Transit-Oriented Communities

Transit-Oriented Communities (TOCs) are:

  • Walkable, safe places with a range of attainable, affordable housing choices  
  • Easily accessible to businesses, services, jobs, and institutions for everyday needs  
  • Equitable, climate-friendly places to access & enjoy without needing a car 
  • Resilient, diverse communities reflecting local history and values

In 2022, the VTA Board of Directors adopted the Transit-Oriented Communities Policy to develop larger, equitable and sustainable Transit-Oriented Communities around stations beyond VTA-owned sites and in collaboration with local agencies and community. VTA also developed Transit-Oriented Communities Playbooks for three of the new stations along VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II extension. 

The Transit-Oriented Communities Program seeks to increase the share of Santa Clara County’s growth by light rail, commuter rail, and transit centers in way that is equitable and sustainable, and results in enhancement of VTA’s investments and increasing ridership. VTA currently has six areas for implementation, which may evolve as new needs arise:

Transit-Oriented Communities Focus Areas
Transit-Oriented Communities Grant

VTA´s new Transit-Oriented Communities Grant program (to be released in March 2024) is available to Santa Clara County municipalities, jurisdictions, arts, cultural, education, nonprofit and other community organizations. The grant will enable innovative and robust partnerships between VTA, local public agencies, community-based organizations, and other diverse stakeholders to advance implementation of equitable Transit-Oriented Communities and remove barriers to safe, walkable, healthy, resilient, and thriving neighborhoods next to transit. As such, the grants will fund specific activities that increase transit ridership, reduce the need for car trips, support intensive mixed-use, mixed-income development around light rail, commuter rail stations and transit hubs, and strengthen communities. 

Learn more about the VTA Transit-Oriented Communities Grant Program.

Funding Partnerships for Station Area Planning

VTA has a history of leveraging a range of funding sources to undertake planning around light rail, commuter rail stations and frequent transit hubs, leading to local adoption of plans, policies and regulations that advance equitable Transit-Oriented Communities and align with VTA policies.  

Regional Leadership

VTA embraces regional goals to channel growth proximate to transit across sixteen jurisdictions within Santa Clara County. VTA’s Transit-Oriented Communities Program builds innovative partnerships with and across local cities, regional agencies, the County, and other government partners to expand a community of learning and practice that achieves collective impact in implementing transit-oriented communities. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy complements VTA’s approach to transit-oriented communities. VTA supports local agency alignment with the MTC TOC Policy.

Internal Working Group

VTA has a cross-functional, internal strategic working group of VTA staff to advance clear and consistent communications and coordinated activities for the implementation of equitable Transit-Oriented Communities, Transit-First and climate-friendly goals.

Education and Engagement

Transit-Oriented Communities are strengthened by sustained leadership and diverse, community participation. VTA is developing resources to strengthen community support for transit-supportive policies, investments and implementation. and continually implement and promote equitable engagement strategies that meaningfully engage affected communities.

Placemaking, Arts, and Activation

To promote Transit-Oriented Communities that are resilient, diverse and reflect local history and values, VTA is developing resources to support placemaking, arts, and activation of the public realm surrounding light rail, commuter rail stations and transit centers to strengthen the rider and community experience, station identity, distinctive sense of place, and enhance safety and access to transit.   


Apply for VTA Transit-Oriented Communities Grant Program funding opportunities.


Strategies for creating great places that strengthen community identity.

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