, and for the next four weeks, night crews will be performing utility work on northbound Capitol Expressway towards Capitol Ave.

Anticipated for March 4th at night, crews will stripe northbound Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue, followed by setting K-rail. This will take at least two days. A couple of weeks later, they will perform similar work (striping and setting K-Rail), but on southbound Capitol Expressway between Excalibur Drive and Story Road.

Starting at midnight on March 19, a major construction activity will take place at the north end of the project by the VTA Alum Rock Station. The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for a few days for crucial work to relocate the existing overhead electrical systems.

Moving Forward! 

The EBRC Construction and Engagement Team

Three engineers were recognized for their collaborative work at a recent EBRC partnering event

(Left to Right) - Jake McDaniel, Project Engineer for MCM Construction, Johnny Rowe, Project Engineer for VTA, and Wenlin Yang, Deputy Project Manager for VTA. The three engineers were recognized by their peers for their commitment to a successful construction of the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector. This happened during a recent Partnering Workshop in Milpitas, CA.  [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 

falsework structure

Temporary support system for the new VTA Guideway on Capitol Expressway. [Photo by Bill Faoro/MCM Construction]

Anticipated work through Sunday, March 23, 2025


Drainage work is occurring on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue. 

Pile driving continues on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Tully Road. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

Falsework moves northbound on Capitol Expressway towards Story Road as construction crews continue building columns.

Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.
Night work continues at Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of March. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.
Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.  
Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway. 
The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue is anticipated for March 4 and 5. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.

Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for March 13 and 14. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.
The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for a few days for crucial work to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems and remove the tracks. This is scheduled to begin on March 19.
Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 

graphic showing construction workers

Respect the Cone, Protect the Workforce. Be Our Partner in Safety!


Winter 2024 Newsletter

Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector (EBRC) Winter 2024 Newsletter. [Photo by LFP/VTA/EBRC]

The EBRC Winter Newsletter was mailed to 14,000 residents and businesses near the project. This publication includes an article on environmental stewardship, an explanation of how the aerial light rail extension is built, and a summary of outreach activities for 2024. The newsletter is translated from English to Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Tagalog.

We have hard copies and a digital, ADA-compliant version. Groups or organizations interested in having copies of the EBRC Winter Newsletter should email us for pick up or delivery. 


Community Outreach staff met with members of the Stakeholder Working Group on Thursday, February 20, via Zoom. If you would like us to attend neighborhood meetings, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  

Community Outreach Office
(408) 321-7575

021825 Traffic shifts, intersections, and night work

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
Weekly Construction Update   
Tuesday, February 18, 2025  

Construction workers remove the formwork from the bridge stem wall and apply curing compound. [Photo VTA/EBRC]. 

Construction workers remove the formwork from the bridge stem wall and apply curing compound. [Photo VTA/EBRC].  

Last week’s rain didn’t stop construction crews from building the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector. Before heavy rains hit, EBRC’s environmental staff took appropriate stormwater pollution control measures within the construction zone.

Work is happening simultaneously at several locations, and as the project advances, more traffic shifts will be implemented. On the north side of the project, by the VTA Alum Rock station, major work involving road closures for a few days will occur in March.

More details to follow in future updates.
Moving Forward! 

A large crane and two workers

A worker in the field and a crane operator maneuver cables for sheet pile driving at the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.  [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 

Anticipated work through Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sections of Falsework will be moved from Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue to another section where columns are already built.

Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue. 

Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction.  

Night work continues at Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. 

Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.   

Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway.  

Temporary striping on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will be performed between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am.    

The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.    

A 4-to-3 lane reduction will take place on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue.

Lanes will be temporarily shifted on Capitol Expressway between S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road to allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.


Before and after - a wall impacted by graffiti and clean afterwards

On Friday afternoon, one of the community members called to report graffiti. As usual, the team responded quickly and repainted the wall. [Photo by VTA/EBRC PL].

The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   
For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org 


Shop Local Campaign

The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   

021025  Traffic Shifts and Temporary Lane Closures

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)   
Weekly Construction Update    
Monday, February 10, 2025    


Two 164-ft cranes stand on the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road for sheet and pile driving to build the foundation and columns that will support the guideway transition from the median to the west side of Capitol Expressway.

Cranes stand on the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road for sheet and pile driving to build the foundation/ columns that will support the guideway transition from the median to the west side of Capitol Expressway. [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 


Beginning next week, traffic shifts will be implemented for the next stage of activities. Lanes will be shifted outwards and temporary railing (Type K) will be placed on Capitol Expressway near Story Road to make room in the middle, for building the aerial guideway through the intersection.  

In the southern part of the project, the guideway will transition towards the west side of the expressway, in front of the airport, to ultimately land at the new VTA Eastridge Station. Temporary lane closures will be utilized on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road to allow for the installation of temporary railing (Type K) in the median.   

The first half of the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue serving the K&K Apartments are scheduled for replacement starting February 19, 2025. During this time, tenants will not be able to access their parking stalls. Construction crews will replace one half of the  driveways at a time, while temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot. VTA Outreach has been coordinating with the property management and tenants well in advance of this activity to ensure access to a designated parking area.  

Please remember that construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions.  

Moving Forward!  


The Construction and Engagement Team 


a water truck on Excalibur Drive

A sweeper truck at Excalibur Drive removes soil tracked on roads while construction activities continue. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP].   


Anticipated work through Friday, February 28, 2025  


  • The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.    

  • Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.   

  • Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue.   

  • Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.   

  • Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction.  

  • Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. 

  • Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrian, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.   

  • Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway.  

  • Temporary striping on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will be performed between10:00 pm and 7:00 am.nbsp;



Community Outreach  

Eastboud Story Road filled with cars during traffic rush hour

Community Outreach staff continue engaging with residents and business owners to ensure their concerns are addressed. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]. 


The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. Community Outreach staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   

For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org    

Shop Local Campaign

The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   


020325 Rain, Mud Tracking Devices, and Concrete Pouring

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
Weekly Construction Update  
Monday, February 3, 2025  


Construction of the bridge superstructure is progressing rapidly, with pile driving and concrete pours between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Next week, more piles will be driven for the Story station structure near AutoZone.

Pile driving continues on the northwest side of Tully Road as the light rail alignment transitions from the median to the west side of the expressway in front of the airport. 

Later in February (2/20), the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve K&K Apartments will be replaced. During this time, tenants will not be able to access their parking stalls. To minimize disruption, construction crews will replace two driveways at a time while temporary parking will be provided in front of S&S Market. VTA Outreach has been coordinating with the property management and tenants well in advance of this activity.

Worker safety and the safety of the public is our number one priority. Please continue helping us spread the word regarding the 35mph speed limit. 

Moving Forward!


Paving and related activities, including K-rail rearrangement, continue on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive. 

The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.

Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Story Road. 

Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

In mid-February, crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve K&K Apartments. To minimize disruption, construction crews will replace two driveways at a time, while temporary parking will be provided in front of S&S Market.

Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning. 
Drainage work is underway on the corner of Story Road and Capitol Expressway toward the VTA bus station. 

Two crosswalks at the Tully Road intersection are closed and will continue for the next six months. Pedestrians and cyclists are reminded to use the available crosswalks, be cautious, and follow the signs.

Community Outreach 

The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule. Beginning on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, it will be open on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. Community Outreach staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  

For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org   
The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.  

012725 Drainage, Pile Driving, and Residents

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
Weekly Construction Update   
Monday, January 27, 2025   

On Saturday, January 25, construction crews successfully moved a 164-foot crane from the southeast corner of Capitol Expressway and Story Road to the southwest corner by Autozone. This happened between 12:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m.   
During this activity, the southbound Capitol Expressway at Story Road was closed, with detours in place. The public did not report any issues or concerns, and we appreciate their understanding. The road closure was necessary to ensure safety while moving the crane. A traffic advisory was widely publicized a few days before the closure.   
This move allows crews to begin building the southwest area of the new VTA Story Road Station, which includes stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing.   
Construction continues progressing north, south, and at the median of Capitol Expressway, with work taking place day and night as necessary. 
Moving Forward! 
The Construction and Engagement Team  

Anticipated work through Sunday, February 2, 2025  (Partial List)  

Paving and related activities, including K-rail rearrangement, continue on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive.  
Sewage work is underway on the corner of Story Road and Capitol Expressway, toward the VTA bus station.  
Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.   
Also, in mid-February, crews will be working on S. Capitol Avenue, eastside, by K&K Apartments. This will require moving approximately 10 tenant parking spaces. Arrangements have been made to relocate them to a parking lot near S&S Market.  
Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road.   
Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.   
Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.   
Relocation of the BRT Station will continue at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue intersection.    

Community Outreach 

Recently, EBRC's staff met with a group of homeowners from Dover Way who are forming a Neighborhood Association. Staff responded to their questions during the meeting. Staff continue to engage with homeowners and tenants as construction reaches areas near their neighborhood. 
Staff responded to a couple of homeowners' calls regarding potential impacts to their property due to construction. MCM Construction, the prime contractor, and the project staff are working to provide a response to their concerns. 

The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction. The public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   
The community outreach office trailer is located within the construction Zone. We are open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment.   
For questions or concerns, please contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org     

012125 Cranes, Paving, Pouring, and Home Visits

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
Weekly Construction Update  
Tuesday, January 21, 2025  

Pile driving is currently underway to build the stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing for the VTA Story Road Station at S&S Market. Crews drove piles in the southeast corner of the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection by S&S Market, which continues to be open for business during construction. 
Work to build the stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing for the VTA Story Road Station on the southwest corner of the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection at AutoZone is planned to start January 27. However, before this happens, the large crane that was used at the southeast corner will be moved across the Capitol Expressway. The move is planned for January 25 between 12:01 AM and 5:00 AM. Southbound Capitol Expressway will be closed at Story Road to move the crane. Detours will be in place to direct traffic. 
On Monday, January 20, 2025, construction progressed as usual, with work happening both during the day and at night. 
Moving Forward, 
The Construction and Engagement Team 

Anticipated work through Sunday, January 26, 2025 (Partial List) 

Within the last few days, construction crews hauled dirt from the median of Capitol Expressway and moved it to a designated site in Sunol. 

Concrete placement for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

Night work is taking place on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning. 

A large crane will be moved from the east side of Capitol Expressway to the west side of Capitol Expressway at night. The move is planned for January 25 between 12:01 AM and 5:00 AM.

Southbound Capitol Expressway will be closed at Story Road to move the crane. Detours will be in place to direct traffic. 

Relocation of the BRT Station will continue at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue intersection.   

Drainage work is taking place at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

Community Outreach
As construction advances and intensifies, community outreach staff continue responding to residents who express various concerns, such as graffiti, noise, vibration, parking, streetlights, and other issues. Information on construction activities and traffic is provided as timely as possible. 
The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction. The public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop. 
The community outreach office trailer is located within the construction Zone. We are open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 
For questions or concerns, please contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  


011325 Construction activities are gearing up in 2025

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
Weekly Construction Update 
Monday, January 13, 2025 


Construction activities are gearing up in 2025 with the first of the major concrete pour for the bridge deck close to Ocala Avenue. Other construction activities are continuing near Capitol Expressway/Story Road intersection where Story Road station will be constructed. 

Construction activities have intensified in northern part of the project, with day and night work. Daywork continues in the southern part of the project near Tully and Ocala. Pedestrian paths are clearly delineated. We ask the public to respect the construction zone by not littering.

Staff members continue engaging with business owners, residents, and elected officials, responding to their concerns, discussing mitigation as appropriate, and providing information in five languages about construction and traffic conditions.

Temporary lane closures and other modifications to traffic will continue as necessary. The project team is always seeking ways to minimize disruptions. 

Safety is of utmost importance. We continue asking motorists to obey the 35-mph speed limit and appreciate the actions officers from the San Jose Police Departments take in support of the EBRC Project. 

Moving Forward,

The Construction and Engagement Team

Anticipated work through Sunday, January 20, 2025
(Partial List)


•    Concrete placement for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road to begin on 01/14/25.

•    Pile driving will take place at various locations throughout the week. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

•    Shoring will take place at the Story BRT station located after the northeast of Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

•    Drainage work at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

•    Several construction activities will continue at S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete.   

•    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.

•    Pile driving will continue the west side of Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road.

Community Outreach

Staff has been very busy responding to business owners and residents. Flyers were delivered to tenants at apartments near Story Road to inform them of upcoming construction activities. 

The public is welcome to stop by our community outreach office located within the construction Zone. The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 

For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  

010625 Happy New Year 

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
Weekly Construction Update 
Monday, January 6, 2025

Happy New Year!

Work over the holiday was light. Activities were mainly kept to the continuation of the sanitary/sewer relocation.

We have experienced safety concerns over alleged gang activity, and unhoused individuals harassing staff and interrupting overnight construction activities. VTA met with San Jose Police Department (SJPD). SJPD will increase patrols to ensure the safety of the crews and public. SJPD arranged for off duty police officers to be present beginning Sunday evening. Off duty officers are not always going to be available. VTA is exploring having armed private security to ensure safety. SJPD has been added to this weekly update.

Safety is a top priority. Community members must stay out of the construction area for their own safety and the safety of the crews and other VTA staff. Harassment of crew and staff working on this project will not be tolerated and police will be called to manage any threat to safety.

There has been a number of cars, and an RV permanently parked along S. Capitol Avenue @ Excalibur in the project right of way that are impeding the construction schedule. People are living in these vehicles. VTA is working with SCC Sheriff tow notices were issued on January 1. All individuals were contacted by Home First, service provider for unhoused, offering assistance services in advance of receiving a tow notice. Cars not moved after the 72 hours will be towed.

Weekly staff/contractor construction meetings resume this week, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. 

Moving Forward,

The EBRC Community Outreach and Construction Team

Anticipated, ongoing work through January 17, 2025
Overnight activities to complete sanitary sewer are ongoing around Capitol Expressway/Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway/Story Road intersections. This work requires lane closures that cannot occur during the day. 
Overnight activities to install rebar on frames 19, 18, 17, and frame 16. These are located on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

During the daytime, weather and conditions permitting, the following activities are ongoing:
•    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Stem and soffit). Work is forming and pouring the base of the bridge (Frames 17 and 16), in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

•    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Deck). Work is forming and pouring the top of the box girder (Frames 19 and 18), in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.  

•    Work will be conducted at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities taking place in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station, and Capital Car Wash. Temporary Lane closures will continue to be implemented.  

•    Several activities, including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving, continue at S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete.   

•    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.

•    Pile driving on the west side of Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will occur.  
Community Outreach 
Community outreach staff and MCM’s CRO continue to address residential concerns regarding noise, pothole/tire damage claims, and coordinate activities with businesses.

Field Office on Capitol Expressway and Story Road
•    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 

•    For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  

122324 Holiday schedule and more

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
Weekly Construction Update 
Monday, December 23, 2024 

Winter conditions have not deterred construction crews from building the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector, and they are building it fast. Although rain impedes construction and creates mud in the project area, workers continue pile driving, trenching, covering dirt piles, and keeping the area clean.
With one exception, most of the crew will be off the week of Christmas. Their time off means that residents and motorists will have a break from construction activities, except for a crew working two nights on Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue, on Sunday, December 22, and Monday, December 23.   
Staff continues working with residents to find temporary solutions to noise and other disruptions.

Please note: the construction meeting held every Wednesday will resume on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. 

Moving Forward,

The EBRC Construction and Outreach Team

Anticipated, ongoing work through the end of December 2024
1. In observance of the Christmas Holiday, day crews are off from Saturday, December 21, through Sunday, December 29, 2024. Day work will resume on Monday, December 30, 2024.

2. Night crews are off from Friday, December 20, through Saturday, December 28, 2024, except for a group scheduled to work on Sunday and Monday evenings, December 22 and 23, 2024. Night work will resume on Sunday, December 29, 2024. 
3. During the regular schedule, these activities will take place on an ongoing basis:
•    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Stem and soffit) pivot according to weather conditions. Work is forming the base of the bridge (Frame 18), the median of Capitol Expressway near Ocala Avenue.  
•    Day and night work will be conducted at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities taking place in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station, and Capital Car Wash. Temporary Lane closures will continue to be implemented.  
•    Several activities, including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving, continue on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete; work will shift towards the intersection, which involves night work.   
•    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road. 
Community Outreach 

On Friday, December 13, project staff hosted a community appreciation holiday gathering at the Outreach Field Office. Staff were delighted to interact with residents and business owners who participated. District 5 Councilmember Peter Ortiz donated the lovely tree adorning our outreach office. The delicious refreshments were purchased from La Grullensa at the Crossroads Shopping Center. VTA is supporting the local business community with the recent launch of the Shop Local-Shop Capitol Expressway campaign.

Shout out to our colleagues who supported this event. VTA's Facilities team set up our tables, lighting, tents, and heaters, keeping everyone comfortable, warm, and dry. Our Creative Services team designed the invitations, provided project photos that were on display, and photographed the event.

On Friday, December 20, construction staff and leadership visited crews along the 2.4-mile project to express sincere appreciation for their work. Donuts from World Donuts ‘n Ice Cream at Crossroads Shopping Center and coffee from a Starbucks nearby were shared early morning as workers began their shifts. [Photos by VS/LFP].
Field Office on Capitol Expressway and Story Road
•    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 
•    The Outreach Field Office will be closed for the Holidays and will resume its regular schedule on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Staff is available by phone or email. 
•    For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  
*** We wish everybody a Happy and Safe Holiday! ***

The Construction and Engagement Team 

112224 Rain and Thanksgiving 

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector   
Weekly Construction Update   
Friday, November 22, 2024 



Construction continues with multiple activities such as potholing, drainage, excavation pile driving and bridge falsework. Night work activities include falsework, rebar and drainage installation. Work at Tully Road, Ocala Avenue and Story Road intersections have ramped up. Roadway widening at S. Capitol Avenue continues. 

As we enter the rainy season, contractors are adjusting their activities and schedules. Crews are preparing for this weekend’s expected rain by sweeping construction areas and covering all exposed dirt piles.  

Pile driving activity, noise, vibration, and other construction activities are felt by those who live on streets parallel to the project. Staff is in constant communication with residents and business owners, and we truly appreciate their patience while we build the light rail extension.  

Construction activities will stop on November 28th and 29th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Construction activities and traffic changes are scheduled to resume on Monday, December 2nd. 

Anticipated work from 11/23/24 through 12/08/24   

1. Day and night work at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities going on in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station and Capital Car Wash. Temporary lane closures will continue to be implemented.   

2. K-rail will be placed on Kollmar Drive near S&S Market. Beginning on December 2, 2024: One way traffic on sections of Kollmar Drive, with detours to Sussex Avenue and McGinness Drive.  

3. Day work with intermittent, temporary lane closures by the Mercedez Benz Dealership at the Northeast corner of the Capitol Expressway and Tully Road intersection.  

4.Roadwork at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue continues.  

5. Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete; work will then shift towards the intersection, and it involves night work.    

6. Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.   

7. Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime as needed, accompanied by lane closures.   

8. Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. A traffic advisory will be posted along with signage no less than 5 days in advance.  



Holiday Celebration, Friday, December 13th 4pm-7pm 
at the Community Outreach office at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. Light refreshments will be provided, along with fun activities for all.  

The Community Outreach Field Office is open on  
Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and   
Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.    

Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org  

Moving Forward, 

The Construction and Engagement Team 


111824 Work at the intersections with Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Tully Road

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector   
Weekly Construction Update   
Friday, November 22, 2024


Falsework is advancing northbound on Capitol Expressway from the Ocala Avenue intersection toward the Story Road intersection. Construction activities such as pile driving and column forming continue north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. K-Rail placement and utility work begins at Story Road and in other areas. 

Following community input regarding access for pedestrian and bike riders, and to improve the experience of motorists and bus riders, additional signs along the construction zone have been installed. Night work continues to take place this week and next. 

Looking ahead, please note that construction activities will stop on Nov 28th and 29th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Work may resume on Sunday evening, December 1st. 

Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:
·    Chevron Gas Station – Work is underway. The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway is temporarily closed while crews perform driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road is open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open for the time being. Pedestrian and bike riders can use the temporary sidewalk on Capitol Expressway and Story Road while this is happening.

·    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.   
·    World Oil Gas Station – K-Rail placement is expected this week.  The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only, while the driveway on Story Road will remain open. The area will have proper signage. 

Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:
·    Mercedez Benz Dealership – Day work to install drainage systems has begun and it will continue for several weeks until completed, with intermittent, temporary lane closures. Flaggers are present and proper signs are in place. 
Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

·    Crossroads Shopping Center –Remaining work includes concrete island, planting, and some street lighting. 


·    Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street –Street lighting installation is pending. 

·    Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue through the end of November.  


Currently, bus #70 is no longer doing the reroute via Leeward. Southbound 70 bus riders may catch the bus on Ocala nearside Capitol at the temporary stop. 

Anticipated work from 11/16/24 through 12/01/24 
***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 
Day Work                               
·    Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway. 
·    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
·    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
·    Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime as needed, accompanied by lane closures. 

·    Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. Advance notice will be provided about this activity. 
·    Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.   

·    Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible.

·    For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.   

·    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
 Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 
Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  

·    The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. 

·    Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

Moving Forward, 

The Construction and Engagement Team

110824 Falsework, Pile Driving, Intersections

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector  
Weekly Construction Update  
Friday, November 8, 2024 

The contractors are scheduled to work on Veterans’ Day (11/11/2024), weather conditions permitting. Night work and lane closures continue intermittently. Construction activities are now focusing on the Capitol Expressway intersections with Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Tully Road.  
A construction update for November was delivered by mail and delivered door-door to homes next to the project. Information is provided in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, and Chinese. The monthly project update has resumed and sent via email to stakeholders who subscribe for updates via the EBRC website. The public is encouraged to submit comments or concerns via this link: Contact EBRC Staff | VTA. 
Construction takes a break in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday from Thursday, November 28th through Saturday, November 30th.  Work is planned to resume on Sunday night, after Thanksgiving. 
Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road: 
•    Chevron Gas Station – Work is underway. The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway is temporarily closed while crews perform underground utility relocation and driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road is open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open for the time being. Pedestrian and bike riders can use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening. 
•    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Drive. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.    
•    World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, demolition, underground drainage, sanitary sewer construction, curb and gutter, driveway and roadway construction near the station will require a temporary barrier and lane closures. The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only.   
Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road: 
•    Mercedez Benz Dealership – Work to install drainage systems has begun and it will continue for several weeks until completed. 

Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway: 
•    Crossroads Shopping Center – The last outside roadway widening activities at this location are underway, and the removal of temporary barriers is anticipated for mid-November. 

•    Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are complete, with minor details and sidewalk work to be completed next week. Street lighting installation and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for Mid-November.  
•    Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue through the end of November.   
•    Eastbound Route 70 buses have been rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway until Spring 2025. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.  
•    VTA will continue monitoring to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.  
Anticipated work from 11/09/24 through 11/27/24  
***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.  
Day Work                                
•    Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.  
•    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
•    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
•    Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime, with use of lane closures.  
•    Eastbound Ocala Avenue will again be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. This is currently planned for the week of 11/17.  
•    Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.    
•    Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible. 

•    For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.    

•    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on 
Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and  
Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.   

•    The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.  

•    Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org 
Moving Forward,  

The Construction and Engagement Team 


110124 Work to begin on Story Rd and Capitol Expressway

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
Weekly Construction Update 
Friday, November 1, 2024



Overnight work is scheduled to begin on Sunday, Nov 3rd. Crews will be working overnight in the median of Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue this week and on the northbound side near Tully Road next week. K-rail will be installed on the west side of Capitol Expressway south of Ocala to begin the demolition and roadway widening work, including the BRT station relocation.  Daywork will continue next week at the project's northeast end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station on Capitol Avenue, and on S. Capitol Avenue, westside.

Construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions.



Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:

  • Chevron Gas Station – Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November 5, 2024; The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway will be temporarily closed while crews perform underground utility relocation and driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road will be open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open. Pedestrian and bike riders will be able to use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening.
  • Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.  


  • World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, demolition, underground drainage, sanitary sewer construction, curb and gutter, driveway and roadway construction near the station will require a temporary barrier and lane closures. The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only. 

Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:

  • Mercedez Benz Dealership - Night work to install drainage systems is anticipated to begin on the week of November 10, 2024, and continue for several weeks until completed.

Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

  • Crossroads Shopping Center – Driveway and curbs are completed on S. Capitol Avenue. Work continues with concrete pouring, sidewalk, installing streetlights, landscaping and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for mid-November.


  • Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are complete, with minor details and sidewalk work to be completed next week. Street lighting installation and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for Mid-November.
  • Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving are expected to continue through the end of November. 


  • Due to the temporarily lane closures for underground work and new K-rails that will be installed next week (which makes it more difficult for a bus to make a right turn onto Capitol Expressway), for the next phase of road widening work, eastbound Route 70 buses have been rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway until Spring 2025. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.
  • VTA completed additional temporary lighting to the stations and will continue to monitor to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.

Anticipated work from 11/02/24 through 11/22/24

***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.  

Day Work                              

  • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
  • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
  • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
  • Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes overnight due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely – this overnight work is planned to start on 11/3 (Sunday).
  • Eastbound Ocala Avenue will again be temporarily closed during 9 am - 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway for a couple days, currently planned for the week of 11/10.
  • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



  • Current work locations are preparing for upcoming rainy season.
  • Fiber rolls for erosion and sediment control have been installed throughout the active median on Capitol Expressway.
  • Drain inlets throughout the project site are protected from construction activities.


  • Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible.
  • VTA Outreach Staff will present a project update at Coffee with the Principal at Katherine Smith Elementary School on November 11, 2024.
  • The latest construction update (Nov 1-30, 2024) is being delivered to residents and business owners.
  • For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.  
  • The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
     Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and
    Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  
  • The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.
  • Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

Moving Forward,

The Construction and Engagement Team

102524 Businesses, Residences, Bus Operations, Environmental

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector  
 Weekly Construction Update  
 Friday, October 25, 2024

Work continues at the median of Capitol Expressway, North and South of Ocala Avenue. Work is also underway at the project's north end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station on Capitol Avenue, and on S. Capitol Avenue, westside. Community Outreach staff are communicating with residents and businesses, to keep the community apprised of activities and address their issues and concerns.

Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:
·    Chevron Gas Station – In early November, one of the two driveways on Story Road will remain open, while the driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway will be temporarily closed. Pedestrian and bike riders will be able to use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening. 

·    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.   
·    World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, and underground drainage and sanitary sewer construction in the roadways near the station will require temporary lane closure however the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open. At the end of the year when new curb and sidewalk activities begin, customers will be able to enter the gas station from Capitol Expressway. They will exit to Story Road. Directional signage will be in place to direct traffic in and out of the station.

Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:
·    Mercedez Benz Dealership - Overnight work to install drainage systems is anticipated to begin on the week of November 3and continue for several weeks until late November. 

Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

  • Crossroads Shopping Center – Driveway and curbs are completed. The sidewalk work in the surrounding area continues and is anticipated to be substantially completed by the end of October.  Street lighting and remaining work is expected to be completed by mid-November.


  • Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are completed. The sidewalk work in the surrounding area continues and is anticipated to be substantially complete by the end of October. Street lighting installation and K-Rail removal is anticipated for Mid-November.
  • Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb forming and pouring are ongoing and expected to continue through the end of November. 


  • Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for work at Capitol Expressway for a couple days next week, eastbound Route 70 buses will be rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.
  • VTA is currently working with a contractor to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.

Anticipated work from 10/25/24 through 11/22/24

***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.

Day Work                              

  • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
  • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

As of 10/25/24 Pile driving is by the Foxdale Apartments, moving north on  
 Capitol Expressway between Foxdale Drive and Story Road.    

  • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
  • Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes overnight due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely – this overnight work is planned to start at the beginning of November.
  • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



  • Current work locations are preparing for upcoming rainy season.
  • Fiber rolls for erosion and sediment control have been installed throughout the active median on Capitol Expressway.
  • Drain inlets throughout the project site are protected from construction activities.


  • Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible
  • Staff has spoken about the project on NBC-TV, Telemundo, Univision, and KCBS Radio as well as on Instagram and Facebook. Please follow us @SCVTA.
  • We are about to begin another round of construction updates to be delivered to businesses and residents located very close to the project, and we are preparing a marketing campaign to support businesses in the area.
  • For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART
  • Staff will participate in the following events:

Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25)

District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26)

  • The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
     Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and
    Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  
  • The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.
  • Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

Moving Forward,

The Construction and Engagement Team

101824 Falsework, Upcoming Night Work

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
Weekly Construction Update 
Friday, October 18, 2024 


This past week, VTA’s Transit Services personnel conducted a test drive at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue to ensure the upcoming temporary road realignment will not impede the bus routes in that area. With traffic modifications around the corner, similar activities will occur throughout the construction zone as needed.  

 Work continues at the median, North and South of Ocala Avenue. Work is also underway at the project's north end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station, and on S. Capitol Avenue (westside). The EBRC team constantly communicates with residents, businesses, and the public to address their issues and concerns. 

The City of San Jose and utility companies are currently working on the east and west sides of the EBRC construction zone, doing paving jobs and other public works. This may confuse residents, who think the road closures and detours are related to the EBRC construction project. EBRC Project will try to coordinate with other projects, whenever  
we can, to minimize traffic impacts and we thank the public for their patience for all public work within the area. 

For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART. 

Upcoming Traffic Modifications   

***For planning purposes only.  

There will be temporary 1-lane closures from 9 am – to 3 pm, both Northbound and Southbound, from the VTA-Alum Rock Transit Center to the Eastridge Transit Center for structure work in the median and outside civil/underground and traffic signal/street lighting work. 

There will be nighttime 2-lane closures from 10 pm – 5 am, primarily northbound from Story Road to Tully Road along Capitol Expressway, where the contractor is working on falsework for the deck structure above ground (note this is moving from location to location, starting north of Ocala going North and south of Cunningham going South) beginning around the end of October. Other periodic nighttime 2-lane closures may also occur at various areas along the project corridor on either direction for underground sanitary sewer and drainage work that is in the middle of or crossing multiple travel lanes.  

A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location through mid-2025. In early 2025, the southbound BRT Ocala station bus shelter will be removed and relocated to the west and will be ready for use in mid-2025. 

Anticipated work from 10/18/24 through 11/03/24 

***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 

Day Work 

  • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway. 
  • Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction and for businesses at the Crossroad Shopping Center.  
  • Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue are taking place, with minimal or no impacts on residents.  
  • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
    * As of 10/18/24 Pile driving is approaching the Foxdale Apartments, going north on  Capitol Expressway between Foxdale Drive and Story Road.  
  • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
  • Falsework to build the bridge deck has begun. Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 

Night and Saturday Work 

  • Night work is anticipated at the North-East corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road, beginning on Sunday, October 27, 2024. 
  • Night work is anticipated at the median and other locations beginning on Sunday, October 27, 2024. 
  • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



  • Staff participated at the Resource Fair at Lee Mathson Middle School (10/15)


  • Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25) 

  • District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26) 


  • Please remember that the Community Outreach Field Office is open  
    Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm  
    and by appointment. The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. 

Moving Forward, 

The Construction and Engagement Team 

101124 Traffic Modifications, Upcoming Falsework and Other Activities


Construction activities are at a phase where lane and road closures and detours can occur more often. Traffic modifications are expected, and the traffic signage is placed where needed. Traffic Advisories will be shared with the community and found on the project’s website at vta.org/eastridgetoBART.

To date, at least 200 piles have been driven into the ground. Pile driving and column pouring activities are active in some segments. Similarly, roadway construction activities continue by the Crossroads Shopping Center on Capitol Avenue and S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur Drive and Story Road.

Upcoming Traffic Modifications 

***For planning purposes only.

  • There will be temporary 1-lane closures from 9 am – to 3 pm, both Northbound and Southbound, from the VTA-Alum Rock Transit Center to the Eastridge Transit Center for structure work in the median and outside civil/underground and traffic signal/street lighting work.
  • There will be nighttime 2-lane closures from 8 pm – 5 am, primarily northbound from Capitol Avenue to Tully Road along Capitol Expressway, where the contractor is working on falsework for the deck structure above ground (note this is moving from location to location, starting north of Ocala going North and south of Cunningham going South) beginning around the end of October.  
  • A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location through mid-2025. In early 2025, the southbound BRT Ocala station bus shelter will be removed and relocated to the west and will be ready for use in mid-2025.


Anticipated work from 10/11/24 through 10/28/24

***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.

Day Work

  • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
  • Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction and for businesses at the Crossroad Shopping Center.
  • Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue are taking place, with minimal or no impacts on residents.
  • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
  • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
  • Falsework to build the bridge deck has begun. Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to safely move materials and build support structures.

Night Work

  • Night work is anticipated beginning October 27, at the median.

Saturday Work

  • Excavation and shoring work in the median.




  • Three Community Update Meetings occurred on Oct 5, 9, and 10. The first meeting was held at the Hank Lopez Community Center and facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. Subsequent meetings were held via Zoom; the first meeting was in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation, and the second was in Spanish with English interpretation.


  • Lee Mathson Middle School Resource Fair (10/15)
  • Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25)
  • District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26)


  • Please remember that the Community Outreach Field Office is open Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.


Moving Forward,

The Construction and Engagement Team


092724 Construction Activities Update, Southbound Ocala BRT Relocation, Community Meetings

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
September 27, 2024

Construction activities continue at various locations along the project. Pile driving activities are occurring north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue at various bridge column locations. This is followed by placing rebar and pouring foundation concrete. Several columns are already cast and are visible along the expressway. Bridge falsework activities are to follow soon at locations where columns are already built. 

A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location for at least 8 months to allow underground work to be completed. Following that, in early November, the southbound BRT Ocala station will be dismantled to allow space in the middle for bridge construction. In spring 2025, the BRT station will be reassembled. All art components will be protected. 

Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 

Anticipated work from 09/27/24 through 10/14/24
Day Work
•    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.

•    Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways to remain open for residents who live by active construction and for the business at the Crossroad Shopping Center. 

•    Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway with minimal or no impacts to residents. 

•    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast pile and driving piles at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

•    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

•    Falsework is planned begin in early October.  Work is conducted at daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 
Night Work

•    Night work at Tully intersection is anticipated for second week of October.  
Saturday Work

•    Grading work planned along Capitol Avenue area. Structure work in the median continues. 


The Outreach Field Office is open Tuesdays 9am-12n, and Fridays 1-5pm, and by appointment. 

Three community meetings have been scheduled to provide the community an update on current construction activities and share what to expect going forward for the next several months. This is also an opportunity to hear from the community. 

•    Saturday, October 5, 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.  – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center, facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

•    Wednesday, October 9, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.  – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. “

•    Thursday, October 10, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.   – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 

Moving Forward,
The Construction and Engagement Team

091624  Pile Driving, Rebar, Outreach

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
September 16, 2024

Dear All,

Pile driving continues at various locations along the Expressway. The contractor will pour concrete columns near Ocala Avenue this Saturday and next Thursday. The Ocala BRT stop will be temporarily relocated to construct a new drainage system. Roadway excavation along S. Capitol Avenue will continue next week

Anticipated work from 09/14/24 to 09/22/24

Day Work
•    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.
•    Hard surface removal and concrete pouring on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction. 
•    Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway with minimal or no impacts to residents. 
•    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast pile and driving piles at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
•    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
•    Falsework to build the bridge deck is anticipated to begin in the third week of September. Work will be done during day, and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 

Night Work
•    No Night work is anticipated for next week Sunday, September 15, 2024 through Saturday, September 21, 2024.

Saturday Work
•    Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway. 
•    Rebar work for columns.
•    Concrete pouring scheduled for Saturday, September 14, 2024, day work only. 

Community Outreach 
School Engagement. Staff participated at Kimberly Smith Elementary’s Back to School Night on 09/11.

Field Office Warming. Saturday, September 21, from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 

Neighborhood Meeting for S. Capitol Ave residents. Tuesday, September 24, 6:00 P.M.

Construction Update Meeting. Saturday, October 5, 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.  – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center, facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

Construction Update Meeting. Wednesday, October 9, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.  – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. 

Construction Update Meeting. Thursday, October 10, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.   – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 


Moving Forward,

090624 Excavation, Rebar, and Community Meetings

Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
September 6, 2024

Dear All,

Construction continues in the middle of Capitol Expressway, with large cranes in the median and large trucks either delivering piles or moving soil.  Other heavy equipment is positioned at different points across the project. 

There will be work on Saturdays for this period. Construction schedules may change at any time due to weather or other circumstances. 

Anticipated work from 09/07/24 to 09/15/24

Day Work
•    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.
•    Concrete and pavement removal and other construction activities on Capitol. Avenue, southbound between
     Wilbur Avenue and Capitol  Expressway. 
•    Excavation, demolition, and other construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur Drive and Story Road. 
•    Pile driving, shoring, excavation, pile delivery, and off-loading pre-cast pile for various piers located on
     Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
•    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
•    Pile driving, shoring, excavation, pile delivery, and off-loading pre-cast pile for various piers located
     on Capitol Expressway south of Cunningham Avenue. 
•    Falsework to build the bridge deck is anticipated to start on the third week of September, with day work first,
     and followed by some night work due to the need for multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and
     build support structures safely. 

Night Work
•    Overnight work anticipated to begin on the last week of September. 

Saturday Work
•    Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway. 
•    Rebar work for columns.

Community Outreach 

•    The team is ready for the community outreach office warming! We hope to see you on Saturday,
      September 21, 2024, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. This is planned as a small gathering. Hope to see you there! 

•    Please help us spread the news about our upcoming community meetings:

                Saturday, October 5 – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center.
                This meeting will be facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

                Wednesday, October 9 – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. 

                Thursday, October 10 – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 

Moving Forward,

The Construction and Engagement Team

083024 Open driveway signs, water trucks, and Engagement

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
August 30, 2024

Dear All,

Most families are busy driving or walking their kids to school, now that school is back in session. That means more pedestrian and motorist activities on streets and roads. Shoring and pile driving are happening at the median on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road, and farther south near Tully Road, and we continue asking the public to slow down and follow the 35mph speed limit. 

Along the northern part of the project, excavation, and drainage work is taking place on and around Capitol Avenue, Excalibur Drive and South Capitol Avenue. Contractor is preparing for false work installation, which will begin in a few weeks. False work will require lane closures, detours, and modifications to traffic. We thank our bus drivers and riders in advance for their patience as lane closures and bus route operations may impact their transportation schedules.  

Please remember that construction crews will not work on Monday, September 2nd due to Labor Day. 

Anticipated work from 08/30/24 to 09/08/24
Day Work 

  • Excavate and Install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway. 
  • Concrete and pavement removal and other construction activities on Capitol Avenue (Southbound).
  • between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway.
  • Excavation, demolition, and other construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur. 
  • Drive and Story Road. 
  • Pile driving, pile delivery and off-loading of pre-cast pile for various piers located on Capitol. 
  • Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
  • Pour concrete footings and columns.
  • Pile driving at pier 59, located on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.
  • False Work anticipated to start on September 18, 2024, with day and overnight work. 

Night Work 

  • Not anticipated for this period.


  • 09/07 Miscellaneous drainage work at various locations. 
  • 09/07 Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.

Community Outreach

  • We are in a contact with a handful of homeowners/residents who have expressed concerns about noise and vibration. We anticipated for this to happen and are working diligently to respond in a timely manner. 
  • Now that the 2024/2025 school year has started in most districts, community outreach staff members are engaging with schools and school districts.  The events we are confirming with the school districts provide us the opportunities to further engage with parents, students, and faculty.
  • Save The Date!  The community outreach office warming will be held on September 21, 2024, from 11 am to 1 pm.  Next week we will forward a copy of the formal invitation.

We hope to see you at one of our community meetings:

  • Saturday, October 5 – In person. Hank Lopez Community Center.

         Facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. 

  • Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM facilitated in English with Spanish 

         and Vietnamese interpretation.

  • Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM facilitated in Spanish with 

         English interpretation.

Moving Forward, 

The Construction and Engagement Team

081624 Pile Driving, Shoring, and Flyers

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
August 16, 2024


Happy Friday! 

This last week, when motorists drove southbound on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Tully Road, they most likely saw, heard, and felt the noise and vibration from pile driving and sheet pile installation. The residents in the streets adjacent to the construction zone were informed timely of the activities, and VTA and MCM’s teams were responding to their immediate concerns.

Fortunately, we have completed one week of this important part of the project. Hats off to the construction crews who are at the forefront of building the light rail extension! 

Anticipated work from 08/17/24 to 08/25/24

Day Work 
•    Install drainage systems at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Excalibur Drive. 
•    Potholing, excavating, paving, striping, K-Rail and pedestrian ramps installation on southbound Capitol Avenue
     between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway.
•    Install new fiber-optics conduit, street lighting conduit and traffic signals conduit on northbound Capitol Expressway near Tully Road. 
•    Install shoring and excavation for piers 36, 37, 38, and 39 located on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Ocala Avenue.
•    Pile driving, pile delivery and off-loading of pre-cast pile for pier 42 and 41 located on Capitol Expressway north of Ocala Avenue
•    Install shoring and excavation for pier 59 and begin pile driving at pier 59 located on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.

Night Work 
•    Not anticipated for this period.

Community Outreach

  • We participated in Viva Parks at Hillview Park by Ocala Avenue, and held our monthly, online stakeholder working group meeting.
  • SAVE THE DATE for our October 2024 community meetings, as follows:
  • Saturday, October 5 – In person. Facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. Location TBD. 
  • Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation.
  • Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation.
  • Help us spread out this message: The current speed limit on Capitol Expressway between Excalibur Drive and Quimby Road is 35 miles per hour. This is for the safety of construction workers, pedestrians, cyclists, and the public in general. 

Moving Forward, 

The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

080124 Pile driving is set for August
Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
August 1, 2024


Pile driving is set for August. Residents and motorists in East San Jose will see pile driving activities during the day, and heavy equipment mobilization at night, as needed. Pile driving will continue for several months across the construction zone, except for areas north of Story Road along Capitol Expressway towards Capitol Avenue, and south of Tully Road where other construction activities will take place. During this work, driveways will remain open.

The following are a few facts about pile driving to remember:

  • Pile driving is only conducted during the day
  • Pile driving activities in one location may last 4-5 days
  • We are monitoring sound and vibration levels
  • Night work for equipment mobilization and pile delivery
  • We are providing timely updates to all stakeholders

Anticipated work from 08/01/24 to 08/10/24
Day work 
Pile driving anticipated to begin the week of August 12th on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Ocala Avenue
The second location for pile driving south of Cunningham Avenue is anticipated to begin on August 16th
Temporary road striping on Capitol Avenue
K-Rail and pedestrian ramps installation on the west side of Capitol Avenue
Remove portions of the median and islands on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project
Excavation and new sidewalk construction near Ocala BRT Station
Remove pavement areas on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Ave and Tully Road, northbound and southbound.
Installing temporary ramps for bikes at various locations
Installing shoring for foundation excavations between Ocala Avenue and Story Road will begin on Monday, August 5th
Night Work 
Equipment mobilization is anticipated for this period.
Saturday Work
Construction crews may work on Saturdays for this period.

Community Outreach
We will deliver Construction Notices (flyers) the week of August 5. Please let us know if we can send you flyers electronically or deliver hard copies and, if so, how many.
National Night Out on August 6 - VTA Community Outreach is participating in the Mayfair/Plata Arroyo, Mt. Pleasant, and Foxdale neighborhood association events.
We will have community meetings in October 2024, as follows:
Saturday, October 5 – In person, location TBD.
Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM English with interpreters
Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM in Spanish

Moving Forward,

The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

071924 Community Outreach Trailer Has Arrived

Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
July 19, 2024

To All,

The City of San Jose resurfacing project will have intermittent traffic control in the coming weeks on Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Capitol Expressway. City DOT Outreach recently posted about the maintenance work and will be distributing flyers to residents whose streets are on the list for corrective maintenance. 

Anticipated work from 07/19 to 08/01

Drainage work is scheduled on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project.
Tree removal in the northern part of the project.

Remove portions of the median and islands on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project.
Day Work Remove pavement areas on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Ave and Tully Road, northbound and southbound.

Temporary ramps for pedestrians and bikes at various locations.

Good News
On Capitol Expressway and Cunningham Avenue, two pedestrians push buttons   damaged by a car have been repaired. On Capitol Expressway and Quimby Road, a loose pedestrian push button has been repaired by the Project.

Community Outreach
The Community Outreach trailer arrived at 1093 S. Capitol on Monday, July 15, 2024. Residents neighboring the property received advanced notice on July 12, regarding early morning activities.

There is work to do to make the trailer office functional. We anticipate moving in mid-August and be open to the public soon after. Please join us for a neighborly gathering on 9/21/2024, at 11:00am-1:00pm. We’ll be sending you photos soon!

Looking ahead, VTA Outreach is participating with Mayfair/Plata Arroyo, Mt. Pleasant, and Foxdale neighborhood associations on National Night Out, August 6. Later this summer we plan to participate in Viva Parks events at Sylvia Cassel Park 8/29, and Mayfair Park on 9/26. A new set of community meetings to provide construction updates will occur in October (Exact dates and locations TBD).

Moving Forward,
The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

062424 Test Pile Driving and Sidewalk Removal

Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
Weekly Construction Update
June 24, 2024

Last week, construction crews for the EBRC project conducted preparations for test pile driving in the median at Capitol Expressway, near Ocala Avenue. This is in the South part of the project. Sound barriers have been installed on both sides of the road. Test pile driving and other activities will continue this week. We continue monitoring and mitigating the potential effects of noise, vibration, and dust.

Other teams are working at the north side of the project, demolishing areas east of S. Capitol Ave between Story Rd. and Excalibur Dr. to ultimately widen Capitol Expressway as per the project’s scope of work.

Anticipated work for the week of 06/24/24

TEST pile driving during the day and mobilization of a second crane during the night.
Utility potholing and drainage work.

Remove existing fiber optics systems and street lighting.

Remove concrete sidewalks and curbs during the day and continue to install sound barriers on the northbound Expressway toward Sussex Ave at night.

Place temporary ramps for pedestrians and cyclists.

Other construction activities.

Upcoming Community Meetings
 A community meeting for the Foxdale Neighborhood Association took place on Tuesday, June 18th, in English and Spanish. VTA’s resident engineer and community relations officer provided an update on construction activities.

A house meeting requested by homeowners on Dover Way, in the northeastern side of the project is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th. Dover Way is in the northeastern part of the project. Homeowners indicated to be concerned about vibration. VTA’s project manager and CRO plan to attend and explain that this side of the project will not experience pile driving but Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Piles, which minimizes vibration.

A community meeting for the Welsch Park Community Neighborhood Association is scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2024.

    061724 Crane Mobilization, Speed Limit Enforcement, and Home Inspections

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    June 17, 2024

    Construction for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector is in full swing, with K-Rail (concrete barriers) in place to separate traffic from the construction area, roadway demolition, heavy equipment mobilization, drilling, and other preparations for test-pile- driving, as well as the fabrication and installation of temporary sound walls.  

    Crews have been working during the day, with occasional night work. While most activities are in the southern part of the project, a crew is working on the opposite side on S. Capitol Avenue -north of Story Rd., and they will continue working this week.  

    Home inspections were conducted last week for those who signed a Permission to Enter (PTE). Most homeowners were present, and we brought in a language interpreter for Vietnamese in addition to our bilingual team interpreting for Spanish.  

    Anticipated work for the week of 06/17/24

    Utility potholing and drainage work.  

    Installation of temporary noise barriers.  

    Demolition of curbs/gutters, sidewalk, asphalt, fencing.  

    TEST pile driving is scheduled for June 20-21, during the day. 

    Day work is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., night work is from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 

    The speed limit is 35 mph throughout the Construction Zone and SJPD officers are enforcing this mandate.  

    Community Outreach 

    Working in partnership, VTA’s community outreach and contractor staff created and delivered 225 Construction Notices to homes on both sides of the Capitol Expressway.  

    We estimate 400 to 500 people were in attendance at the Groundbreaking Resource event. Our sincere appreciation to all of you who participated!  

    A community meeting for the Foxdale Neighborhood Association is scheduled for June 18, in English and Spanish.  

    060724 Sound Barriers and Construction Notices

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    June 07, 2024

    This past week, construction activities increased, with the installation of temporary sound walls, K-Rail installation in the last stretches of the work zone, and remaining utility and potholing work, in preparation for pile driving tests and other construction work. Potential impacts to residents include noise, vibration, and traffic congestion. 

    Anticipated work for the week of 06/10/24 

    Crane and pile hammer to be mobilized at night; scheduled for June 10-12. 

    Temporary sound wall fabrication and installation on S Capitol Ave.  

    K-Rail installment in the median along Capitol Expressway, Southbound, ongoing until completion.  

    Day work is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and night work is from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 

    The speed limit is 35 mph throughout the Construction Zone. 

    Community Outreach 
    Construction notices were delivered in person to homes in the area.  The Groundbreaking Ceremony and Resource Fair will be on June 8, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Eastridge Transit Center.  

    053124 Utility Work and Preparing for Test Pile Driving

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    May 31, 2024

    The next couple of weeks will involve pile driving tests and the installation of sound walls along the construction zone, among other activities currently underway. Modifications to traffic have gone without difficulty.

    Pile Driving Tests  
    Drilling, pile driving tests, and related activities are set for early June, with work during the day and night, as allowed.     

    Sound Walls 
    Beginning on June 3 and through June 14, temporary sound walls will be installed between Ocala Ave. and Story Rd., where there is a mix of homes, an apartment complex, and a gas station. Construction crews will continue Northbound between Story Rd. and Capitol Ave.  

    Utility Work 
    Pothole digging in several locations for utility work was conducted this past week.  

    Speed Limit & SAFETY 
    The Contractor informed VTA that drivers are not respecting the 35mph speed limit, jeopardizing the safety of workers, pedestrians, and other drivers. The construction team is considering the presence of the San Jose Police Department or the Santa Clara County Sheriff, and possibly fining motorists who exceed the allowed speed limit. 
    In California, fines for speeding in construction zones can range from $350 to $1,000 and can be doubledoubledipled. These penalties apply to all roads where there is a construction zone, including state routes/highways, local roads, and streets where construction work is ongoing.  

    The safety of construction workers, pedestrians, and the public in general is of utmost importance. Please help us spread the word on the importance of respecting the 35mph speed limit. If you have contacts or ideas to promote Safety in this matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  

    Anticipated work for the week of 06/01/24

    Drilling in key locations is scheduled for June 3-7.  

    Crane and pile hammer to be mobilized at night; scheduled for June 10-12. 

    K-Rail installment in the median along Capitol Expressway, Northbound from Story Rd towards Capitol Ave, and Southbound afterward, ongoing until completion.  

    A cultural monitor is confirmed to work this week. 

    ***The construction schedule is subject to changes. *** 

    Community Outreach 
    Everything is looking great for the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Resource Fair to be held on June 8, 2024. Elected officials who have been strong supporters of this project as well as community leaders and residents have confirmed attendance.

    050224 K-Rail, Restriping, and Multilingual Community Meetings 

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    May 02, 2024

    Notice to Proceed was issued on 04/25/24. 

    Tree removal started on 05/06/24. The trees were labeled for removal two weeks in advance to give the public time to make comments. VTA and contractors continued working with businesses adjacent to the construction zone, and bird nesting surveys took place before tree removal.  

    Traffic Control Plans were reviewed and approved by the design team and the City of San Jose. 
    Two Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) were placed on Capitol Expressway, in English and Spanish. Portable Changeable Message Signs were placed on I-680.

    Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/06/24

    Planning for traffic shift and removal of one lane in each direction from Ocala-Quimby. The PCMS boards will be updated. The shift is scheduled for the week of 5/13. 

    Restriping traffic lanes at night in 2-3 weeks. 

    Install concrete barriers in the median after the traffic shift. 

    Demolition and underground civil construction expected after concrete barriers are installed.

    Community Outreach

    VTA hosted Community Meetings scheduled: May 8th and 9th online, and 11th in person. Links are provided at the end of this message. 

    Groundbreaking Celebration and Community Resource Fair will be held on June 8, 2024, 10 am-12 noon at the Eastridge Transit Center. Save the Date!  

    VTA and Contractor both have a Community Relations Officer (CRO) dedicated to work on the EBRC project.  

    Construction notices, newsletters, and community meeting posters and flyers have been mailed to all records located a ½ mile around the project area. This includes residents, businesses, and absentee property owners and reaches approximately 14,000 records. 

    Outreach staff to continue meeting with residents, businesses, and community organizations.  
    A robust social media campaign to bring more awareness to the project and advertise next week’s community meetings launched earlier this week. 

    Outreach tabled the Cinco de Mayo celebration at Emma Prusch Park on Sunday.  

    Community Meeting Dates/links:
    May 8, 2024, 6 pm via Zoom. Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be provided. 
    Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May8-2024.eventbrite.com.

    May 9, 2024, 6 PM via Zoom. This meeting will be facilitated in Spanish. An English interpreter will be provided. 

    Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May9-2024.eventbrite.com. 

    May 11, 2024 (Saturday!), 10 AM at the Hank Lopez Community Center. Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be provided - and refreshments too!  
    Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May11-2024.eventbrite.com 

    051524 Traffic Shift and Community Outreach

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    May 15, 2024

    Construction, currently underway on Capitol Expressway in East San Jose:  
    Traffic Shift 

    One-lane closure in each direction began on Wednesday, May 15th, between Quimby Rd. and Tully Rd., with construction crews moving northbound to Story Rd. Except for peak hours, traffic was normal. 

    Field Office and Outreach Office 
    VTA continues finalizing details for our field office and outreach office to be installed as soon as possible.  

    Permission To Enter 
    Door-to-door home visits, for houses located close to the project to obtain their permission to enter, for upcoming inspections. Interpreters will join surveyors to facilitate communication with non-English speaking homeowners and/or tenants. 

    Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/20/24 

    Traffic Shift to continue northbound to Capitol Avenue, and turn southbound to Story Rd., Ocala Ave., Tully Rd, and Quimby Road.  

    K-Rail is to be installed on the northbound Capitol Expressway near Tully Rd on Saturday, 05/18. 
    K-Rail is to continue to be installed along the northbound and southbound Capitol Expressway in the median from Tully Road to Capitol Avenue Monday – Friday. 

    The speed limit is 35mph. for the safety of the construction crew, and the safety of others.  

    Community Outreach

    Councilmembers Ortiz and Candelas invite VTA to a city-hosted public meeting at Most Holy Trinity Church to provide an update on the EBRC project on 05/15/24.  

    A community meeting is scheduled for 05/21/24 at Montevista Apartments, located by the Alum Rock station.  

    Groundbreaking Ceremony to be held on June 8, 2024.  

    VTA’s and contractors continue to meet with residents, businesses, and community organizations.  

    *The construction schedule is subject to changes.*

    051424 Portable Changeable Message Signs PCMS

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    May 14, 2024

    The project is on schedule to move forward with the traffic shift. In addition to the mailed construction notice, a series of community meetings, and door-door to businesses along the corridor, and advanced notification signage, a stakeholder email was sent to all project subscribers.  

    Traffic shift that will reduce one lane in each direction is scheduled to start Wednesday, May 15, on Capitol Expressway, north and southbound, between Quimby Road and Tully Road first and similarly moving north towards other blocks such as Tully to Ocala, Ocala to Story and Story to Capitol Avenue in the next several weeks. This will commence at the beginning of the reduced speed limit to 35mph. Advance signage has been in place. PCMS boards were updated on May 6 advising of this upcoming change. 

    Two Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) on Capitol Expressway are updated to reflect the traffic shifts. One is moved farther south between Quimby and Newman to advise motorists heading north on Capitol Expressway.

    Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/13/24 

    Planning for traffic shift and removal of one lane in each direction from Quimby to Capitol Avenue. The PCMS boards have been updated. Traffic shifts begin 5/15. 

    Grind and stripe traffic lanes during the day for the next 2 weeks (formerly scheduled for overnight activity). 

    Install concrete barriers in the median after the traffic shift.

    K-rail (Quimby to Tully) is scheduled for installation Friday/Saturday
    Moving Forward,


    The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team


    Community Outreach

    Outreach to the Community is delivered in many ways, including email, web page postings like this, signage, tabling at events, presenting at your neighborhood association, home visits for specific purposes, and mail notifications. We use multiple approaches to inform the community and allow authentic engagement.

    In case you missed the October 2024 in-person and virtual meetings you can watch the recordings below. The meetings provided an update on current construction activities and shared what to expect going forward for the next several months:

    EBRC, 10/9/2024 Virtual Meeting

    EBRC, 10/10/2024 Virtual Public Meeting (SPANISH)

    Construction Notices

    May 2024 - Construction Notice. This provides an overview of all activities that will begin in May 2024.

    June 3-28, 2024 Construction Notice. K-Rail, demolition, mobilizing equipment, drilling and pile testing, and fabricating temporary sound walls. Night: Install temporary sound walls. 

    June 17-July 8, 2024 Construction Notice. Utility potholing, drainage, install temporary
    noise barriers. mobilize heavy equipment.

    June 20-July 29, 2024 Construction Notice. Pile Driving. utility installation. drainage, demolition.

    Project Events & Community Meetings

    Learn where VTA staff are sharing project information and invite us to table at your next event!

    9/11/24: Back to School! Katherine Smith Elementary School, 4:30pm

    9/19/24: Alum Rock Unified School District Back to School and Resource Fair! San Antonio Elementary School, 5pm​​​​​

    9/21/24: Join us for the house warming/open house of the EBRC Community Outreach Office, 1093. S. Capitol Avenue, 11am-1pm.

    9/25/24: Back to School! Aptitud Community Academy at Goss, 5pm

    10/2/24: Viva Escuela, Katherine Smith Elementary, 6am (yes, AM!)

    10/5/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting, 10am, Hank Lopez Community Center

    10/5/24: Health Fair/Binational Health Week, 9am, Eastridge Mall

    10/9/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting via Zoom, 6pm

    10/10/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting via Zoom, 6pm (facilitated in Spanish)

    10/25/24: Foxdale Neighborhood Fall Festival

    10/26/24: District 8 Family Fun Fall Festival/Cunningham Park

    11/6/24: Coffee with the Principal - Katherine Smith Elementary School

    12/13/24: Holiday Open House and Community Appreciation - EBRC Community Outreach Office, 1093. S. Capitol Avenue, 4-7pm

    Previous Meetings Videos

    Links below are the recordings of virtual community meetings:

    EBRC 10.10.2024 Public Meeting
    EBRC, 10/10/2024 Virtual Public Meeting (SPANISH)
    EBRC 10.9.2024 Public Meeting
    EBRC, 10/9/2024 Virtual Public Meeting


    Project Newsletters

    EBRC-Summer 2024
    This issue covers project updates to recent and current activities, and upcoming community events. Happy Summer Reading!

    EBRC-Spring 2024
    This issue covers project updates to recent and current activities, funding, project schedules, community events happening later this spring, project benefits, and more.

    EBRC-Summer 2022
    In addition to project updates, this newsletter provides information on the project benefits and an introduction to the station art enhancement activities that begin this fall. Let's dive in!

    EBRC-Summer 2021 & Notice of Utility Relocation
    To say that 2020 and 2021 have been challenging is an understatement. Even though we at VTA have had to adjust to to the way we work, the planning work on Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project continued. Let's catch up!

    Station Art Enhancement

    Did You Miss the Station Art Concept Meetings - August 31, AND September 13?

    VTA has provided opportunities for community review of proposed light rail station art concepts. The designs the artists presented were inspired and influenced by community input shared in January’s Meet the Artists meetings and coupled with the artists’ research.

    Eastridge Station
    Our first meeting, held on August 31 revealed the design for Eastridge Station. Artists Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan presented Radiance, an abstract sculpture inspired by East San Jose’s community celebrations, agricultural history, natural environment, and quality of light.

    Radiance is a metaphoric graft of aspects of the Eastridge Station’s surrounding community and nature in which its diverse cultures and landscapes come together to form a radiant whole. The sculpture forms a portal to be walked through. It is intended to be located so it will greet residents and visitors from many vantage points at the nexus of the future light rail station, bus terminals, Park & Ride, and pedestrian trails.

    The sculpture changes in appearance as people move around and through it. When viewed from the front, its lower arbor pipes form a subtle heart shape. Viewed diagonally, they form a moon-like ellipse. Viewed from the side, the vertical arbor pipes with the matrix on top suggest a grove of trees. Standing beneath the sculpture will be like looking up into a tree canopy of fruit and flowers. Walking through the sculpture is intended to be a small moment of magic.

    Story Road Station
    Building on the momentum and spirit of weaving in community engagement and historical research, artist Amir Fallah presented his design concept for Story Road Station, Interwoven on September 13.

    Interwoven was inspired by San José’s diverse patchwork of people, cultures, and landscapes. The concept transforms the three elevator towers, and pedestrian overcrossing, into a feature gateway over Capitol Expressway. Collaborating with the architects, the original metal panels design has been reimagined in a custom blueberry color palette, designed to visually connect the three towers. Standing proud of the tower cladding are sixteen glass light boxes of various sizes. The light boxes are strategically placed to be seen from every vantage point, including the roadway, sidewalks, stairs, lightrail platform, and from the train itself. The vibrant and colorful images, lit from within, will have an identity both day and night.

    Interwoven features a complex array of images that portray the intersection of landscapes and cultures that is San José. The lightbox element of the artwork includes pictures and patterning from the cultures making up the tapestry of San José, including indigenous, Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, and Persian. Throughout the artwork geometric designs refer to the larger theme of interconnectivity and community. A redwood tree refers to the nearby forests, a hand holding a mirror reflects a Mexican desert landscape, a detailed geometric motif commonly seen in East Asian artwork is placed alongside a traditional Mexican textile pattern. Driving south on Capitol Expressway a dreamed panoramic image, split in two, continues from the east elevator tower to the western tower.

    Contributing an additional dimension to the work, Mr. Fallah will be commissioning four San José poets, several from east San José, to contribute lines of poetry that will be a central component of the artwork. They will be prompted to respond to themes of travel, journey, voyage, and wandering. From the submissions, Mr. Fallah will select text as part of the artwork.

    Each of the recorded meetings and copy of the presentation are linked below for your review. 

    You have one more opportunity to see the artists presentations

    The City of San Jose Public Art Committee will receive similar presentations from the artists when they meet on October 3, 2023 at 5:30pm. Both stations will be reviewed. The San Jose Art Commission meetings are open to the public. Refer directly to the Public Art Committee website for meeting agenda and other information.

    Download the Station Art Concept presentations:

    Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 8-31-23 – English

    Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 8-31-23 – Spanish

    Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 9-13-23-English

    Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 9-13-23-Spanish

    Or watch the recorded meetings located on SCVTA YouTube:

    Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 8-31-23-English

    Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 8-31-23-Spanish

    Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 9-13-23-English

    Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 9-13-23-Spanish


    Meet the Artists!

    We have been very excited to introduce the community to the artists selected to enhance the new light rail stations planned for Story Road and Eastridge. Through a rigorous process of artist outreach and selection, Amir Fallah, and the team of Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan, have been commissioned. These artists are all experienced public artists. Their work extends beyond their studios and responds to site and community. They also have track records for sizable, successfully maintainable, permanent public artworks.

    The Station Art Enhancement Community Meetings held on January 9 and January 11 (facilitated in Spanish) were the “kick-off” for the artists’ design process, in advance of them doing any design work. The purpose of the meetings were for the community to become acquainted with the artists, and to get a sense of their visual vocabulary and their approach to public art. Each artists presented examples of previous public art installations, and their approach to the designs and mediums used. These meetings were also meant to provide foundational inspiration for the artists’ work, here, in San Jose.

    Through an on-line activity, participants responded to four questions:

    1. Which neighborhood are you connected to? What is important for us to know about it?

    2. Think about a place that is special to you in San Jose. Describe the spot and why you chose it?

    3. Please provide three words describing what is important to you personally, or which symbolize your community?

    4. What is one of your favorite public artworks in San Jose (or anywhere)? Why?

    The meetings provided an opportunity for the artists to learn about the community. It was not surprising that participants represented a wide variety of East San Jose neighborhoods! When asked about a place that is special in San Jose, we heard about the foothills, the greenery, the views, and about the Mexican Heritage Plaza, Alum Rock Park, Eastridge Mall, Marks Hotdogs, Emma Prusch Farm, and the list goes on.

    Through the responses to the four questions, the artists gained a good sense of the community. The responses articulated the richness and diversity of East San Jose. It helped the artists get to know you.

    In case you missed it, the meetings were recorded. Due to a technical glitch, the meeting on January 9 had to be re-recorded. Instead of watching the activity, we share how it went. The meeting on January 11 went off without any glitches and the recording, in Spanish, has the same artists presentation, and you can watch how the activity was facilitated. Links to the recorded meetings are available on YouTube:

    EBRC Station Art Enhancement 1-9-2023

    EBRC Majora artistica la estacion 1-11-2023

    January 9, 2023 - presentation slides and script

    January 11, 2023 - presentation slides and script (Spanish)

    If you attended, or missed it, but had a thought to any of the questions asked that we should include, go ahead and send that to community.outreach@vta.org, and we will pass that along to the art team.

    Later this spring, we will host the next meeting to update and share the concepts each of the artists’ have for the new stations!

    Stakeholder Working Group

    A Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) was created and has been active since 2020. The Eastridge to BART Policy Advisory Board members nominated each SWG member to represent the unique constituencies that live, work, and play along the project alignment. Their role is to disseminate information to the stakeholders near the project area and to give feedback to the project team. The members are listed below.

    Stakeholder Working Group 2025 Meeting Dates:

    February 20, 2025, 6:30pm

    Or join via audio:
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    Webinar ID: 899 4349 7251
    Passcode: 856742
    International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kkL0X42mm

    May 15, 2025, 6:30pm

    Or join via audio:
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    Webinar ID: 828 8863 2877
    Passcode: 792310
    International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdrVWJrdHZ 

    August 21, 2025, 6:30pm

    Or join via audio:
    +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
    Webinar ID: 835 8508 1716
    Passcode: 300004
    International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcXMBd1aFK 

    November 20, 2025, 6:30pm

    Or join via audio:
    +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
    Webinar ID: 867 5082 6152
    Passcode: 443230
    International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc6IFXRfTs 

    Stakeholder Working Group Presentations and Recordings of Meetings

    In case you missed the SWG Committee meeting, you can select the following links for meeting presentations and video recordings that are direct links to the YouTube recordings.

    02/20/2025 - EBRC-SWG - This meeting provided a general project update. It provides overview of the progression and what activities, and traffic changes to expect in the coming months.

    11/21/2024 - EBRC-SWG - This meeting presented an informative discussion on how construction impacts are monitored, reported, and mitigated. Responding to community concerns that there is exposure to contaminated dust from excavation activities, we provided findings that showed otherwise. Reports are available upon request.

    08/15/2024  - EBRC-SWG shared construction updates, and heard from SWG members regarding any construction questions and concerns. 

    05/23/2024  - EBRC-SWG meeting today shared news of the construction updates, and heard from SWG members how drivers and communities are adjusting during active construction and lane closures. 

    03/28/2024 - EBRC-SWG meeting today shared news of the construction contract award. The SWG discussed near-term community outreach and construction activities. To see/hear the recording, select March 28, EBRC-SWG Meeting.

    08/24/2023 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided project updates and discussed upcoming station art enhancement meetings. In the project update, we shared elements of the contract that encourage small business enterprises to bid on the project and project labor agreement requirements. To see/hear the recording, you can just select the August 2023 EBRC-SWG Meeting.

    03/25/2023 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided project updates to funding (fully funded!), schedule, current outreach activities, and update to current utility relocation activities. To see/hear the recording, please select May 2023 EBRC-SWG Meeting.

    08/25/2022 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided a review of the previous two years of topical review, community outreach update, current project updates, including utility relocation activities. To see the recording, please select August 2022 EBRC-SWG Meeting. 

    2/24/2022 - EBRC-SWG Meeting today provided project updates, including current utility relocation activities. The discussion about noise and vibration, that was introduced last quarter, continued with a focus on vibration monitoring and the process for monitor and property inspections. To see the recording, please select February 2022 EBRC-SWG Meeting. 

    11/18/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting provides an update active utility relocation, Community Outreach report, and further discussion on how the project team will be monitoring and mitigating vibration impacts from future construction activities. 
    November 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube
    8/26/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes Station Art Enhancement Program presentation, and introduction to construction noise and vibration assessment and mitigation.
    August 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

    6/24/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes detailed presentation on utility relocation.

    June 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

    2/25/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes detailed presentation on bridge construction, and traffic. 
    February 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

    11/19/2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes presentations on the future technology (light rail) and the history leading to the elimination of a station at Ocala in 2014.
    November 2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

    8/27/2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting Orientation and project description.
    August 2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

    Reference Materials

    PG&E Greenbook: Provides information about trees clearance under and around transmission lines.

    SWG Members

    Laura Arechiga, Welch Park Neighborhood Association, District 8
    Ernesto Barajas, Cassel Neighborhood Association, District 5
    Huascar Castro, Working Partnerships
    Craig Ferguson, Thompson Creek Neighborhood Association, District 8
    Sandy Flores, Capitol Park Goss Dobern Neighborhood Association, District 5
    Julies Nunes, Lyndale Neighborhood Association, District 5
    John Peterson, Eastridge Mall

    Environmental Documents

    VTA has prepared the 2021 Third Addendum to the Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR-2) for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project.   

    The Third Addendum evaluates the removal of an additional 60 – 70 trees along the east side of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Quimby Road. The removal of additional trees is a result of new information, received from PG&E, that trees above a certain height under high voltage electric lines are required to be cleared for public safety reasons and to provide access to the lines for maintenance and repairs.

    All trees removed by the Project will be replaced at ratios determined by their size and replacement species (i.e., native versus non-native). In the Second Addendum to the Final SEIR-2 approved in February 2020, the VTA Board approved the payment of in-lieu fees to replace trees within two miles of the project corridor to the maximum extent practicable given the limited right-of-way available for tree replacement within the project limits. According to a tree inventory conducted by a certified arborist, the Project will be required to provide an additional 67 – 128 replacement trees depending on the replacement species (i.e., native versus non-native).

    On February 18, 2021, the Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee (CMPP) will make a recommendation to VTA's Board of Directors regarding the adoption of the Third Addendum and approval of the proposed change to the Project.

    On March 4, 2021, VTA's Board of Directors will consider adoption of the Third Addendum and approval of the proposed change to the Project. 

    If you have any written comments on the adoption of the Third Addendum and the approval of the change to the Project, it is requested that you submit them as soon as possible but no later than 12:00 pm on February 17, 2021, for the CMPP meeting, and no later than 12:00 pm on March 4, 2021, for the Board meeting.

    Verbal comments may also be provided at both meetings via Zoom. The agenda and zoom link are available: Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee Page

    Written comments can be submitted via the following methods:

    Mail: Christina Jaworski, Senior Environmental Planner Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Environmental Programs 3331 North First Street, Building B-2 San José, CA 95134-1927

    Email: Christina.Jaworski@vta.org

    If you have any questions about the Third Addendum,  contact Christina Jaworski, Senior Environmental Planner, at Christina.Jaworski@vta.org.

    Previous Environmental Documents

    Addendum to Environmental Documents

    2019 Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

    2018 Draft Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

    2014 Final Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration

    2012 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement 

    2012 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

    2009-2011 Misc. Environmental Document

    2010 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Categorical Exclusion)

    2007 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

    2005 Final Environmental Impact Report

    Utility Construction Notices

    Utility and project construction notices will be posted here, as well as under 'Notices' on the right margin. Check here for a quick search for a notice, and the area it pertains to. The latest notices will be on top. Often there is work on the corridor that isn't related to this project, and we can try to help identify if it is not project-related. Utility owners will also provide notices to residents and businesses located within 300' of the work area. Any potential interruptions in service will be noticed by the respective utility owner.

    1/13/2024 - 1/14/2024: Overnight construction activities for utility relocation. Crown Castle will work to activate new fiber lines along Capital Expressway, S. Capitol Avenue, and Highwood Drive.

    12/12/2023 - 12/29/2023: Ongoing night & day construction activities for utility relocation. Comcast contractor Fibertel will work to activate new fiber lines along E. Capitol Expressway, Story Road, S. Capitol Avenue, and Westboro Drive.  

    11/16/2023 & 11/30/2023: Utility relocations work along E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave: Fiber Company Crown Castle will be working overnight to early morning to install a new fiber line and remove the traffic pole at the intersection of E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave.

    2/16/2023: Utility relocations work along S. Capitol Avenue at Crossroads Shopping Center: PG&E and its contractor, (Underground Construction), AT&T, and Comcast will continue the next phase of utility relocations along S. Capitol Avenue, and the landscaped area of the Crossroads Shopping Center located at 459 and 461 S. Capitol Avenue. Workers will be performing construction to install underground utilities.

    10/12/2022: Ongoing Construction Activities for Utility Relocation: PG&E, and their contractor, Underground Construction, will begin the next phase of underground utility relocation of gas and electric services. Additional utility owners that share the same areas, AT&T, Comcast, and Crown Castle will coordinate their activities in the same area. Most of the work is occurring on Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue. This phase will continue through mid-2023.

    7/25/2022: San Jose Water Utility Relocation: Weather and conditions pending, restoration/paving activities could occur through the end of August. Restoration includes paving in multiple areas, including S. Capitol Avenue near the Crossroads Shopping Center, and Highwood Drive. Restoration/Paving will also occur along S. Capitol Avenue @ Bambi Lane, Capitol Expressway @ Kollmar Dr., and Story Road. For additional details, please select San Jose Water Utility Relocation Update.

    7/1/2022: West Valley Construction continues to work to connect the new water service to the new fire suppression equipment at Crossroads Shopping Center located at 459 S. Capitol Avenue. San Jose Water Company and its contractor, Pacific Underground Construction (PUC), will also continue work on the underground water line along Capitol Avenue and relocate the fire hydrant on the sidewalk. The existing sidewalk and roadway next to the Crossroads Shopping Center will be restored after the water line work is completed in the area. Download a PDF copy of the notice.

    6/21/2022: San Jose Water Utility Relocation: Capitol Avenue/ Crossroads Shopping Center -  Weather and conditions permitting, San Jose Water Company, and their contractor, Pacific Underground Construction (PUC), will continue relocating and installing new underground water lines along Capitol Avenue, next to the Crossroads Shopping Center located at 461 S. Capitol Avenue. Additional work to relocate a fire hydrant and fire suppression equipment will occur on the property in the sidewalk and landscape areas. For complete details, select SJW @ Crossroads June 2022

    6/1/22: PG&E Gas Line Relocation - Weather and conditions pending, PG&E will replace/relocate sections of their natural gas pipeline located on Capitol Avenue between Bambi Lane and Capitol Avenue. The actual timeline of the relocation is about 2 weeks. Preliminary activities could delay the start. It will be complete by the end of summer. PG&E crews are coordinating activities directly with private property owners. Download a PDF copy of the notice.

    2/11/22: San Jose Water Utility Relocation - San Jose Water's contractor, Pacific Underground Construction, will continue the relocation of underground facilities, weather and conditions permitting. Their activities are expected to last through March. San Jose Water will directly notify their customers if there are impacts to water service. Activities will occur on the Capitol Expressway between Wilbur Avenue and Tudor Court. Addition work will occur on Capitol Expressway at Highwood Drive, Bambi Lane, and Kollmer Drive. Beginning 2/14/22, there will be overnight activities at Capitol Expressway at the Story Road intersection.

    2/1/2022: (Revised 3/1/2022) MCI/Verizon Underground RelocationWeather and conditions permitting, this activity takes place on the north and southwest corners of Capitol Expressway at Tully  Road, and north and southwest corners of Capitol Expressway at Swift Lane. MCI/Verizon's contractor noticed the business's week of 1/31. They have additional work along the expressway at Cunningham and VTA will share the notification when it is received, expected for later this month. Crews will begin working in the Capitol Expressway/Tully Road Intersection on March 7. Notices to nearby businesses were provided by Solcom. 

    11/8/2021: San Jose Water Utility RelocationSan Jose Water's contractor, Pacific Underground Construction, will begin relocation of underground facilities, weather and conditions permitting, on November 15. Their activities are expected to last through mid-March. San Jose Water will directly notify their customers if there are impacts to water service. Activities will occur on the Capitol Expressway between Wilbur Avenue and Tudor Court. Addition work will occur on Capitol Expressway at Highwood Drive, Bambi Lane, and Kollmer Drive. 

    10/5/2021: MCI/Verizon Underground Relocation - This is a 2-day activity to clear fiber optic cables out from the area where PG&E is relocating the transmission poles. This activity takes place on the east side of Capitol Expressway, on the sidewalk, between Tully and Quimby Road (in front of the In & Out Burger area). MCI/Verizon's contractor noticed the business's week of 9/27. They have additional work along the expressway and VTA will share the notification when it is received. 

    This activity is complete.

    9/20/2021: PG&E Transmission Lines and Poles Relocation begins. PG&E notified customers the week of 9/13. This is to clear the old trellis towers in the center of the Capitol Expressway with new poles to the east side of the Capitol Expressway, clearing space for the future light rail expansion. 

    This activity was completed in December 2021.

    8/27/2021: Utility Relocation Overview Description- noted in the Summer 2021 Newsletter, these slides show where the utility companies will be working along Capitol Avenue, Capitol Expressway @ Story Rd, @ Tully Road, and PG&E Transmission lines and pole relocation on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Quimby Road. 

    7/27/2021: Advance Construction - Building Removal, S. Capitol Expressway @ Story Road - Begins on or about August 3, 2021. Summary: VTA will remove (demolish) the building located at 1093  S. Capitol Expressway. It is private property that VTA owns/acquired for the project. Activities are expected to take 4 days. The property will be cleaned and fencing removed on the last day. Community Outreach staff delivered notices to nearby businesses and residents adjacent to the property on 7/27/21. There are no business, traffic, or pedestrian impacts. There will be noise impacts from construction equipment.

    5/10/2021Utility Notice - Gas Line Distribution, S. Capitol Avenue - Begins on or about May 24, 2021. PG&E will mail notices (attached above), and call residents and businesses that are located within 300 feet of the areas they are working in to provide details that could impact their service.
    Summary: PG&E is replacing sections of their natural gas pipeline on South Capitol Avenue from Lombard Avenue to East Capitol Expressway at Babb Creek in San Jose. Intermittent lane closures and no parking signs in the work areas will be posted. Please plan for minor delays when driving through the project area.

    2/2/2021Advance Construction Work - Crossroads Shopping Center Notice, expected to begin on or about February 8, 2021. 
    Summary: Activities are on private property with some intermittent sidewalks and traffic lane impact during tree removal. This notice was mailed on 1/29/2021 to and including the area 1/4 mile of 461 S. Capitol Ave., emailed to project stakeholders, and to the immediate Nextdoor neighborhoods. Community outreach staff delivered notices door-door to businesses on 2/1/2021. There are no business access impacts. 


    Project Videos

    VTA is excited to begin construction of the light rail extension in E. San Jose. Watch this video Eastridge to BART Project Benefits to learn of the benefits this project brings to the community, and VTA's transit service!  

    Curious to see how Capitol Expressway will look with light rail when the project is complete? Check out this video via VTA's Youtube: Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Video.

    Contractors Information

    Interested in this contracting opportunity? Please visit Doing Business with VTA. On this page you will see all open and upcoming contracting opportunities, learn how to register for contract notifications, and become certified with VTA's Business Diversity Program. 

    Construction workers and heavy equipment performing demolition work

    An operating engineer performs demolition work in the northwest corner of S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road, while a construction worker observes and safeguards the activities. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]

    Project Background

    The Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project (EBRC) extends light rail from the existing Alum Rock Light Rail Station to the Eastridge Transit Center with an elevated guideway primarily in the center of the Capitol Expressway. The Eastridge extension will include an elevated light rail station at Story Road and an at-grade station located at the Eastridge Transit Center. When this project is complete, VTA riders can board the light rail at the Eastridge Station and connect directly with BART at the Milpitas Station.

    This project (formerly Capitol Expressway Light Rail Project) has been delivered in phases. The first phase was delivered in two parts. In Phase 1A, VTA addressed pedestrian access and improved safety measures along the expressway between Quimby Road and Capitol Avenue. This was completed in Fall 2012 and included new sidewalks, street lighting, and a landscaping buffer. Phase 1B was the reconstruction of the Eastridge Transit Center. The improvements to the transit center included new shelters and amenities and support BRT. This was completed in 2015. 

    The light rail extension is Phase 2, and the final phase of the larger Capitol Expressway Transit Improvement Project that transforms the Capitol Expressway into a multi-modal expressway offering bus rapid transit (BRT), light rail transit, and safe connections to the regional transit system.

    Project Status

    Construction has started and is anticipated to be completed in 2028. Construction activities will increase traffic and drive time from permanent and temporary lane closures on Capitol Expressway. Construction activities are noisy. There will be large equipment that causes vibrations that will be felt by people who live or work along the corridor.

    Weekly Updates
    031025 Striping and K-rail Installation

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
    Weekly Construction Update   
    Monday, March 10, 2025

    Construction workers and heavy equipment performing demolition work

    An operating engineer performs demolition work in the northwest corner of S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road, while a construction worker observes and safeguards the activities. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]

    Rain is expected later this week. The general forecast is a 90% chance of rain on Wednesday, 80% on Thursday and rain on Friday. Construction activities will continue throughout the construction zone, as deemed appropriate by the contractor. 
    A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue was completed on Friday, March 7. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. After striping at night, the concrete barriers (K-rail) were moved during the day into the section where re-striping was completed. 
    This will allow structure work in the median soon.
    Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. The speed limit is 35 mph. Please slow down.

    Moving Forward,
    The Construction and Engagement Team

    Anticipated work through April 4, 2025
    PARTIAL LIST - *Construction activities can change at any time

    • Drainage work will occur overnight on northbound Capitol Avenue on Capitol Expressway/Capitol Ave/Excalibur Drive through March 19. Expect lane closures overnight.
    • Pile driving continues on the west side of Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Eastridge Loop. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  
    • Falsework removal will occur on northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road from Wednesday, March 19, through Tuesday, March 25.   Expect overnight road closures with detours between 10:00 pm and 5:30 am.
    • Falsework installation will occur on southbound Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Tully Road from Tuesday, April 1, through Friday, April 4. Expect overnight road closures with detours between 10:00 pm and 5:30 am. 
    • Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues segments between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 
    • The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
    • Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for Thursday, March 20 at night, with K-Rail installation on Friday, March 21 during the day. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. Expect lane closures overnight.
    • The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for five days to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems. The 24-hour-a-day operation is scheduled from Wednesday, March 19, through Monday, March 24. This intersection will be closed during the day and at night for these five days.
    • Please note: 
    • This work will close the intersection and pose significant transit impacts for bus lines 23, 25, and the corresponding Bus Bridge in place. Expect delays of 15-30 minutes, as well as missed connections.  
    • Please call the VTA Customer Service Call Center at (408) 321-2300 to help plan your trip accordingly.  
    • Pedestrians will not be able to cross Capitol Avenue at Wilbur Avenue and will need to cross at Florence Avenue.   
    • Vehicles exiting Montevista Apartments via Nuestra Castillo Court will need to turn right towards Capitol Expressway; vehicles exiting Wilbur Avenue will need to turn right towards Alum Rock Avenue.  In both instances, turning left won’t be possible.
    • Beginning on Monday, March 24, Crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve units 1-10 of K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property located by S&S Market, for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 
    • Full road closure details have been broadcast via CMS boards placed along the project corridor and will be posted to the vta.org/ebrc website and shared on social media platforms (X, Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and Next Door). Please stay attentive when driving along the project site.
    • Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning, from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. Day crews work Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am through 5:00 pm. Crew schedules and construction activities can change at any time.

    The Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Policy Advisory Board meeting will be held next Wednesday at 4pm. Meeting details are provided at VTA.org
    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   
     Community Outreach Office 
    (408) 321-7575

    #  #  #


    030425 Night Work, Traffic Shift, Intersection Closure, and more!


    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
    Weekly Construction Update  
    Tuesday, March 4, 2025

    Resident Engineer, Surveyor, and home owners

    Resident Engineer Scott Hensler explains to homeowners the upcoming construction activities in front of their home while a surveyor ensures the accurate layout for the upcoming roadway, sidewalk, and driveway activities. [Photo: VTA/EBRC LFP].



    The weather forecast indicates rain this week, which will push the construction activities such as installing K-Rail and striping by two days.

    The rest of this month is filled with traffic shifts and subsequent lane and road closures, with a highlight on two important road closures: one at the intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Avenue for OCS purposes (Overhead Catenary System), and the closure at northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala to Story to remove segments of falsework. 

    Drainage work will continue at night on Capitol Expressway north of Story Road, and on March 10th, the sidewalks and curbs on Kollmar Drive by K&K Apartments will be reconstructed.

    Please remember that scheduled construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions. Please check the “Anticipated Work” section below for details on each activity. 

    The speed limit throughout the construction zone is 35 mph. Worker and public safety are of the utmost importance. We remind the public to slow down, as some of the lanes at the intersections will be striped to a minimum width of 10’. Respect the construction zone if driving, and be alert while walking or riding bikes on temporary paths.

    Moving Forward!
    The Construction and Engagement Team


    ANTICIPATED WORK through Sunday, March 30, 2025
    *Construction activities can change at any time


    Drainage work will occur overnight on northbound Capitol Avenue on Capitol Expressway/Capitol Ave/Excalibur Drive through March 19. Expect road closures overnight.

    Pile driving continues on the west side of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Tully Road. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

    Falsework removal will occur on northbound Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road from Wednesday, March 19, through Tuesday, March 25.   Expect overnight road closures between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.

    Falsework installation will occur on southbound Capitol Expressway between Cunningham Avenue and Tully Road from Tuesday, April 1, through Friday, April 4.

    Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues on segments between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

    The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
    A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue is anticipated to begin on Thursday, March 6. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median. This operation will utilize lane closures at night for two consecutive nights on northbound Capitol Expressway south of Story Road to Capitol Avenue. After striping at night, the concrete barriers (K-rail) will be moved during the day into the section where re-striping has been completed. This will allow structure work in the median soon.

    Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for Monday, March 17, and Tuesday, March 18, with K-Rail installation during the day and striping during the night. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile-driving construction in the median.
    The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for five days to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems. The 24-hour-a-day operation is scheduled from Wednesday, March 19, through Monday, March 24. This intersection will be closed during the day and at night for these five days.

    Please note:

    • This work will close the intersection and pose significant transit impacts for bus lines 23, 25, and the corresponding Bus Bridge in place. Expect delays of 15-30 minutes, as well as missed connections.  
    • Please call the VTA Customer Service Call Center at (408) 321-2300 to help plan your trip accordingly.  
    • Pedestrians will not be able to cross Capitol Avenue at Wilbur Avenue and will need to cross at Florence Avenue.   
    • Vehicles exiting Montevista Apartments via Nuestra Castillo Court will need to turn right towards Capitol Expressway; vehicles exiting Wilbur Avenue will need to turn right towards Alum Rock Avenue.  In both instances, turning left won’t be possible.

    Beginning on Monday, March 10, Crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve units 1-10 of K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property located by S&S Market, for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 

    Full road closure details have been broadcast via CMS boards placed along the project corridor and will be posted to the
    vta.org/ebrc website and shared on social media platforms (X, Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and Next Door). Please stay attentive when driving along the project site.
    Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning, from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. Day crews work Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am through 5:00 pm. Crew schedules and construction activities can change at any time.

    Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. The speed limit is 35 mph. PLEASE SLOW DOWN!

    men and women, construction workers

    Respect the Cone Zone, Protect the Workforce.
    Be Our Partner in Safety!



    Graffiti removal

    (Capitol Expressway & Capitol Avenue) - Before and After. Graffiti by the construction zone is a recurring problem. Thankfully, the community outreach team is working closely with the contractor to promptly respond and repaint. [Photo by MCM Construction, AK].



    A construction update is scheduled to be mailed this week to 14,000 residents and businesses near the project. This publication includes important information that will help the public navigate the construction zone through May. The EBRC construction update is translated from English to Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Tagalog.


    The Community Outreach team is eager to connect! Feel free to reach out if you’d like us to table with information at your resource fair or present updates at your Neighborhood Association meeting


    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  


     Community Outreach Office
    (408) 321-7575


    #  #  #

    022425 Night Work, Traffic Shift, and Intersection Closure

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
    Weekly Construction Update  
    Monday, February 24, 2025

    Intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road

    There will be changes to the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection this March after traffic lanes are shifted. As a result, the Expressway will have three lanes in each direction. [Aerial Photo by Mark DeFeo, Heliphotos/MCM Construction].  


    Night work is steadily happening at various locations, allowing the project to move forward according to schedule. Additionally, night work is pivotal for minimizing traffic disruptions during the day. Beginning on Sunday evening, February 23, and for the next four weeks, night crews will be performing utility work on northbound Capitol Expressway towards Capitol Ave.

    Anticipated for March 4th at night, crews will stripe northbound Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue, followed by setting K-rail. This will take at least two days. A couple of weeks later, they will perform similar work (striping and setting K-Rail), but on southbound Capitol Expressway between Excalibur Drive and Story Road.

    Starting at midnight on March 19, a major construction activity will take place at the north end of the project by the VTA Alum Rock Station. The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for a few days for crucial work to relocate the existing overhead electrical systems.

    Moving Forward! 

    The EBRC Construction and Engagement Team

    Three engineers were recognized for their collaborative work at a recent EBRC partnering event

    (Left to Right) - Jake McDaniel, Project Engineer for MCM Construction, Johnny Rowe, Project Engineer for VTA, and Wenlin Yang, Deputy Project Manager for VTA. The three engineers were recognized by their peers for their commitment to a successful construction of the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector. This happened during a recent Partnering Workshop in Milpitas, CA.  [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 

    falsework structure

    Temporary support system for the new VTA Guideway on Capitol Expressway. [Photo by Bill Faoro/MCM Construction]

    Anticipated work through Sunday, March 23, 2025


    Drainage work is occurring on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue. 

    Pile driving continues on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Tully Road. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

    Falsework moves northbound on Capitol Expressway towards Story Road as construction crews continue building columns.

    Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.
    Night work continues at Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of March. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.
    Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.  
    Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway. 
    The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.  
    A 4-to-3 lane reduction on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue is anticipated for March 4 and 5. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.

    Lane striping on southbound Capitol Expressway from Excalibur Drive to Story Road is anticipated for March 13 and 14. The temporary traffic shift will allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.
    The intersection of Capitol Avenue and Wilbur Drive will be closed for a few days for crucial work to disconnect the existing overhead electrical systems and remove the tracks. This is scheduled to begin on March 19.
    Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction. 

    graphic showing construction workers

    Respect the Cone, Protect the Workforce. Be Our Partner in Safety!


    Winter 2024 Newsletter

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector (EBRC) Winter 2024 Newsletter. [Photo by LFP/VTA/EBRC]

    The EBRC Winter Newsletter was mailed to 14,000 residents and businesses near the project. This publication includes an article on environmental stewardship, an explanation of how the aerial light rail extension is built, and a summary of outreach activities for 2024. The newsletter is translated from English to Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Tagalog.

    We have hard copies and a digital, ADA-compliant version. Groups or organizations interested in having copies of the EBRC Winter Newsletter should email us for pick up or delivery. 


    Community Outreach staff met with members of the Stakeholder Working Group on Thursday, February 20, via Zoom. If you would like us to attend neighborhood meetings, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Our address is 1091 S. Capitol Avenue (near Story Road), in San Jose. Staff is available week-long to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  

    Community Outreach Office
    (408) 321-7575

    021825 Traffic shifts, intersections, and night work

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
    Weekly Construction Update   
    Tuesday, February 18, 2025  

    Construction workers remove the formwork from the bridge stem wall and apply curing compound. [Photo VTA/EBRC]. 

    Construction workers remove the formwork from the bridge stem wall and apply curing compound. [Photo VTA/EBRC].  

    Last week’s rain didn’t stop construction crews from building the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector. Before heavy rains hit, EBRC’s environmental staff took appropriate stormwater pollution control measures within the construction zone.

    Work is happening simultaneously at several locations, and as the project advances, more traffic shifts will be implemented. On the north side of the project, by the VTA Alum Rock station, major work involving road closures for a few days will occur in March.

    More details to follow in future updates.
    Moving Forward! 

    A large crane and two workers

    A worker in the field and a crane operator maneuver cables for sheet pile driving at the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.  [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 

    Anticipated work through Sunday, March 9, 2025

    Sections of Falsework will be moved from Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue to another section where columns are already built.

    Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.  

    Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

    Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue. 

    Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction.  

    Night work continues at Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. 

    Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrians, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.   

    Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway.  

    Temporary striping on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will be performed between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am.    

    The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.    

    A 4-to-3 lane reduction will take place on northbound Capitol Expressway from Story Road to Capitol Avenue.

    Lanes will be temporarily shifted on Capitol Expressway between S. Capitol Avenue and Story Road to allow for pile driving and Cast Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile construction in the median.


    Before and after - a wall impacted by graffiti and clean afterwards

    On Friday afternoon, one of the community members called to report graffiti. As usual, the team responded quickly and repainted the wall. [Photo by VTA/EBRC PL].

    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. Staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   
    For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org 


    Shop Local Campaign

    The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   

    021025  Traffic Shifts and Temporary Lane Closures

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)   
    Weekly Construction Update    
    Monday, February 10, 2025    


    Two 164-ft cranes stand on the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road for sheet and pile driving to build the foundation and columns that will support the guideway transition from the median to the west side of Capitol Expressway.

    Cranes stand on the northwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road for sheet and pile driving to build the foundation/ columns that will support the guideway transition from the median to the west side of Capitol Expressway. [Photo VTA/EBRC LFP]. 


    Beginning next week, traffic shifts will be implemented for the next stage of activities. Lanes will be shifted outwards and temporary railing (Type K) will be placed on Capitol Expressway near Story Road to make room in the middle, for building the aerial guideway through the intersection.  

    In the southern part of the project, the guideway will transition towards the west side of the expressway, in front of the airport, to ultimately land at the new VTA Eastridge Station. Temporary lane closures will be utilized on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road to allow for the installation of temporary railing (Type K) in the median.   

    The first half of the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue serving the K&K Apartments are scheduled for replacement starting February 19, 2025. During this time, tenants will not be able to access their parking stalls. Construction crews will replace one half of the  driveways at a time, while temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot. VTA Outreach has been coordinating with the property management and tenants well in advance of this activity to ensure access to a designated parking area.  

    Please remember that construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions.  

    Moving Forward!  


    The Construction and Engagement Team 


    a water truck on Excalibur Drive

    A sweeper truck at Excalibur Drive removes soil tracked on roads while construction activities continue. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP].   


    Anticipated work through Friday, February 28, 2025  


    • The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.    

    • Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.   

    • Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Capitol Avenue.   

    • Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.   

    • Crews will replace the driveway on S. Capitol Avenue that serves the K&K Apartments. Temporary parking will be provided on the VTA property in the S&S Market lot for the tenants inconvenienced during construction.  

    • Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.  Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am. 

    • Night work continues in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Caution is recommended for motorists, pedestrian, and bike riders. Night crews work from 10:00 pm through 7:00 am.   

    • Crews will work at night to install a drainage system that crosses Capitol Expressway near the S&S Market and McDonald’s driveway.  

    • Temporary striping on SB Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will be performed between10:00 pm and 7:00 am.nbsp;



    Community Outreach  

    Eastboud Story Road filled with cars during traffic rush hour

    Community Outreach staff continue engaging with residents and business owners to ensure their concerns are addressed. [Photo by VTA/EBRC LFP]. 


    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule: Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. Community Outreach staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.   

    For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org    

    Shop Local Campaign

    The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   


    020325 Rain, Mud Tracking Devices, and Concrete Pouring

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
    Weekly Construction Update  
    Monday, February 3, 2025  


    Construction of the bridge superstructure is progressing rapidly, with pile driving and concrete pours between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. Next week, more piles will be driven for the Story station structure near AutoZone.

    Pile driving continues on the northwest side of Tully Road as the light rail alignment transitions from the median to the west side of the expressway in front of the airport. 

    Later in February (2/20), the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve K&K Apartments will be replaced. During this time, tenants will not be able to access their parking stalls. To minimize disruption, construction crews will replace two driveways at a time while temporary parking will be provided in front of S&S Market. VTA Outreach has been coordinating with the property management and tenants well in advance of this activity.

    Worker safety and the safety of the public is our number one priority. Please continue helping us spread the word regarding the 35mph speed limit. 

    Moving Forward!


    Paving and related activities, including K-rail rearrangement, continue on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive. 

    The relocation of the BRT station continues at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue, and it is expected to be completed in March 2025.

    Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

    Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway between Tully Road and Story Road. 

    Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

    In mid-February, crews will replace the driveways on S. Capitol Avenue that serve K&K Apartments. To minimize disruption, construction crews will replace two driveways at a time, while temporary parking will be provided in front of S&S Market.

    Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning. 
    Drainage work is underway on the corner of Story Road and Capitol Expressway toward the VTA bus station. 

    Two crosswalks at the Tully Road intersection are closed and will continue for the next six months. Pedestrians and cyclists are reminded to use the available crosswalks, be cautious, and follow the signs.

    Community Outreach 

    The Community Outreach Office has a new schedule. Beginning on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, it will be open on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. Community Outreach staff is available weeklong to respond to the concerns of residents, business owners, and the community at large.  

    For questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org   
    The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction, and the public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.  

    012725 Drainage, Pile Driving, and Residents

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC)  
    Weekly Construction Update   
    Monday, January 27, 2025   

    On Saturday, January 25, construction crews successfully moved a 164-foot crane from the southeast corner of Capitol Expressway and Story Road to the southwest corner by Autozone. This happened between 12:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m.   
    During this activity, the southbound Capitol Expressway at Story Road was closed, with detours in place. The public did not report any issues or concerns, and we appreciate their understanding. The road closure was necessary to ensure safety while moving the crane. A traffic advisory was widely publicized a few days before the closure.   
    This move allows crews to begin building the southwest area of the new VTA Story Road Station, which includes stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing.   
    Construction continues progressing north, south, and at the median of Capitol Expressway, with work taking place day and night as necessary. 
    Moving Forward! 
    The Construction and Engagement Team  

    Anticipated work through Sunday, February 2, 2025  (Partial List)  

    Paving and related activities, including K-rail rearrangement, continue on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive.  
    Sewage work is underway on the corner of Story Road and Capitol Expressway, toward the VTA bus station.  
    Night work continues on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning.   
    Also, in mid-February, crews will be working on S. Capitol Avenue, eastside, by K&K Apartments. This will require moving approximately 10 tenant parking spaces. Arrangements have been made to relocate them to a parking lot near S&S Market.  
    Drainage work is occurring at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road.   
    Concrete pouring for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.   
    Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day.   
    Relocation of the BRT Station will continue at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue intersection.    

    Community Outreach 

    Recently, EBRC's staff met with a group of homeowners from Dover Way who are forming a Neighborhood Association. Staff responded to their questions during the meeting. Staff continue to engage with homeowners and tenants as construction reaches areas near their neighborhood. 
    Staff responded to a couple of homeowners' calls regarding potential impacts to their property due to construction. MCM Construction, the prime contractor, and the project staff are working to provide a response to their concerns. 

    The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction. The public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop.   
    The community outreach office trailer is located within the construction Zone. We are open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment.   
    For questions or concerns, please contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org     

    012125 Cranes, Paving, Pouring, and Home Visits

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector (EBRC) 
    Weekly Construction Update  
    Tuesday, January 21, 2025  

    Pile driving is currently underway to build the stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing for the VTA Story Road Station at S&S Market. Crews drove piles in the southeast corner of the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection by S&S Market, which continues to be open for business during construction. 
    Work to build the stairs, elevator, and pedestrian overcrossing for the VTA Story Road Station on the southwest corner of the Capitol Expressway and Story Road intersection at AutoZone is planned to start January 27. However, before this happens, the large crane that was used at the southeast corner will be moved across the Capitol Expressway. The move is planned for January 25 between 12:01 AM and 5:00 AM. Southbound Capitol Expressway will be closed at Story Road to move the crane. Detours will be in place to direct traffic. 
    On Monday, January 20, 2025, construction progressed as usual, with work happening both during the day and at night. 
    Moving Forward, 
    The Construction and Engagement Team 

    Anticipated work through Sunday, January 26, 2025 (Partial List) 

    Within the last few days, construction crews hauled dirt from the median of Capitol Expressway and moved it to a designated site in Sunol. 

    Concrete placement for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway continues between Ocala Avenue and Story Road. 

    Pile driving continues at various locations throughout the project. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

    Night work is taking place on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Capitol Avenue through the middle of February. Night crews work from Sunday night through Friday morning. 

    A large crane will be moved from the east side of Capitol Expressway to the west side of Capitol Expressway at night. The move is planned for January 25 between 12:01 AM and 5:00 AM.

    Southbound Capitol Expressway will be closed at Story Road to move the crane. Detours will be in place to direct traffic. 

    Relocation of the BRT Station will continue at the southwest corner of Capitol Expressway and Ocala Avenue intersection.   

    Drainage work is taking place at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

    Community Outreach
    As construction advances and intensifies, community outreach staff continue responding to residents who express various concerns, such as graffiti, noise, vibration, parking, streetlights, and other issues. Information on construction activities and traffic is provided as timely as possible. 
    The VTA/EBRC project supports businesses through a “Shop Local” marketing campaign. All businesses are open during construction. The public is encouraged to visit their favorite East San Jose store and shop. 
    The community outreach office trailer is located within the construction Zone. We are open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 
    For questions or concerns, please contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  


    011325 Construction activities are gearing up in 2025

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
    Weekly Construction Update 
    Monday, January 13, 2025 


    Construction activities are gearing up in 2025 with the first of the major concrete pour for the bridge deck close to Ocala Avenue. Other construction activities are continuing near Capitol Expressway/Story Road intersection where Story Road station will be constructed. 

    Construction activities have intensified in northern part of the project, with day and night work. Daywork continues in the southern part of the project near Tully and Ocala. Pedestrian paths are clearly delineated. We ask the public to respect the construction zone by not littering.

    Staff members continue engaging with business owners, residents, and elected officials, responding to their concerns, discussing mitigation as appropriate, and providing information in five languages about construction and traffic conditions.

    Temporary lane closures and other modifications to traffic will continue as necessary. The project team is always seeking ways to minimize disruptions. 

    Safety is of utmost importance. We continue asking motorists to obey the 35-mph speed limit and appreciate the actions officers from the San Jose Police Departments take in support of the EBRC Project. 

    Moving Forward,

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    Anticipated work through Sunday, January 20, 2025
    (Partial List)


    •    Concrete placement for the superstructure on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road to begin on 01/14/25.

    •    Pile driving will take place at various locations throughout the week. Pile driving is conducted only during the day. 

    •    Shoring will take place at the Story BRT station located after the northeast of Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

    •    Drainage work at several locations on Capitol Expressway and Story Road. 

    •    Several construction activities will continue at S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete.   

    •    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.

    •    Pile driving will continue the west side of Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road.

    Community Outreach

    Staff has been very busy responding to business owners and residents. Flyers were delivered to tenants at apartments near Story Road to inform them of upcoming construction activities. 

    The public is welcome to stop by our community outreach office located within the construction Zone. The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 

    For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  

    010625 Happy New Year 

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
    Weekly Construction Update 
    Monday, January 6, 2025

    Happy New Year!

    Work over the holiday was light. Activities were mainly kept to the continuation of the sanitary/sewer relocation.

    We have experienced safety concerns over alleged gang activity, and unhoused individuals harassing staff and interrupting overnight construction activities. VTA met with San Jose Police Department (SJPD). SJPD will increase patrols to ensure the safety of the crews and public. SJPD arranged for off duty police officers to be present beginning Sunday evening. Off duty officers are not always going to be available. VTA is exploring having armed private security to ensure safety. SJPD has been added to this weekly update.

    Safety is a top priority. Community members must stay out of the construction area for their own safety and the safety of the crews and other VTA staff. Harassment of crew and staff working on this project will not be tolerated and police will be called to manage any threat to safety.

    There has been a number of cars, and an RV permanently parked along S. Capitol Avenue @ Excalibur in the project right of way that are impeding the construction schedule. People are living in these vehicles. VTA is working with SCC Sheriff tow notices were issued on January 1. All individuals were contacted by Home First, service provider for unhoused, offering assistance services in advance of receiving a tow notice. Cars not moved after the 72 hours will be towed.

    Weekly staff/contractor construction meetings resume this week, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. 

    Moving Forward,

    The EBRC Community Outreach and Construction Team

    Anticipated, ongoing work through January 17, 2025
    Overnight activities to complete sanitary sewer are ongoing around Capitol Expressway/Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway/Story Road intersections. This work requires lane closures that cannot occur during the day. 
    Overnight activities to install rebar on frames 19, 18, 17, and frame 16. These are located on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

    During the daytime, weather and conditions permitting, the following activities are ongoing:
    •    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Stem and soffit). Work is forming and pouring the base of the bridge (Frames 17 and 16), in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.

    •    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Deck). Work is forming and pouring the top of the box girder (Frames 19 and 18), in the median of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road.  

    •    Work will be conducted at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities taking place in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station, and Capital Car Wash. Temporary Lane closures will continue to be implemented.  

    •    Several activities, including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving, continue at S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete.   

    •    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road.

    •    Pile driving on the west side of Capitol Expressway north of Tully Road will occur.  
    Community Outreach 
    Community outreach staff and MCM’s CRO continue to address residential concerns regarding noise, pothole/tire damage claims, and coordinate activities with businesses.

    Field Office on Capitol Expressway and Story Road
    •    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 

    •    For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  

    122324 Holiday schedule and more

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
    Weekly Construction Update 
    Monday, December 23, 2024 

    Winter conditions have not deterred construction crews from building the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector, and they are building it fast. Although rain impedes construction and creates mud in the project area, workers continue pile driving, trenching, covering dirt piles, and keeping the area clean.
    With one exception, most of the crew will be off the week of Christmas. Their time off means that residents and motorists will have a break from construction activities, except for a crew working two nights on Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue, on Sunday, December 22, and Monday, December 23.   
    Staff continues working with residents to find temporary solutions to noise and other disruptions.

    Please note: the construction meeting held every Wednesday will resume on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. 

    Moving Forward,

    The EBRC Construction and Outreach Team

    Anticipated, ongoing work through the end of December 2024
    1. In observance of the Christmas Holiday, day crews are off from Saturday, December 21, through Sunday, December 29, 2024. Day work will resume on Monday, December 30, 2024.

    2. Night crews are off from Friday, December 20, through Saturday, December 28, 2024, except for a group scheduled to work on Sunday and Monday evenings, December 22 and 23, 2024. Night work will resume on Sunday, December 29, 2024. 
    3. During the regular schedule, these activities will take place on an ongoing basis:
    •    Concrete placement for the superstructure (Stem and soffit) pivot according to weather conditions. Work is forming the base of the bridge (Frame 18), the median of Capitol Expressway near Ocala Avenue.  
    •    Day and night work will be conducted at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities taking place in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station, and Capital Car Wash. Temporary Lane closures will continue to be implemented.  
    •    Several activities, including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving, continue on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete; work will shift towards the intersection, which involves night work.   
    •    Irrigation work, potholing, and other construction activities will occur on Capitol Expressway and Tully Road. 
    Community Outreach 

    On Friday, December 13, project staff hosted a community appreciation holiday gathering at the Outreach Field Office. Staff were delighted to interact with residents and business owners who participated. District 5 Councilmember Peter Ortiz donated the lovely tree adorning our outreach office. The delicious refreshments were purchased from La Grullensa at the Crossroads Shopping Center. VTA is supporting the local business community with the recent launch of the Shop Local-Shop Capitol Expressway campaign.

    Shout out to our colleagues who supported this event. VTA's Facilities team set up our tables, lighting, tents, and heaters, keeping everyone comfortable, warm, and dry. Our Creative Services team designed the invitations, provided project photos that were on display, and photographed the event.

    On Friday, December 20, construction staff and leadership visited crews along the 2.4-mile project to express sincere appreciation for their work. Donuts from World Donuts ‘n Ice Cream at Crossroads Shopping Center and coffee from a Starbucks nearby were shared early morning as workers began their shifts. [Photos by VS/LFP].
    Field Office on Capitol Expressway and Story Road
    •    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. 
    •    The Outreach Field Office will be closed for the Holidays and will resume its regular schedule on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Staff is available by phone or email. 
    •    For questions or concerns, the public can contact the Community Outreach Office by calling (408) 321-7575 or via email at community.outreach@vta.org  
    *** We wish everybody a Happy and Safe Holiday! ***

    The Construction and Engagement Team 

    112224 Rain and Thanksgiving 

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector   
    Weekly Construction Update   
    Friday, November 22, 2024 



    Construction continues with multiple activities such as potholing, drainage, excavation pile driving and bridge falsework. Night work activities include falsework, rebar and drainage installation. Work at Tully Road, Ocala Avenue and Story Road intersections have ramped up. Roadway widening at S. Capitol Avenue continues. 

    As we enter the rainy season, contractors are adjusting their activities and schedules. Crews are preparing for this weekend’s expected rain by sweeping construction areas and covering all exposed dirt piles.  

    Pile driving activity, noise, vibration, and other construction activities are felt by those who live on streets parallel to the project. Staff is in constant communication with residents and business owners, and we truly appreciate their patience while we build the light rail extension.  

    Construction activities will stop on November 28th and 29th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Construction activities and traffic changes are scheduled to resume on Monday, December 2nd. 

    Anticipated work from 11/23/24 through 12/08/24   

    1. Day and night work at all corners of the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road, with activities going on in front of the Chevron Gas Station, Auto Zone, World Oil Gas Station and Capital Car Wash. Temporary lane closures will continue to be implemented.   

    2. K-rail will be placed on Kollmar Drive near S&S Market. Beginning on December 2, 2024: One way traffic on sections of Kollmar Drive, with detours to Sussex Avenue and McGinness Drive.  

    3. Day work with intermittent, temporary lane closures by the Mercedez Benz Dealership at the Northeast corner of the Capitol Expressway and Tully Road intersection.  

    4.Roadwork at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue continues.  

    5. Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur and Story until complete; work will then shift towards the intersection, and it involves night work.    

    6. Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.   

    7. Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime as needed, accompanied by lane closures.   

    8. Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. A traffic advisory will be posted along with signage no less than 5 days in advance.  


    SAVE THE DATE! -  

    Holiday Celebration, Friday, December 13th 4pm-7pm 
    at the Community Outreach office at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. Light refreshments will be provided, along with fun activities for all.  

    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on  
    Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and   
    Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.    

    Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org  

    Moving Forward, 

    The Construction and Engagement Team 


    111824 Work at the intersections with Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Tully Road

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector   
    Weekly Construction Update   
    Friday, November 22, 2024


    Falsework is advancing northbound on Capitol Expressway from the Ocala Avenue intersection toward the Story Road intersection. Construction activities such as pile driving and column forming continue north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. K-Rail placement and utility work begins at Story Road and in other areas. 

    Following community input regarding access for pedestrian and bike riders, and to improve the experience of motorists and bus riders, additional signs along the construction zone have been installed. Night work continues to take place this week and next. 

    Looking ahead, please note that construction activities will stop on Nov 28th and 29th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Work may resume on Sunday evening, December 1st. 

    Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:
    ·    Chevron Gas Station – Work is underway. The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway is temporarily closed while crews perform driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road is open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open for the time being. Pedestrian and bike riders can use the temporary sidewalk on Capitol Expressway and Story Road while this is happening.

    ·    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.   
    ·    World Oil Gas Station – K-Rail placement is expected this week.  The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only, while the driveway on Story Road will remain open. The area will have proper signage. 

    Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:
    ·    Mercedez Benz Dealership – Day work to install drainage systems has begun and it will continue for several weeks until completed, with intermittent, temporary lane closures. Flaggers are present and proper signs are in place. 
    Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

    ·    Crossroads Shopping Center –Remaining work includes concrete island, planting, and some street lighting. 


    ·    Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street –Street lighting installation is pending. 

    ·    Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue through the end of November.  


    Currently, bus #70 is no longer doing the reroute via Leeward. Southbound 70 bus riders may catch the bus on Ocala nearside Capitol at the temporary stop. 

    Anticipated work from 11/16/24 through 12/01/24 
    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 
    Day Work                               
    ·    Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway. 
    ·    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
    ·    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
    ·    Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime as needed, accompanied by lane closures. 

    ·    Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. Advance notice will be provided about this activity. 
    ·    Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.   

    ·    Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible.

    ·    For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.   

    ·    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
     Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 
    Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  

    ·    The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. 

    ·    Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

    Moving Forward, 

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    110824 Falsework, Pile Driving, Intersections

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector  
    Weekly Construction Update  
    Friday, November 8, 2024 

    The contractors are scheduled to work on Veterans’ Day (11/11/2024), weather conditions permitting. Night work and lane closures continue intermittently. Construction activities are now focusing on the Capitol Expressway intersections with Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Tully Road.  
    A construction update for November was delivered by mail and delivered door-door to homes next to the project. Information is provided in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, and Chinese. The monthly project update has resumed and sent via email to stakeholders who subscribe for updates via the EBRC website. The public is encouraged to submit comments or concerns via this link: Contact EBRC Staff | VTA. 
    Construction takes a break in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday from Thursday, November 28th through Saturday, November 30th.  Work is planned to resume on Sunday night, after Thanksgiving. 
    Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road: 
    •    Chevron Gas Station – Work is underway. The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway is temporarily closed while crews perform underground utility relocation and driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road is open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open for the time being. Pedestrian and bike riders can use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening. 
    •    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Drive. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.    
    •    World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, demolition, underground drainage, sanitary sewer construction, curb and gutter, driveway and roadway construction near the station will require a temporary barrier and lane closures. The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only.   
    Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road: 
    •    Mercedez Benz Dealership – Work to install drainage systems has begun and it will continue for several weeks until completed. 

    Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway: 
    •    Crossroads Shopping Center – The last outside roadway widening activities at this location are underway, and the removal of temporary barriers is anticipated for mid-November. 

    •    Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are complete, with minor details and sidewalk work to be completed next week. Street lighting installation and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for Mid-November.  
    •    Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving will continue through the end of November.   
    •    Eastbound Route 70 buses have been rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway until Spring 2025. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.  
    •    VTA will continue monitoring to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.  
    Anticipated work from 11/09/24 through 11/27/24  
    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.  
    Day Work                                
    •    Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.  
    •    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
    •    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
    •    Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during daytime and nighttime, with use of lane closures.  
    •    Eastbound Ocala Avenue will again be temporarily closed for a couple of days, from 9 am to 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway. This is currently planned for the week of 11/17.  
    •    Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.    
    •    Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible. 

    •    For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.    

    •    The Community Outreach Field Office is open on 
    Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and  
    Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.   

    •    The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.  

    •    Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org 
    Moving Forward,  

    The Construction and Engagement Team 


    110124 Work to begin on Story Rd and Capitol Expressway

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
    Weekly Construction Update 
    Friday, November 1, 2024



    Overnight work is scheduled to begin on Sunday, Nov 3rd. Crews will be working overnight in the median of Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue this week and on the northbound side near Tully Road next week. K-rail will be installed on the west side of Capitol Expressway south of Ocala to begin the demolition and roadway widening work, including the BRT station relocation.  Daywork will continue next week at the project's northeast end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station on Capitol Avenue, and on S. Capitol Avenue, westside.

    Construction activities can change at any time due to weather and other conditions.



    Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:

    • Chevron Gas Station – Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November 5, 2024; The driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway will be temporarily closed while crews perform underground utility relocation and driveway reconstruction. The driveway to the east on Story Road will be open, and the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open. Pedestrian and bike riders will be able to use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening.
    • Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road and both driveways on Story Road will be open. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.  


    • World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, demolition, underground drainage, sanitary sewer construction, curb and gutter, driveway and roadway construction near the station will require a temporary barrier and lane closures. The driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open as an entrance only. 

    Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:

    • Mercedez Benz Dealership - Night work to install drainage systems is anticipated to begin on the week of November 10, 2024, and continue for several weeks until completed.

    Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

    • Crossroads Shopping Center – Driveway and curbs are completed on S. Capitol Avenue. Work continues with concrete pouring, sidewalk, installing streetlights, landscaping and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for mid-November.


    • Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are complete, with minor details and sidewalk work to be completed next week. Street lighting installation and temporary barrier removal is anticipated for Mid-November.
    • Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb and gutter, and roadway paving are expected to continue through the end of November. 


    • Due to the temporarily lane closures for underground work and new K-rails that will be installed next week (which makes it more difficult for a bus to make a right turn onto Capitol Expressway), for the next phase of road widening work, eastbound Route 70 buses have been rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway until Spring 2025. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.
    • VTA completed additional temporary lighting to the stations and will continue to monitor to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.

    Anticipated work from 11/02/24 through 11/22/24

    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.  

    Day Work                              

    • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
    • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
    • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
    • Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes overnight due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely – this overnight work is planned to start on 11/3 (Sunday).
    • Eastbound Ocala Avenue will again be temporarily closed during 9 am - 3pm for drainage work on Capitol Expressway for a couple days, currently planned for the week of 11/10.
    • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



    • Current work locations are preparing for upcoming rainy season.
    • Fiber rolls for erosion and sediment control have been installed throughout the active median on Capitol Expressway.
    • Drain inlets throughout the project site are protected from construction activities.


    • Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible.
    • VTA Outreach Staff will present a project update at Coffee with the Principal at Katherine Smith Elementary School on November 11, 2024.
    • The latest construction update (Nov 1-30, 2024) is being delivered to residents and business owners.
    • For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART.  
    • The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
       Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and
      Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  
    • The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.
    • Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

    Moving Forward,

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    102524 Businesses, Residences, Bus Operations, Environmental

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector  
     Weekly Construction Update  
     Friday, October 25, 2024

    Work continues at the median of Capitol Expressway, North and South of Ocala Avenue. Work is also underway at the project's north end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station on Capitol Avenue, and on S. Capitol Avenue, westside. Community Outreach staff are communicating with residents and businesses, to keep the community apprised of activities and address their issues and concerns.

    Day and night work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Story Road:
    ·    Chevron Gas Station – In early November, one of the two driveways on Story Road will remain open, while the driveway on Story Road closest to Capitol Expressway will be temporarily closed. Pedestrian and bike riders will be able to use the sidewalk on Capitol Expressway while this is happening. 

    ·    Chevron Gas Station and S&S Market – In late November, the driveways facing Capitol Expressway will be permanently closed. An ADA-accessible pedestrian and bike path will be built for the community to use.  Access to S&S Market will be via Kollmar Avenue. Access to Chevron will be via Story Road. Directional signage will be placed to advise customers.   
    ·    World Oil Gas Station – Potholing, and underground drainage and sanitary sewer construction in the roadways near the station will require temporary lane closure however the driveway on Capitol Expressway will remain open. At the end of the year when new curb and sidewalk activities begin, customers will be able to enter the gas station from Capitol Expressway. They will exit to Story Road. Directional signage will be in place to direct traffic in and out of the station.

    Work at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road:
    ·    Mercedez Benz Dealership - Overnight work to install drainage systems is anticipated to begin on the week of November 3and continue for several weeks until late November. 

    Work on Capitol Avenue and Capitol Expressway:

    • Crossroads Shopping Center – Driveway and curbs are completed. The sidewalk work in the surrounding area continues and is anticipated to be substantially completed by the end of October.  Street lighting and remaining work is expected to be completed by mid-November.


    • Homes on Capitol Avenue and Lombard Street – Driveways are completed. The sidewalk work in the surrounding area continues and is anticipated to be substantially complete by the end of October. Street lighting installation and K-Rail removal is anticipated for Mid-November.
    • Homes on S. Capitol Avenue and Excalibur Drive – Several activities including street lighting, fiber optic cable, bioswale installation, curb forming and pouring are ongoing and expected to continue through the end of November. 


    • Eastbound Ocala Avenue will be temporarily closed for work at Capitol Expressway for a couple days next week, eastbound Route 70 buses will be rerouted via Leeward Drive, to Foxdale Drive, and then to Capitol Expressway. Residents can board the bus at the temporary bus stop located on Capitol nearside Ocala.
    • VTA is currently working with a contractor to ensure that adequate lighting is provided along the pedestrian pathways at night.

    Anticipated work from 10/25/24 through 11/22/24

    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.

    Day Work                              

    • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
    • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

    As of 10/25/24 Pile driving is by the Foxdale Apartments, moving north on  
     Capitol Expressway between Foxdale Drive and Story Road.    

    • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.  
    • Falsework to build the bridge deck is underway.  Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes overnight due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely – this overnight work is planned to start at the beginning of November.
    • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



    • Current work locations are preparing for upcoming rainy season.
    • Fiber rolls for erosion and sediment control have been installed throughout the active median on Capitol Expressway.
    • Drain inlets throughout the project site are protected from construction activities.


    • Staff continues engaging one-on-one with business owners, residents, and the public in general. Concerns are addressed as soon as possible
    • Staff has spoken about the project on NBC-TV, Telemundo, Univision, and KCBS Radio as well as on Instagram and Facebook. Please follow us @SCVTA.
    • We are about to begin another round of construction updates to be delivered to businesses and residents located very close to the project, and we are preparing a marketing campaign to support businesses in the area.
    • For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, please go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART
    • Staff will participate in the following events:

    Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25)

    District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26)

    • The Community Outreach Field Office is open on
       Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and
      Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment.  
    • The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.
    • Community Outreach can be reached by calling 408.321.7575, or emailing community.outreach@vta.org

    Moving Forward,

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    101824 Falsework, Upcoming Night Work

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector 
    Weekly Construction Update 
    Friday, October 18, 2024 


    This past week, VTA’s Transit Services personnel conducted a test drive at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue to ensure the upcoming temporary road realignment will not impede the bus routes in that area. With traffic modifications around the corner, similar activities will occur throughout the construction zone as needed.  

     Work continues at the median, North and South of Ocala Avenue. Work is also underway at the project's north end, near the VTA’s Alum Rock station, and on S. Capitol Avenue (westside). The EBRC team constantly communicates with residents, businesses, and the public to address their issues and concerns. 

    The City of San Jose and utility companies are currently working on the east and west sides of the EBRC construction zone, doing paving jobs and other public works. This may confuse residents, who think the road closures and detours are related to the EBRC construction project. EBRC Project will try to coordinate with other projects, whenever  
    we can, to minimize traffic impacts and we thank the public for their patience for all public work within the area. 

    For EBRC’s construction updates and traffic advisories, go to vta.org/eastridgetoBART. 

    Upcoming Traffic Modifications   

    ***For planning purposes only.  

    There will be temporary 1-lane closures from 9 am – to 3 pm, both Northbound and Southbound, from the VTA-Alum Rock Transit Center to the Eastridge Transit Center for structure work in the median and outside civil/underground and traffic signal/street lighting work. 

    There will be nighttime 2-lane closures from 10 pm – 5 am, primarily northbound from Story Road to Tully Road along Capitol Expressway, where the contractor is working on falsework for the deck structure above ground (note this is moving from location to location, starting north of Ocala going North and south of Cunningham going South) beginning around the end of October. Other periodic nighttime 2-lane closures may also occur at various areas along the project corridor on either direction for underground sanitary sewer and drainage work that is in the middle of or crossing multiple travel lanes.  

    A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location through mid-2025. In early 2025, the southbound BRT Ocala station bus shelter will be removed and relocated to the west and will be ready for use in mid-2025. 

    Anticipated work from 10/18/24 through 11/03/24 

    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 

    Day Work 

    • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway. 
    • Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction and for businesses at the Crossroad Shopping Center.  
    • Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue are taking place, with minimal or no impacts on residents.  
    • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
      * As of 10/18/24 Pile driving is approaching the Foxdale Apartments, going north on  Capitol Expressway between Foxdale Drive and Story Road.  
    • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue. 
    • Falsework to build the bridge deck has begun. Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 

    Night and Saturday Work 

    • Night work is anticipated at the North-East corner of Capitol Expressway and Tully Road, beginning on Sunday, October 27, 2024. 
    • Night work is anticipated at the median and other locations beginning on Sunday, October 27, 2024. 
    • Saturday work will continue for excavation and shoring work in the median at several locations, as needed.  



    • Staff participated at the Resource Fair at Lee Mathson Middle School (10/15)


    • Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25) 

    • District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26) 


    • Please remember that the Community Outreach Field Office is open  
      Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm  
      and by appointment. The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127. 

    Moving Forward, 

    The Construction and Engagement Team 

    101124 Traffic Modifications, Upcoming Falsework and Other Activities


    Construction activities are at a phase where lane and road closures and detours can occur more often. Traffic modifications are expected, and the traffic signage is placed where needed. Traffic Advisories will be shared with the community and found on the project’s website at vta.org/eastridgetoBART.

    To date, at least 200 piles have been driven into the ground. Pile driving and column pouring activities are active in some segments. Similarly, roadway construction activities continue by the Crossroads Shopping Center on Capitol Avenue and S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur Drive and Story Road.

    Upcoming Traffic Modifications 

    ***For planning purposes only.

    • There will be temporary 1-lane closures from 9 am – to 3 pm, both Northbound and Southbound, from the VTA-Alum Rock Transit Center to the Eastridge Transit Center for structure work in the median and outside civil/underground and traffic signal/street lighting work.
    • There will be nighttime 2-lane closures from 8 pm – 5 am, primarily northbound from Capitol Avenue to Tully Road along Capitol Expressway, where the contractor is working on falsework for the deck structure above ground (note this is moving from location to location, starting north of Ocala going North and south of Cunningham going South) beginning around the end of October.  
    • A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location through mid-2025. In early 2025, the southbound BRT Ocala station bus shelter will be removed and relocated to the west and will be ready for use in mid-2025.


    Anticipated work from 10/11/24 through 10/28/24

    ***Construction activities and schedules can change at any time.

    Day Work

    • Excavate and install drainage systems along the Capitol Expressway.
    • Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction and for businesses at the Crossroad Shopping Center.
    • Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue are taking place, with minimal or no impacts on residents.
    • Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast piles, and driving piles are happening at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
    • Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
    • Falsework to build the bridge deck has begun. Work is conducted during the daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to safely move materials and build support structures.

    Night Work

    • Night work is anticipated beginning October 27, at the median.

    Saturday Work

    • Excavation and shoring work in the median.




    • Three Community Update Meetings occurred on Oct 5, 9, and 10. The first meeting was held at the Hank Lopez Community Center and facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. Subsequent meetings were held via Zoom; the first meeting was in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation, and the second was in Spanish with English interpretation.


    • Lee Mathson Middle School Resource Fair (10/15)
    • Foxdale Fall Festival - Foxdale Village Apartments (10/25)
    • District 8 Fall Festival - Lake Cunningham Park (10/26)


    • Please remember that the Community Outreach Field Office is open Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and Fridays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and by appointment. The field office is at 1091 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127.


    Moving Forward,

    The Construction and Engagement Team


    092724 Construction Activities Update, Southbound Ocala BRT Relocation, Community Meetings

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    September 27, 2024

    Construction activities continue at various locations along the project. Pile driving activities are occurring north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue at various bridge column locations. This is followed by placing rebar and pouring foundation concrete. Several columns are already cast and are visible along the expressway. Bridge falsework activities are to follow soon at locations where columns are already built. 

    A temporary BRT bus stop has been established north of the Ocala intersection. It will remain in service at this location for at least 8 months to allow underground work to be completed. Following that, in early November, the southbound BRT Ocala station will be dismantled to allow space in the middle for bridge construction. In spring 2025, the BRT station will be reassembled. All art components will be protected. 

    Construction activities and schedules can change at any time. 

    Anticipated work from 09/27/24 through 10/14/24
    Day Work
    •    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.

    •    Hard surface removal, concrete pouring, form and pour curbs, and curing on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways to remain open for residents who live by active construction and for the business at the Crossroad Shopping Center. 

    •    Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway with minimal or no impacts to residents. 

    •    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast pile and driving piles at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

    •    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.

    •    Falsework is planned begin in early October.  Work is conducted at daytime and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 
    Night Work

    •    Night work at Tully intersection is anticipated for second week of October.  
    Saturday Work

    •    Grading work planned along Capitol Avenue area. Structure work in the median continues. 


    The Outreach Field Office is open Tuesdays 9am-12n, and Fridays 1-5pm, and by appointment. 

    Three community meetings have been scheduled to provide the community an update on current construction activities and share what to expect going forward for the next several months. This is also an opportunity to hear from the community. 

    •    Saturday, October 5, 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.  – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center, facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

    •    Wednesday, October 9, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.  – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. “

    •    Thursday, October 10, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.   – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 

    Moving Forward,
    The Construction and Engagement Team

    091624  Pile Driving, Rebar, Outreach

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    September 16, 2024

    Dear All,

    Pile driving continues at various locations along the Expressway. The contractor will pour concrete columns near Ocala Avenue this Saturday and next Thursday. The Ocala BRT stop will be temporarily relocated to construct a new drainage system. Roadway excavation along S. Capitol Avenue will continue next week

    Anticipated work from 09/14/24 to 09/22/24

    Day Work
    •    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.
    •    Hard surface removal and concrete pouring on Capitol Avenue. Portions of driveways will remain open for residents who live by active construction. 
    •    Various construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway with minimal or no impacts to residents. 
    •    Excavation, shoring, pile delivery, off-loading pre-cast pile and driving piles at various piers located on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
    •    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue and south of Cunningham Avenue.
    •    Falsework to build the bridge deck is anticipated to begin in the third week of September. Work will be done during day, and sometimes at night due to multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and build support structures safely. 

    Night Work
    •    No Night work is anticipated for next week Sunday, September 15, 2024 through Saturday, September 21, 2024.

    Saturday Work
    •    Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway. 
    •    Rebar work for columns.
    •    Concrete pouring scheduled for Saturday, September 14, 2024, day work only. 

    Community Outreach 
    School Engagement. Staff participated at Kimberly Smith Elementary’s Back to School Night on 09/11.

    Field Office Warming. Saturday, September 21, from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 

    Neighborhood Meeting for S. Capitol Ave residents. Tuesday, September 24, 6:00 P.M.

    Construction Update Meeting. Saturday, October 5, 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.  – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center, facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

    Construction Update Meeting. Wednesday, October 9, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.  – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. 

    Construction Update Meeting. Thursday, October 10, 6:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M.   – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 


    Moving Forward,

    090624 Excavation, Rebar, and Community Meetings

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    September 6, 2024

    Dear All,

    Construction continues in the middle of Capitol Expressway, with large cranes in the median and large trucks either delivering piles or moving soil.  Other heavy equipment is positioned at different points across the project. 

    There will be work on Saturdays for this period. Construction schedules may change at any time due to weather or other circumstances. 

    Anticipated work from 09/07/24 to 09/15/24

    Day Work
    •    Excavate and install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway.
    •    Concrete and pavement removal and other construction activities on Capitol. Avenue, southbound between
         Wilbur Avenue and Capitol  Expressway. 
    •    Excavation, demolition, and other construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur Drive and Story Road. 
    •    Pile driving, shoring, excavation, pile delivery, and off-loading pre-cast pile for various piers located on
         Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
    •    Pour concrete footings and columns on Capitol Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
    •    Pile driving, shoring, excavation, pile delivery, and off-loading pre-cast pile for various piers located
         on Capitol Expressway south of Cunningham Avenue. 
    •    Falsework to build the bridge deck is anticipated to start on the third week of September, with day work first,
         and followed by some night work due to the need for multiple traffic lane closures to move materials and
         build support structures safely. 

    Night Work
    •    Overnight work anticipated to begin on the last week of September. 

    Saturday Work
    •    Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway. 
    •    Rebar work for columns.

    Community Outreach 

    •    The team is ready for the community outreach office warming! We hope to see you on Saturday,
          September 21, 2024, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. This is planned as a small gathering. Hope to see you there! 

    •    Please help us spread the news about our upcoming community meetings:

                    Saturday, October 5 – in person at the Hank Lopez Community Center.
                    This meeting will be facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

                    Wednesday, October 9 – Zoom meeting facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation. 

                    Thursday, October 10 – Zoom meeting facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation. 

    Moving Forward,

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    083024 Open driveway signs, water trucks, and Engagement

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    August 30, 2024

    Dear All,

    Most families are busy driving or walking their kids to school, now that school is back in session. That means more pedestrian and motorist activities on streets and roads. Shoring and pile driving are happening at the median on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Story Road, and farther south near Tully Road, and we continue asking the public to slow down and follow the 35mph speed limit. 

    Along the northern part of the project, excavation, and drainage work is taking place on and around Capitol Avenue, Excalibur Drive and South Capitol Avenue. Contractor is preparing for false work installation, which will begin in a few weeks. False work will require lane closures, detours, and modifications to traffic. We thank our bus drivers and riders in advance for their patience as lane closures and bus route operations may impact their transportation schedules.  

    Please remember that construction crews will not work on Monday, September 2nd due to Labor Day. 

    Anticipated work from 08/30/24 to 09/08/24
    Day Work 

    • Excavate and Install drainage systems along Capitol Expressway. 
    • Concrete and pavement removal and other construction activities on Capitol Avenue (Southbound).
    • between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway.
    • Excavation, demolition, and other construction activities on S. Capitol Avenue between Excalibur. 
    • Drive and Story Road. 
    • Pile driving, pile delivery and off-loading of pre-cast pile for various piers located on Capitol. 
    • Expressway, north of Ocala Avenue.
    • Pour concrete footings and columns.
    • Pile driving at pier 59, located on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.
    • False Work anticipated to start on September 18, 2024, with day and overnight work. 

    Night Work 

    • Not anticipated for this period.


    • 09/07 Miscellaneous drainage work at various locations. 
    • 09/07 Shoring and Excavation on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.

    Community Outreach

    • We are in a contact with a handful of homeowners/residents who have expressed concerns about noise and vibration. We anticipated for this to happen and are working diligently to respond in a timely manner. 
    • Now that the 2024/2025 school year has started in most districts, community outreach staff members are engaging with schools and school districts.  The events we are confirming with the school districts provide us the opportunities to further engage with parents, students, and faculty.
    • Save The Date!  The community outreach office warming will be held on September 21, 2024, from 11 am to 1 pm.  Next week we will forward a copy of the formal invitation.

    We hope to see you at one of our community meetings:

    • Saturday, October 5 – In person. Hank Lopez Community Center.

             Facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. 

    • Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM facilitated in English with Spanish 

             and Vietnamese interpretation.

    • Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM facilitated in Spanish with 

             English interpretation.

    Moving Forward, 

    The Construction and Engagement Team

    081624 Pile Driving, Shoring, and Flyers

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    August 16, 2024


    Happy Friday! 

    This last week, when motorists drove southbound on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Tully Road, they most likely saw, heard, and felt the noise and vibration from pile driving and sheet pile installation. The residents in the streets adjacent to the construction zone were informed timely of the activities, and VTA and MCM’s teams were responding to their immediate concerns.

    Fortunately, we have completed one week of this important part of the project. Hats off to the construction crews who are at the forefront of building the light rail extension! 

    Anticipated work from 08/17/24 to 08/25/24

    Day Work 
    •    Install drainage systems at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Excalibur Drive. 
    •    Potholing, excavating, paving, striping, K-Rail and pedestrian ramps installation on southbound Capitol Avenue
         between Wilbur Avenue and Capitol Expressway.
    •    Install new fiber-optics conduit, street lighting conduit and traffic signals conduit on northbound Capitol Expressway near Tully Road. 
    •    Install shoring and excavation for piers 36, 37, 38, and 39 located on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Ocala Avenue.
    •    Pile driving, pile delivery and off-loading of pre-cast pile for pier 42 and 41 located on Capitol Expressway north of Ocala Avenue
    •    Install shoring and excavation for pier 59 and begin pile driving at pier 59 located on Capitol Expressway south of Cunnigham Avenue.

    Night Work 
    •    Not anticipated for this period.

    Community Outreach

    • We participated in Viva Parks at Hillview Park by Ocala Avenue, and held our monthly, online stakeholder working group meeting.
    • SAVE THE DATE for our October 2024 community meetings, as follows:
    • Saturday, October 5 – In person. Facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. Location TBD. 
    • Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM facilitated in English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation.
    • Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM facilitated in Spanish with English interpretation.
    • Help us spread out this message: The current speed limit on Capitol Expressway between Excalibur Drive and Quimby Road is 35 miles per hour. This is for the safety of construction workers, pedestrians, cyclists, and the public in general. 

    Moving Forward, 

    The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

    080124 Pile driving is set for August
    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    August 1, 2024


    Pile driving is set for August. Residents and motorists in East San Jose will see pile driving activities during the day, and heavy equipment mobilization at night, as needed. Pile driving will continue for several months across the construction zone, except for areas north of Story Road along Capitol Expressway towards Capitol Avenue, and south of Tully Road where other construction activities will take place. During this work, driveways will remain open.

    The following are a few facts about pile driving to remember:

    • Pile driving is only conducted during the day
    • Pile driving activities in one location may last 4-5 days
    • We are monitoring sound and vibration levels
    • Night work for equipment mobilization and pile delivery
    • We are providing timely updates to all stakeholders

    Anticipated work from 08/01/24 to 08/10/24
    Day work 
    Pile driving anticipated to begin the week of August 12th on Capitol Expressway between Story Road and Ocala Avenue
    The second location for pile driving south of Cunningham Avenue is anticipated to begin on August 16th
    Temporary road striping on Capitol Avenue
    K-Rail and pedestrian ramps installation on the west side of Capitol Avenue
    Remove portions of the median and islands on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project
    Excavation and new sidewalk construction near Ocala BRT Station
    Remove pavement areas on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Ave and Tully Road, northbound and southbound.
    Installing temporary ramps for bikes at various locations
    Installing shoring for foundation excavations between Ocala Avenue and Story Road will begin on Monday, August 5th
    Night Work 
    Equipment mobilization is anticipated for this period.
    Saturday Work
    Construction crews may work on Saturdays for this period.

    Community Outreach
    We will deliver Construction Notices (flyers) the week of August 5. Please let us know if we can send you flyers electronically or deliver hard copies and, if so, how many.
    National Night Out on August 6 - VTA Community Outreach is participating in the Mayfair/Plata Arroyo, Mt. Pleasant, and Foxdale neighborhood association events.
    We will have community meetings in October 2024, as follows:
    Saturday, October 5 – In person, location TBD.
    Wednesday, October 9 - ZOOM English with interpreters
    Thursday, October 10 - ZOOM in Spanish

    Moving Forward,

    The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

    071924 Community Outreach Trailer Has Arrived

    Eastridge to BART Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    July 19, 2024

    To All,

    The City of San Jose resurfacing project will have intermittent traffic control in the coming weeks on Story Road, Ocala Avenue, and Capitol Expressway. City DOT Outreach recently posted about the maintenance work and will be distributing flyers to residents whose streets are on the list for corrective maintenance. 

    Anticipated work from 07/19 to 08/01

    Drainage work is scheduled on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project.
    Tree removal in the northern part of the project.

    Remove portions of the median and islands on Capitol Avenue, in the northern part of the project.
    Day Work Remove pavement areas on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Ave and Tully Road, northbound and southbound.

    Temporary ramps for pedestrians and bikes at various locations.

    Good News
    On Capitol Expressway and Cunningham Avenue, two pedestrians push buttons   damaged by a car have been repaired. On Capitol Expressway and Quimby Road, a loose pedestrian push button has been repaired by the Project.

    Community Outreach
    The Community Outreach trailer arrived at 1093 S. Capitol on Monday, July 15, 2024. Residents neighboring the property received advanced notice on July 12, regarding early morning activities.

    There is work to do to make the trailer office functional. We anticipate moving in mid-August and be open to the public soon after. Please join us for a neighborly gathering on 9/21/2024, at 11:00am-1:00pm. We’ll be sending you photos soon!

    Looking ahead, VTA Outreach is participating with Mayfair/Plata Arroyo, Mt. Pleasant, and Foxdale neighborhood associations on National Night Out, August 6. Later this summer we plan to participate in Viva Parks events at Sylvia Cassel Park 8/29, and Mayfair Park on 9/26. A new set of community meetings to provide construction updates will occur in October (Exact dates and locations TBD).

    Moving Forward,
    The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team

    062424 Test Pile Driving and Sidewalk Removal

    Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
    Weekly Construction Update
    June 24, 2024

    Last week, construction crews for the EBRC project conducted preparations for test pile driving in the median at Capitol Expressway, near Ocala Avenue. This is in the South part of the project. Sound barriers have been installed on both sides of the road. Test pile driving and other activities will continue this week. We continue monitoring and mitigating the potential effects of noise, vibration, and dust.

    Other teams are working at the north side of the project, demolishing areas east of S. Capitol Ave between Story Rd. and Excalibur Dr. to ultimately widen Capitol Expressway as per the project’s scope of work.

    Anticipated work for the week of 06/24/24

    TEST pile driving during the day and mobilization of a second crane during the night.
    Utility potholing and drainage work.

    Remove existing fiber optics systems and street lighting.

    Remove concrete sidewalks and curbs during the day and continue to install sound barriers on the northbound Expressway toward Sussex Ave at night.

    Place temporary ramps for pedestrians and cyclists.

    Other construction activities.

    Upcoming Community Meetings
     A community meeting for the Foxdale Neighborhood Association took place on Tuesday, June 18th, in English and Spanish. VTA’s resident engineer and community relations officer provided an update on construction activities.

    A house meeting requested by homeowners on Dover Way, in the northeastern side of the project is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th. Dover Way is in the northeastern part of the project. Homeowners indicated to be concerned about vibration. VTA’s project manager and CRO plan to attend and explain that this side of the project will not experience pile driving but Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Piles, which minimizes vibration.

    A community meeting for the Welsch Park Community Neighborhood Association is scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2024.

      061724 Crane Mobilization, Speed Limit Enforcement, and Home Inspections

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      June 17, 2024

      Construction for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector is in full swing, with K-Rail (concrete barriers) in place to separate traffic from the construction area, roadway demolition, heavy equipment mobilization, drilling, and other preparations for test-pile- driving, as well as the fabrication and installation of temporary sound walls.  

      Crews have been working during the day, with occasional night work. While most activities are in the southern part of the project, a crew is working on the opposite side on S. Capitol Avenue -north of Story Rd., and they will continue working this week.  

      Home inspections were conducted last week for those who signed a Permission to Enter (PTE). Most homeowners were present, and we brought in a language interpreter for Vietnamese in addition to our bilingual team interpreting for Spanish.  

      Anticipated work for the week of 06/17/24

      Utility potholing and drainage work.  

      Installation of temporary noise barriers.  

      Demolition of curbs/gutters, sidewalk, asphalt, fencing.  

      TEST pile driving is scheduled for June 20-21, during the day. 

      Day work is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., night work is from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 

      The speed limit is 35 mph throughout the Construction Zone and SJPD officers are enforcing this mandate.  

      Community Outreach 

      Working in partnership, VTA’s community outreach and contractor staff created and delivered 225 Construction Notices to homes on both sides of the Capitol Expressway.  

      We estimate 400 to 500 people were in attendance at the Groundbreaking Resource event. Our sincere appreciation to all of you who participated!  

      A community meeting for the Foxdale Neighborhood Association is scheduled for June 18, in English and Spanish.  

      060724 Sound Barriers and Construction Notices

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      June 07, 2024

      This past week, construction activities increased, with the installation of temporary sound walls, K-Rail installation in the last stretches of the work zone, and remaining utility and potholing work, in preparation for pile driving tests and other construction work. Potential impacts to residents include noise, vibration, and traffic congestion. 

      Anticipated work for the week of 06/10/24 

      Crane and pile hammer to be mobilized at night; scheduled for June 10-12. 

      Temporary sound wall fabrication and installation on S Capitol Ave.  

      K-Rail installment in the median along Capitol Expressway, Southbound, ongoing until completion.  

      Day work is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and night work is from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 

      The speed limit is 35 mph throughout the Construction Zone. 

      Community Outreach 
      Construction notices were delivered in person to homes in the area.  The Groundbreaking Ceremony and Resource Fair will be on June 8, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Eastridge Transit Center.  

      053124 Utility Work and Preparing for Test Pile Driving

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      May 31, 2024

      The next couple of weeks will involve pile driving tests and the installation of sound walls along the construction zone, among other activities currently underway. Modifications to traffic have gone without difficulty.

      Pile Driving Tests  
      Drilling, pile driving tests, and related activities are set for early June, with work during the day and night, as allowed.     

      Sound Walls 
      Beginning on June 3 and through June 14, temporary sound walls will be installed between Ocala Ave. and Story Rd., where there is a mix of homes, an apartment complex, and a gas station. Construction crews will continue Northbound between Story Rd. and Capitol Ave.  

      Utility Work 
      Pothole digging in several locations for utility work was conducted this past week.  

      Speed Limit & SAFETY 
      The Contractor informed VTA that drivers are not respecting the 35mph speed limit, jeopardizing the safety of workers, pedestrians, and other drivers. The construction team is considering the presence of the San Jose Police Department or the Santa Clara County Sheriff, and possibly fining motorists who exceed the allowed speed limit. 
      In California, fines for speeding in construction zones can range from $350 to $1,000 and can be doubledoubledipled. These penalties apply to all roads where there is a construction zone, including state routes/highways, local roads, and streets where construction work is ongoing.  

      The safety of construction workers, pedestrians, and the public in general is of utmost importance. Please help us spread the word on the importance of respecting the 35mph speed limit. If you have contacts or ideas to promote Safety in this matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  

      Anticipated work for the week of 06/01/24

      Drilling in key locations is scheduled for June 3-7.  

      Crane and pile hammer to be mobilized at night; scheduled for June 10-12. 

      K-Rail installment in the median along Capitol Expressway, Northbound from Story Rd towards Capitol Ave, and Southbound afterward, ongoing until completion.  

      A cultural monitor is confirmed to work this week. 

      ***The construction schedule is subject to changes. *** 

      Community Outreach 
      Everything is looking great for the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Resource Fair to be held on June 8, 2024. Elected officials who have been strong supporters of this project as well as community leaders and residents have confirmed attendance.

      050224 K-Rail, Restriping, and Multilingual Community Meetings 

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      May 02, 2024

      Notice to Proceed was issued on 04/25/24. 

      Tree removal started on 05/06/24. The trees were labeled for removal two weeks in advance to give the public time to make comments. VTA and contractors continued working with businesses adjacent to the construction zone, and bird nesting surveys took place before tree removal.  

      Traffic Control Plans were reviewed and approved by the design team and the City of San Jose. 
      Two Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) were placed on Capitol Expressway, in English and Spanish. Portable Changeable Message Signs were placed on I-680.

      Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/06/24

      Planning for traffic shift and removal of one lane in each direction from Ocala-Quimby. The PCMS boards will be updated. The shift is scheduled for the week of 5/13. 

      Restriping traffic lanes at night in 2-3 weeks. 

      Install concrete barriers in the median after the traffic shift. 

      Demolition and underground civil construction expected after concrete barriers are installed.

      Community Outreach

      VTA hosted Community Meetings scheduled: May 8th and 9th online, and 11th in person. Links are provided at the end of this message. 

      Groundbreaking Celebration and Community Resource Fair will be held on June 8, 2024, 10 am-12 noon at the Eastridge Transit Center. Save the Date!  

      VTA and Contractor both have a Community Relations Officer (CRO) dedicated to work on the EBRC project.  

      Construction notices, newsletters, and community meeting posters and flyers have been mailed to all records located a ½ mile around the project area. This includes residents, businesses, and absentee property owners and reaches approximately 14,000 records. 

      Outreach staff to continue meeting with residents, businesses, and community organizations.  
      A robust social media campaign to bring more awareness to the project and advertise next week’s community meetings launched earlier this week. 

      Outreach tabled the Cinco de Mayo celebration at Emma Prusch Park on Sunday.  

      Community Meeting Dates/links:
      May 8, 2024, 6 pm via Zoom. Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be provided. 
      Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May8-2024.eventbrite.com.

      May 9, 2024, 6 PM via Zoom. This meeting will be facilitated in Spanish. An English interpreter will be provided. 

      Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May9-2024.eventbrite.com. 

      May 11, 2024 (Saturday!), 10 AM at the Hank Lopez Community Center. Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be provided - and refreshments too!  
      Eventbrite https://Eastridgetobart-May11-2024.eventbrite.com 

      051524 Traffic Shift and Community Outreach

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      May 15, 2024

      Construction, currently underway on Capitol Expressway in East San Jose:  
      Traffic Shift 

      One-lane closure in each direction began on Wednesday, May 15th, between Quimby Rd. and Tully Rd., with construction crews moving northbound to Story Rd. Except for peak hours, traffic was normal. 

      Field Office and Outreach Office 
      VTA continues finalizing details for our field office and outreach office to be installed as soon as possible.  

      Permission To Enter 
      Door-to-door home visits, for houses located close to the project to obtain their permission to enter, for upcoming inspections. Interpreters will join surveyors to facilitate communication with non-English speaking homeowners and/or tenants. 

      Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/20/24 

      Traffic Shift to continue northbound to Capitol Avenue, and turn southbound to Story Rd., Ocala Ave., Tully Rd, and Quimby Road.  

      K-Rail is to be installed on the northbound Capitol Expressway near Tully Rd on Saturday, 05/18. 
      K-Rail is to continue to be installed along the northbound and southbound Capitol Expressway in the median from Tully Road to Capitol Avenue Monday – Friday. 

      The speed limit is 35mph. for the safety of the construction crew, and the safety of others.  

      Community Outreach

      Councilmembers Ortiz and Candelas invite VTA to a city-hosted public meeting at Most Holy Trinity Church to provide an update on the EBRC project on 05/15/24.  

      A community meeting is scheduled for 05/21/24 at Montevista Apartments, located by the Alum Rock station.  

      Groundbreaking Ceremony to be held on June 8, 2024.  

      VTA’s and contractors continue to meet with residents, businesses, and community organizations.  

      *The construction schedule is subject to changes.*

      051424 Portable Changeable Message Signs PCMS

      Eastridge to Bart Regional Connector
      Weekly Construction Update
      May 14, 2024

      The project is on schedule to move forward with the traffic shift. In addition to the mailed construction notice, a series of community meetings, and door-door to businesses along the corridor, and advanced notification signage, a stakeholder email was sent to all project subscribers.  

      Traffic shift that will reduce one lane in each direction is scheduled to start Wednesday, May 15, on Capitol Expressway, north and southbound, between Quimby Road and Tully Road first and similarly moving north towards other blocks such as Tully to Ocala, Ocala to Story and Story to Capitol Avenue in the next several weeks. This will commence at the beginning of the reduced speed limit to 35mph. Advance signage has been in place. PCMS boards were updated on May 6 advising of this upcoming change. 

      Two Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) on Capitol Expressway are updated to reflect the traffic shifts. One is moved farther south between Quimby and Newman to advise motorists heading north on Capitol Expressway.

      Anticipated activities beginning the week of 05/13/24 

      Planning for traffic shift and removal of one lane in each direction from Quimby to Capitol Avenue. The PCMS boards have been updated. Traffic shifts begin 5/15. 

      Grind and stripe traffic lanes during the day for the next 2 weeks (formerly scheduled for overnight activity). 

      Install concrete barriers in the median after the traffic shift.

      K-rail (Quimby to Tully) is scheduled for installation Friday/Saturday
      Moving Forward,


      The EBRC Construction & Engagement Team


      Community Outreach

      Outreach to the Community is delivered in many ways, including email, web page postings like this, signage, tabling at events, presenting at your neighborhood association, home visits for specific purposes, and mail notifications. We use multiple approaches to inform the community and allow authentic engagement.

      In case you missed the October 2024 in-person and virtual meetings you can watch the recordings below. The meetings provided an update on current construction activities and shared what to expect going forward for the next several months:

      EBRC, 10/9/2024 Virtual Meeting

      EBRC, 10/10/2024 Virtual Public Meeting (SPANISH)

      Construction Notices

      May 2024 - Construction Notice. This provides an overview of all activities that will begin in May 2024.

      June 3-28, 2024 Construction Notice. K-Rail, demolition, mobilizing equipment, drilling and pile testing, and fabricating temporary sound walls. Night: Install temporary sound walls. 

      June 17-July 8, 2024 Construction Notice. Utility potholing, drainage, install temporary
      noise barriers. mobilize heavy equipment.

      June 20-July 29, 2024 Construction Notice. Pile Driving. utility installation. drainage, demolition.

      Project Events & Community Meetings

      Learn where VTA staff are sharing project information and invite us to table at your next event!

      9/11/24: Back to School! Katherine Smith Elementary School, 4:30pm

      9/19/24: Alum Rock Unified School District Back to School and Resource Fair! San Antonio Elementary School, 5pm​​​​​

      9/21/24: Join us for the house warming/open house of the EBRC Community Outreach Office, 1093. S. Capitol Avenue, 11am-1pm.

      9/25/24: Back to School! Aptitud Community Academy at Goss, 5pm

      10/2/24: Viva Escuela, Katherine Smith Elementary, 6am (yes, AM!)

      10/5/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting, 10am, Hank Lopez Community Center

      10/5/24: Health Fair/Binational Health Week, 9am, Eastridge Mall

      10/9/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting via Zoom, 6pm

      10/10/24: VTA hosted Community Meeting via Zoom, 6pm (facilitated in Spanish)

      10/25/24: Foxdale Neighborhood Fall Festival

      10/26/24: District 8 Family Fun Fall Festival/Cunningham Park

      11/6/24: Coffee with the Principal - Katherine Smith Elementary School

      12/13/24: Holiday Open House and Community Appreciation - EBRC Community Outreach Office, 1093. S. Capitol Avenue, 4-7pm

      Previous Meetings Videos

      Links below are the recordings of virtual community meetings:

      EBRC 10.10.2024 Public Meeting
      EBRC, 10/10/2024 Virtual Public Meeting (SPANISH)
      EBRC 10.9.2024 Public Meeting
      EBRC, 10/9/2024 Virtual Public Meeting


      Project Newsletters

      EBRC-Summer 2024
      This issue covers project updates to recent and current activities, and upcoming community events. Happy Summer Reading!

      EBRC-Spring 2024
      This issue covers project updates to recent and current activities, funding, project schedules, community events happening later this spring, project benefits, and more.

      EBRC-Summer 2022
      In addition to project updates, this newsletter provides information on the project benefits and an introduction to the station art enhancement activities that begin this fall. Let's dive in!

      EBRC-Summer 2021 & Notice of Utility Relocation
      To say that 2020 and 2021 have been challenging is an understatement. Even though we at VTA have had to adjust to to the way we work, the planning work on Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project continued. Let's catch up!

      Station Art Enhancement

      Did You Miss the Station Art Concept Meetings - August 31, AND September 13?

      VTA has provided opportunities for community review of proposed light rail station art concepts. The designs the artists presented were inspired and influenced by community input shared in January’s Meet the Artists meetings and coupled with the artists’ research.

      Eastridge Station
      Our first meeting, held on August 31 revealed the design for Eastridge Station. Artists Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan presented Radiance, an abstract sculpture inspired by East San Jose’s community celebrations, agricultural history, natural environment, and quality of light.

      Radiance is a metaphoric graft of aspects of the Eastridge Station’s surrounding community and nature in which its diverse cultures and landscapes come together to form a radiant whole. The sculpture forms a portal to be walked through. It is intended to be located so it will greet residents and visitors from many vantage points at the nexus of the future light rail station, bus terminals, Park & Ride, and pedestrian trails.

      The sculpture changes in appearance as people move around and through it. When viewed from the front, its lower arbor pipes form a subtle heart shape. Viewed diagonally, they form a moon-like ellipse. Viewed from the side, the vertical arbor pipes with the matrix on top suggest a grove of trees. Standing beneath the sculpture will be like looking up into a tree canopy of fruit and flowers. Walking through the sculpture is intended to be a small moment of magic.

      Story Road Station
      Building on the momentum and spirit of weaving in community engagement and historical research, artist Amir Fallah presented his design concept for Story Road Station, Interwoven on September 13.

      Interwoven was inspired by San José’s diverse patchwork of people, cultures, and landscapes. The concept transforms the three elevator towers, and pedestrian overcrossing, into a feature gateway over Capitol Expressway. Collaborating with the architects, the original metal panels design has been reimagined in a custom blueberry color palette, designed to visually connect the three towers. Standing proud of the tower cladding are sixteen glass light boxes of various sizes. The light boxes are strategically placed to be seen from every vantage point, including the roadway, sidewalks, stairs, lightrail platform, and from the train itself. The vibrant and colorful images, lit from within, will have an identity both day and night.

      Interwoven features a complex array of images that portray the intersection of landscapes and cultures that is San José. The lightbox element of the artwork includes pictures and patterning from the cultures making up the tapestry of San José, including indigenous, Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, and Persian. Throughout the artwork geometric designs refer to the larger theme of interconnectivity and community. A redwood tree refers to the nearby forests, a hand holding a mirror reflects a Mexican desert landscape, a detailed geometric motif commonly seen in East Asian artwork is placed alongside a traditional Mexican textile pattern. Driving south on Capitol Expressway a dreamed panoramic image, split in two, continues from the east elevator tower to the western tower.

      Contributing an additional dimension to the work, Mr. Fallah will be commissioning four San José poets, several from east San José, to contribute lines of poetry that will be a central component of the artwork. They will be prompted to respond to themes of travel, journey, voyage, and wandering. From the submissions, Mr. Fallah will select text as part of the artwork.

      Each of the recorded meetings and copy of the presentation are linked below for your review. 

      You have one more opportunity to see the artists presentations

      The City of San Jose Public Art Committee will receive similar presentations from the artists when they meet on October 3, 2023 at 5:30pm. Both stations will be reviewed. The San Jose Art Commission meetings are open to the public. Refer directly to the Public Art Committee website for meeting agenda and other information.

      Download the Station Art Concept presentations:

      Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 8-31-23 – English

      Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 8-31-23 – Spanish

      Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 9-13-23-English

      Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Presentation 9-13-23-Spanish

      Or watch the recorded meetings located on SCVTA YouTube:

      Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 8-31-23-English

      Eastridge Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 8-31-23-Spanish

      Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 9-13-23-English

      Story Road Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting Recording 9-13-23-Spanish


      Meet the Artists!

      We have been very excited to introduce the community to the artists selected to enhance the new light rail stations planned for Story Road and Eastridge. Through a rigorous process of artist outreach and selection, Amir Fallah, and the team of Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan, have been commissioned. These artists are all experienced public artists. Their work extends beyond their studios and responds to site and community. They also have track records for sizable, successfully maintainable, permanent public artworks.

      The Station Art Enhancement Community Meetings held on January 9 and January 11 (facilitated in Spanish) were the “kick-off” for the artists’ design process, in advance of them doing any design work. The purpose of the meetings were for the community to become acquainted with the artists, and to get a sense of their visual vocabulary and their approach to public art. Each artists presented examples of previous public art installations, and their approach to the designs and mediums used. These meetings were also meant to provide foundational inspiration for the artists’ work, here, in San Jose.

      Through an on-line activity, participants responded to four questions:

      1. Which neighborhood are you connected to? What is important for us to know about it?

      2. Think about a place that is special to you in San Jose. Describe the spot and why you chose it?

      3. Please provide three words describing what is important to you personally, or which symbolize your community?

      4. What is one of your favorite public artworks in San Jose (or anywhere)? Why?

      The meetings provided an opportunity for the artists to learn about the community. It was not surprising that participants represented a wide variety of East San Jose neighborhoods! When asked about a place that is special in San Jose, we heard about the foothills, the greenery, the views, and about the Mexican Heritage Plaza, Alum Rock Park, Eastridge Mall, Marks Hotdogs, Emma Prusch Farm, and the list goes on.

      Through the responses to the four questions, the artists gained a good sense of the community. The responses articulated the richness and diversity of East San Jose. It helped the artists get to know you.

      In case you missed it, the meetings were recorded. Due to a technical glitch, the meeting on January 9 had to be re-recorded. Instead of watching the activity, we share how it went. The meeting on January 11 went off without any glitches and the recording, in Spanish, has the same artists presentation, and you can watch how the activity was facilitated. Links to the recorded meetings are available on YouTube:

      EBRC Station Art Enhancement 1-9-2023

      EBRC Majora artistica la estacion 1-11-2023

      January 9, 2023 - presentation slides and script

      January 11, 2023 - presentation slides and script (Spanish)

      If you attended, or missed it, but had a thought to any of the questions asked that we should include, go ahead and send that to community.outreach@vta.org, and we will pass that along to the art team.

      Later this spring, we will host the next meeting to update and share the concepts each of the artists’ have for the new stations!

      Stakeholder Working Group

      A Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) was created and has been active since 2020. The Eastridge to BART Policy Advisory Board members nominated each SWG member to represent the unique constituencies that live, work, and play along the project alignment. Their role is to disseminate information to the stakeholders near the project area and to give feedback to the project team. The members are listed below.

      Stakeholder Working Group 2025 Meeting Dates:

      February 20, 2025, 6:30pm

      Or join via audio:
      +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
      Webinar ID: 899 4349 7251
      Passcode: 856742
      International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kkL0X42mm

      May 15, 2025, 6:30pm

      Or join via audio:
      +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
      Webinar ID: 828 8863 2877
      Passcode: 792310
      International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdrVWJrdHZ 

      August 21, 2025, 6:30pm

      Or join via audio:
      +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
      Webinar ID: 835 8508 1716
      Passcode: 300004
      International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcXMBd1aFK 

      November 20, 2025, 6:30pm

      Or join via audio:
      +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
      Webinar ID: 867 5082 6152
      Passcode: 443230
      International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc6IFXRfTs 

      Stakeholder Working Group Presentations and Recordings of Meetings

      In case you missed the SWG Committee meeting, you can select the following links for meeting presentations and video recordings that are direct links to the YouTube recordings.

      02/20/2025 - EBRC-SWG - This meeting provided a general project update. It provides overview of the progression and what activities, and traffic changes to expect in the coming months.

      11/21/2024 - EBRC-SWG - This meeting presented an informative discussion on how construction impacts are monitored, reported, and mitigated. Responding to community concerns that there is exposure to contaminated dust from excavation activities, we provided findings that showed otherwise. Reports are available upon request.

      08/15/2024  - EBRC-SWG shared construction updates, and heard from SWG members regarding any construction questions and concerns. 

      05/23/2024  - EBRC-SWG meeting today shared news of the construction updates, and heard from SWG members how drivers and communities are adjusting during active construction and lane closures. 

      03/28/2024 - EBRC-SWG meeting today shared news of the construction contract award. The SWG discussed near-term community outreach and construction activities. To see/hear the recording, select March 28, EBRC-SWG Meeting.

      08/24/2023 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided project updates and discussed upcoming station art enhancement meetings. In the project update, we shared elements of the contract that encourage small business enterprises to bid on the project and project labor agreement requirements. To see/hear the recording, you can just select the August 2023 EBRC-SWG Meeting.

      03/25/2023 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided project updates to funding (fully funded!), schedule, current outreach activities, and update to current utility relocation activities. To see/hear the recording, please select May 2023 EBRC-SWG Meeting.

      08/25/2022 - EBRC-SWG meeting today provided a review of the previous two years of topical review, community outreach update, current project updates, including utility relocation activities. To see the recording, please select August 2022 EBRC-SWG Meeting. 

      2/24/2022 - EBRC-SWG Meeting today provided project updates, including current utility relocation activities. The discussion about noise and vibration, that was introduced last quarter, continued with a focus on vibration monitoring and the process for monitor and property inspections. To see the recording, please select February 2022 EBRC-SWG Meeting. 

      11/18/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting provides an update active utility relocation, Community Outreach report, and further discussion on how the project team will be monitoring and mitigating vibration impacts from future construction activities. 
      November 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube
      8/26/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes Station Art Enhancement Program presentation, and introduction to construction noise and vibration assessment and mitigation.
      August 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

      6/24/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes detailed presentation on utility relocation.

      June 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

      2/25/2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes detailed presentation on bridge construction, and traffic. 
      February 2021 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

      11/19/2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting includes presentations on the future technology (light rail) and the history leading to the elimination of a station at Ocala in 2014.
      November 2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

      8/27/2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting Orientation and project description.
      August 2020 EBRC-SWG Meeting SCVTA/YouTube

      Reference Materials

      PG&E Greenbook: Provides information about trees clearance under and around transmission lines.

      SWG Members

      Laura Arechiga, Welch Park Neighborhood Association, District 8
      Ernesto Barajas, Cassel Neighborhood Association, District 5
      Huascar Castro, Working Partnerships
      Craig Ferguson, Thompson Creek Neighborhood Association, District 8
      Sandy Flores, Capitol Park Goss Dobern Neighborhood Association, District 5
      Julies Nunes, Lyndale Neighborhood Association, District 5
      John Peterson, Eastridge Mall

      Environmental Documents

      VTA has prepared the 2021 Third Addendum to the Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR-2) for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project.   

      The Third Addendum evaluates the removal of an additional 60 – 70 trees along the east side of Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Quimby Road. The removal of additional trees is a result of new information, received from PG&E, that trees above a certain height under high voltage electric lines are required to be cleared for public safety reasons and to provide access to the lines for maintenance and repairs.

      All trees removed by the Project will be replaced at ratios determined by their size and replacement species (i.e., native versus non-native). In the Second Addendum to the Final SEIR-2 approved in February 2020, the VTA Board approved the payment of in-lieu fees to replace trees within two miles of the project corridor to the maximum extent practicable given the limited right-of-way available for tree replacement within the project limits. According to a tree inventory conducted by a certified arborist, the Project will be required to provide an additional 67 – 128 replacement trees depending on the replacement species (i.e., native versus non-native).

      On February 18, 2021, the Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee (CMPP) will make a recommendation to VTA's Board of Directors regarding the adoption of the Third Addendum and approval of the proposed change to the Project.

      On March 4, 2021, VTA's Board of Directors will consider adoption of the Third Addendum and approval of the proposed change to the Project. 

      If you have any written comments on the adoption of the Third Addendum and the approval of the change to the Project, it is requested that you submit them as soon as possible but no later than 12:00 pm on February 17, 2021, for the CMPP meeting, and no later than 12:00 pm on March 4, 2021, for the Board meeting.

      Verbal comments may also be provided at both meetings via Zoom. The agenda and zoom link are available: Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee Page

      Written comments can be submitted via the following methods:

      Mail: Christina Jaworski, Senior Environmental Planner Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Environmental Programs 3331 North First Street, Building B-2 San José, CA 95134-1927

      Email: Christina.Jaworski@vta.org

      If you have any questions about the Third Addendum,  contact Christina Jaworski, Senior Environmental Planner, at Christina.Jaworski@vta.org.

      Previous Environmental Documents

      Addendum to Environmental Documents

      2019 Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

      2018 Draft Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

      2014 Final Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration

      2012 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement 

      2012 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

      2009-2011 Misc. Environmental Document

      2010 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Categorical Exclusion)

      2007 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

      2005 Final Environmental Impact Report

      Utility Construction Notices

      Utility and project construction notices will be posted here, as well as under 'Notices' on the right margin. Check here for a quick search for a notice, and the area it pertains to. The latest notices will be on top. Often there is work on the corridor that isn't related to this project, and we can try to help identify if it is not project-related. Utility owners will also provide notices to residents and businesses located within 300' of the work area. Any potential interruptions in service will be noticed by the respective utility owner.

      1/13/2024 - 1/14/2024: Overnight construction activities for utility relocation. Crown Castle will work to activate new fiber lines along Capital Expressway, S. Capitol Avenue, and Highwood Drive.

      12/12/2023 - 12/29/2023: Ongoing night & day construction activities for utility relocation. Comcast contractor Fibertel will work to activate new fiber lines along E. Capitol Expressway, Story Road, S. Capitol Avenue, and Westboro Drive.  

      11/16/2023 & 11/30/2023: Utility relocations work along E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave: Fiber Company Crown Castle will be working overnight to early morning to install a new fiber line and remove the traffic pole at the intersection of E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave.

      2/16/2023: Utility relocations work along S. Capitol Avenue at Crossroads Shopping Center: PG&E and its contractor, (Underground Construction), AT&T, and Comcast will continue the next phase of utility relocations along S. Capitol Avenue, and the landscaped area of the Crossroads Shopping Center located at 459 and 461 S. Capitol Avenue. Workers will be performing construction to install underground utilities.

      10/12/2022: Ongoing Construction Activities for Utility Relocation: PG&E, and their contractor, Underground Construction, will begin the next phase of underground utility relocation of gas and electric services. Additional utility owners that share the same areas, AT&T, Comcast, and Crown Castle will coordinate their activities in the same area. Most of the work is occurring on Capitol Expressway and Capitol Avenue. This phase will continue through mid-2023.

      7/25/2022: San Jose Water Utility Relocation: Weather and conditions pending, restoration/paving activities could occur through the end of August. Restoration includes paving in multiple areas, including S. Capitol Avenue near the Crossroads Shopping Center, and Highwood Drive. Restoration/Paving will also occur along S. Capitol Avenue @ Bambi Lane, Capitol Expressway @ Kollmar Dr., and Story Road. For additional details, please select San Jose Water Utility Relocation Update.

      7/1/2022: West Valley Construction continues to work to connect the new water service to the new fire suppression equipment at Crossroads Shopping Center located at 459 S. Capitol Avenue. San Jose Water Company and its contractor, Pacific Underground Construction (PUC), will also continue work on the underground water line along Capitol Avenue and relocate the fire hydrant on the sidewalk. The existing sidewalk and roadway next to the Crossroads Shopping Center will be restored after the water line work is completed in the area. Download a PDF copy of the notice.

      6/21/2022: San Jose Water Utility Relocation: Capitol Avenue/ Crossroads Shopping Center -  Weather and conditions permitting, San Jose Water Company, and their contractor, Pacific Underground Construction (PUC), will continue relocating and installing new underground water lines along Capitol Avenue, next to the Crossroads Shopping Center located at 461 S. Capitol Avenue. Additional work to relocate a fire hydrant and fire suppression equipment will occur on the property in the sidewalk and landscape areas. For complete details, select SJW @ Crossroads June 2022

      6/1/22: PG&E Gas Line Relocation - Weather and conditions pending, PG&E will replace/relocate sections of their natural gas pipeline located on Capitol Avenue between Bambi Lane and Capitol Avenue. The actual timeline of the relocation is about 2 weeks. Preliminary activities could delay the start. It will be complete by the end of summer. PG&E crews are coordinating activities directly with private property owners. Download a PDF copy of the notice.

      2/11/22: San Jose Water Utility Relocation - San Jose Water's contractor, Pacific Underground Construction, will continue the relocation of underground facilities, weather and conditions permitting. Their activities are expected to last through March. San Jose Water will directly notify their customers if there are impacts to water service. Activities will occur on the Capitol Expressway between Wilbur Avenue and Tudor Court. Addition work will occur on Capitol Expressway at Highwood Drive, Bambi Lane, and Kollmer Drive. Beginning 2/14/22, there will be overnight activities at Capitol Expressway at the Story Road intersection.

      2/1/2022: (Revised 3/1/2022) MCI/Verizon Underground RelocationWeather and conditions permitting, this activity takes place on the north and southwest corners of Capitol Expressway at Tully  Road, and north and southwest corners of Capitol Expressway at Swift Lane. MCI/Verizon's contractor noticed the business's week of 1/31. They have additional work along the expressway at Cunningham and VTA will share the notification when it is received, expected for later this month. Crews will begin working in the Capitol Expressway/Tully Road Intersection on March 7. Notices to nearby businesses were provided by Solcom. 

      11/8/2021: San Jose Water Utility RelocationSan Jose Water's contractor, Pacific Underground Construction, will begin relocation of underground facilities, weather and conditions permitting, on November 15. Their activities are expected to last through mid-March. San Jose Water will directly notify their customers if there are impacts to water service. Activities will occur on the Capitol Expressway between Wilbur Avenue and Tudor Court. Addition work will occur on Capitol Expressway at Highwood Drive, Bambi Lane, and Kollmer Drive. 

      10/5/2021: MCI/Verizon Underground Relocation - This is a 2-day activity to clear fiber optic cables out from the area where PG&E is relocating the transmission poles. This activity takes place on the east side of Capitol Expressway, on the sidewalk, between Tully and Quimby Road (in front of the In & Out Burger area). MCI/Verizon's contractor noticed the business's week of 9/27. They have additional work along the expressway and VTA will share the notification when it is received. 

      This activity is complete.

      9/20/2021: PG&E Transmission Lines and Poles Relocation begins. PG&E notified customers the week of 9/13. This is to clear the old trellis towers in the center of the Capitol Expressway with new poles to the east side of the Capitol Expressway, clearing space for the future light rail expansion. 

      This activity was completed in December 2021.

      8/27/2021: Utility Relocation Overview Description- noted in the Summer 2021 Newsletter, these slides show where the utility companies will be working along Capitol Avenue, Capitol Expressway @ Story Rd, @ Tully Road, and PG&E Transmission lines and pole relocation on Capitol Expressway between Ocala Avenue and Quimby Road. 

      7/27/2021: Advance Construction - Building Removal, S. Capitol Expressway @ Story Road - Begins on or about August 3, 2021. Summary: VTA will remove (demolish) the building located at 1093  S. Capitol Expressway. It is private property that VTA owns/acquired for the project. Activities are expected to take 4 days. The property will be cleaned and fencing removed on the last day. Community Outreach staff delivered notices to nearby businesses and residents adjacent to the property on 7/27/21. There are no business, traffic, or pedestrian impacts. There will be noise impacts from construction equipment.

      5/10/2021Utility Notice - Gas Line Distribution, S. Capitol Avenue - Begins on or about May 24, 2021. PG&E will mail notices (attached above), and call residents and businesses that are located within 300 feet of the areas they are working in to provide details that could impact their service.
      Summary: PG&E is replacing sections of their natural gas pipeline on South Capitol Avenue from Lombard Avenue to East Capitol Expressway at Babb Creek in San Jose. Intermittent lane closures and no parking signs in the work areas will be posted. Please plan for minor delays when driving through the project area.

      2/2/2021Advance Construction Work - Crossroads Shopping Center Notice, expected to begin on or about February 8, 2021. 
      Summary: Activities are on private property with some intermittent sidewalks and traffic lane impact during tree removal. This notice was mailed on 1/29/2021 to and including the area 1/4 mile of 461 S. Capitol Ave., emailed to project stakeholders, and to the immediate Nextdoor neighborhoods. Community outreach staff delivered notices door-door to businesses on 2/1/2021. There are no business access impacts. 


      Project Videos

      VTA is excited to begin construction of the light rail extension in E. San Jose. Watch this video Eastridge to BART Project Benefits to learn of the benefits this project brings to the community, and VTA's transit service!  

      Curious to see how Capitol Expressway will look with light rail when the project is complete? Check out this video via VTA's Youtube: Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Video.

      Contractors Information

      Interested in this contracting opportunity? Please visit Doing Business with VTA. On this page you will see all open and upcoming contracting opportunities, learn how to register for contract notifications, and become certified with VTA's Business Diversity Program. 


      Preliminary Engineering
      Phase Date Range
      Design and Engineering
      Phase Date Range
      Environmental Clearance
      Phase Date Range
      VTA Board of Directors approves environmental document
      Milestone Date

      California Environmental Quality Act Final Environmental Impact Report, dated April 2005 is approved for the Capitol Expressway Light Rail project with an alignment from Alum Rock to Neiman Blvd. in two phases. First phase extends light rail to Eastridge. Second phase to Nieman.  Scope includes:

      • Elevated tracks from Alum Rock to south of Story Road
      • At-grade through Ocala and Cunningham
      • Tunnel under Tully Road
      • New stations at Story, Ocala/Cunningham, and Eastridge
      • Story Road pedestrian overcrossing at all four corners of the intersection to the elevated station
      • Kiss and ride lot on the southeast corner of Story Road
      • Station located between Ocala and Cunningham
      • Pedestrian facilities along Capitol Expressway (new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping)
      • Transit Center at Eastridge
      • Original draft study evaluated an alignment between the Alum Rock Station and SR 87
      VTA Board of Directors approves environmental document update
      Milestone Date

      California Environmental Quality Act Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, dated April 2007.

      Changes are the result of preliminary engineering and include:

      • Elimination of the Nieman extension
      • Change from tunnel to elevated alignment at Tully Road
      • Elimination of 2 of the 4 pedestrian overcrossings at Story Road
      • Elimination of the kiss and ride lot at Story Road
      • Move station between Ocala and Cunningham closer to Ocala
      • Modify electrical transmission towers relocation (PG&E towers)
      VTA Board of Directors re-affirms their support for the Capitol Expressway Light Rail Extension to Eastridge Mall
      Milestone Date
      VTA Board of Directors Approves Phasing of Project
      Milestone Date

      Phase 1 to include pedestrian and street improvements, followed by the new Eastridge Transit Center.

      Phase 2 to complete the light rail extension to Eastridge Transit Center.

      VTA Board of Directors Approves $57.5M for Capitol Expressway Light Rail Extension
      Milestone Date

      Funds to be used for pedestrian and bus improvements, and utility relocation.

      VTA Board of Directors Approves Environmental Document Addendum
      Milestone Date

      California Environmental Quality Act Revised Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report.

      Approves the phasing (Phase 1) of the Pedestrian and Bus Improvements as Phase 1a and Phase 1b. 

      Federal Categorical Exclusion
      Milestone Date

      Staff completes Federal Categorical Exclusion (National Environmental Policy Act, Categorical Exclusion) that makes the Eastridge Transit Center Improvements eligible for federal funding.

      Phase Date Range
      VTA Board of Directors Approves Construction Contract (Phase 1a)
      Milestone Date
      Pedestrian Improvements Construction Complete - Ribbon Cutting Celebration
      Milestone Date
      Phase Date Range
      VTA Board of Directors Approves Construction Contract (Phase 1b)
      Milestone Date

      Phase 1b is to rebuild a new Eastridge Transit Center. Construction is expected to be complete in spring, 2015.

      Ground Breaking Celebration
      Milestone Date

      Community, Elected Officials, and VTA staff celebrate the groundbreaking construction of the new Eastridge Transit Center.

      Property Acquisition for Eastridge Transit Center construction complete
      Milestone Date

      Including $24 M for transit center property and transfer of $18 M of available budget from Caltrain Capacity Improvement to this project.

      VTA Board of Directors Approves Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
      Milestone Date

      California Environmental Quality Act, dated February 2014. This action removes the Ocala light rail station, eliminates the sidewalk widening between Foxdale Drive and Ocala Avenue, (and resulting property acquisition), and expands Eastridge parking. This was based on environmental review from FTA while VTA was preparing a Federal EIS in order to be eligible for federal funding.

      Note: VTA decided to suspend the NEPA process in late 2017 due to lack of federal funding available for this project.

      Eastridge Transit Center Construction Complete - Ribbon Cutting Celebration
      Milestone Date

      Community, local officials, and VTA staff celebrate the completion and opening of the new Eastridge Transit Center.

      Design and Engineering
      Phase Date Range
      VTA Board Approves Funding to Complete Preliminary Engineering and Final Design (Phase 2 - Light Rail Extension)
      Milestone Date
      VTA Board of Directors Awards Contract for Design/Engineering
      Milestone Date

      Engineering contract approved with BKF Engineers for preparation of construction documents for the light rail extension to Eastridge.

      Updates to roadway geometry and light rail vertical alignment
      Milestone Date

      Updates to roadway geometry and light rail alignment are to improve the project and mitigate community impacts.

      Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Policy Advisory Group Recommendation
      Milestone Date

      Eastridge to BART Policy Advisory Board recommends approval of staff recommended geometry and light rail alignment changes for VTA Board of Directors action in May 2018. Specifically, the VTA Board will be asked to approve two items:

      1. Staff to perform the environmental analysis of the light rail project using California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) criteria, and the staff recommended geometry and vertical light rail alignment.

      2. Funding strategy that uses a combination of SB-1 funds and projected savings from other Measure A projects to fund the increased cost resulting from the proposed changes.  if the environmental document update and the project changes are approved by the Board at the completion of the environmental analysis. 

      Community Scoping Meeting
      Milestone Date

      Project changes to be evaluated in Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report

      • Extension of elevated structure between Story Road and Tully Road
      • Roadway design changes
      • Modification to Story Road Pedestrian Overcrossing and Median Access
      • Modification to Eastridge Station and Park-and-Ride-Lot
      Draft Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report - Public Meeting and Open House
      Milestone Date

      The Draft Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report was released for public review and 45 day comment period.

      A Public Meeting was held on October 22.

      Comments are due by November 19.


      Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Released
      Milestone Date
      VTA Board of Directors Approves Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
      Milestone Date
      Final Second Addendum to the Final SEIR-2 Released
      Milestone Date

      The FINAL Second Addendum to the Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR-2) for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector-Capitol Expressway Light Rail Project (EBRC-CELR) evaluates design changes that have occurred since the Final SEIR-2 was approved in June 2019.  VTA is proposing changes to the Project as a result of advances in design and engineering, and updated electrical designs from PG&E. None of these changes are anticipated to have any new significant impacts or an increase in severity of previously identified impacts.

      Contractor Industry Forum
      Milestone Date

      The purpose of today's industry review is for VTA to share an overview of the EBRC project and solicit comments, suggestions, and questions from the contractor community to allow VTA to validate the proposed design approach. The webinar was recorded and will be available July 31. The presentation is available - Industry Review Presentation

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group August 2020 Meeting
      Milestone Date

      A Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) has been created. Each SWG member was nominated by the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Policy Advisory Board to represent the unique constituencies that live, work, and play along the project alignment. Their role is to disseminate information to the stakeholders near the project area and to give feedback to the project team. For more information, select SWG Orientation Meeting.

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group November 2020 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Advance Construction-Crossroads Shopping Center
      Milestone Date

      Preliminary construction activities will occur behind the Crossroads Shopping Center, on private property, in advance of future utility relocation that are expected to begin later this spring. Weather and conditions permitting, this is expected to continue through mid-March. 

      Final Third Addendum to the Final SEIR-2 Released
      Milestone Date

      VTA has prepared the 2021 Third Addendum to the Final Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR-2) for the Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project. This is regarding an update to in increase in required tree removal and mitigation.

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group February 2021 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Utility Relocation
      Phase Date Range
      PG&E Underground Gas Pipeline Relocation/Replacement
      Milestone Date

      PG&E will relocate an underground 4" gas pipeline located at Capitol Avenue/Capitol Expressway. Open the Utility Notice - Gas Line Distribution, S. Capitol Avenue for details. This activity will be complete by end of July 2021.

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group June 2021 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Building Removal
      Milestone Date

      The building located at 1093 E. Capitol Expressway has been acquired and owned by VTA. It is currently vacant. It will be removed August 3-6 to make room for construction of light rail that is expected to begin in 2023.

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group August 2021 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      PG&E Transmission Lines and Poles Relocation Begins
      Milestone Date

      Relocation of PG&E transmission lines and towers begins. Activities expected to continue through December 2021.

      MCI/Verizon begins relocation of fiber optic cables
      Milestone Date

      MCI/Verizon to relocate cables.

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group August 2021 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group November 2021 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      San Jose Water begins relocation of water lines
      Milestone Date

      San Jose Water begins underground relocation of water lines. Activities expected to continue through March 2022.  More...

      MCI/Verizon begins relocation of fiber optic cables
      Milestone Date

      This activity takes place on the north and southwest corners of E. Capitol Expressway at Tully Road and Swift Lane. Duration @ 1 month. More...

      San Jose Public Art Committee
      Milestone Date

      Report on the selection of artist Pae White and artist team Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan for the project art enhancement at Story Road and Eastridge Stations

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group February 2022 Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Updated San Jose Water Utility Relocation
      Milestone Date

      Dates and locations updated. Includes notice of overnight work beginning 2/14/22 for @ 3-4 weeks.

      PG&E Gas Line Relocation (Capitol Ave @ Story)
      Milestone Date

      On or about June 6, crews will begin relocation of the gas line located along Capitol Avenue @ Story (between Bambi and Story). Select Notice for details. PG&E Crews are responsible for noticing and coordinating activities directly with residents.

      Eastridge to BART Regional Connector Project - Summer 2022 Newsletter
      Milestone Date

      Project updates, introduction to station art, project benefits, updated funding and schedule information. This newsletter is provided in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Tagalog. Download: EBRC Summer 2022 Newsletter

      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group August 2022 Meeting
      Milestone Date

      Please click the link below to join the webinar:
      6:30 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89745912952?pwd=OFhjVVNFK2lNeXlyZDJleEUvVGRJQT09

      EBRC Utility Relocation Update - Joint Trench
      Milestone Date

      PG&E, and their contractor, Underground Construction, will begin the next phase of underground utility relocation of gas and electric services. Additional utility owners that share the same areas, AT&T, Comcast, and Crown Castle will coordinate their activities in same area. Most of the work is occurring on Capitol Expressway, and Capitol Avenue.

      Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting (Eng)
      Milestone Date
      Station Art Enhancement Community Meeting (Sp)
      Milestone Date

      Meet the Artists. This meeting facilitated in Spanish. Station Art Meeting Details.

      Pre-Bid Contract Review
      Milestone Date

      10am. One hour pre-bid Contract Review for Contractors. Mandatory RSVP: Contract C20120-Eastridge to BART Regional Connector

      C20120-Request for Pre-Qualification
      Milestone Date
      C20120 Invitation for Bid
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6:30pm  virtual meeting 

      Eastridge Station Art Concept Community Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6pm-English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters

      7:15pm - Facilitated in Spanish with English interpreter

      Story Road Station Art Concept Community Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6pm - English with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters.

      7:15pm - Facilitated in Spanish with English interpreter.

      Utility relocations work along E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave.
      Milestone Date

      11/16/2023 & 11/30/2023: Fiber Company Crown Castle will be working overnight to early morning to install a new fiber line and remove the traffic pole at the intersection of E. Capitol Expy and S. Capitol Ave. Full construction notice here

      Phase Date Range
      Community Meeting via Zoom
      Milestone Date
      Community Meeting via Zoom - Facilitated in Spanish
      Milestone Date
      Community Meeting - Hank Lopez Community Center
      Milestone Date
      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Project Groundbreaking and Community Resource Fair Celebration!
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      Groundbreaking Ceremony and Resource Fair
      Milestone Date
      Community Outreach Field Office Warming
      Milestone Date


      1093 S. Capitol Avenue, San Jose11am-1pm

      Community Meeting-In Person, Hank Lopez Community Center
      Milestone Date
      Community Meeting - Zoom
      Milestone Date
      Community Meeting - Zoom - Facilitated in Spanish
      Milestone Date
      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6:30pm Via ZOOM

      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6:30pm Via ZOOM

      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6:30pm Via ZOOM

      Stakeholder Working Group Meeting
      Milestone Date

      6:30pm Via ZOOM

      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date
      EBRC Policy Advisory Board Meeting
      Milestone Date


      Total Funding
      $652.9 Million

      Project Menu

      Subscribe to Updates

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      December 24, 2024
      Year in Review: Celebrating 2024 Project Milestones
      This year was significant for many of VTA’s projects and programs. From initial planning to groundbreaking construction and even ribbon-cutting, community members have been with us every step of the...
      Read the latest EBRC update