US 101/ SR 25/ Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension Project


Located in southern Santa Clara County, the Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension project would provide a new direct connection from the area south of the City of Gilroy to both US 101 and SR 25, and bypass existing bottlenecks further north along US 101.  The extension project will be a complement to the upcoming US 101/SR 25 interchange Phase 1 project that will remove the existing connection between Santa Teresa Boulevard and Castro Valley Road with US 101.

The extension project would also establish a new bike lane connection between Gilroy, SR 25, and destinations further south...


Located in southern Santa Clara County, the Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension project would provide a new direct connection from the area south of the City of Gilroy to both US 101 and SR 25, and bypass existing bottlenecks further north along US 101.  The extension project will be a complement to the upcoming US 101/SR 25 interchange Phase 1 project that will remove the existing connection between Santa Teresa Boulevard and Castro Valley Road with US 101.

The extension project would also establish a new bike lane connection between Gilroy, SR 25, and destinations further south that would allow bicyclists to avoid using the shoulders of US 101 in this area as they currently do today, providing a much-improved connectivity gateway to encourage bicycle use along this corridor.


  • Provide new vehicle and bicycle connectivity between Santa Teresa Boulevard and the US 101/ SR 25 interchange
  • Reduce congestion on US 101 between the US 101/SR 25 and US 101/ Monterey Road interchanges
  • Support the overall future US 101/ SR 25 interchange reconfiguration and future SR 152 improvements between US 101 and SR 156

Project Features

The project would construct a new two-lane roadway connection from Santa Teresa Boulevard, just north of Castro Valley Road, to the upcoming US 101/SR 25 interchange Phase 1 project.  The two-way Santa Teresa Boulevard Extension would widen to four lanes as it approaches the SR 25/Southbound US 101 ramps intersection to match the proposed roadway width at the interchange.  The roadway would accommodate bike lanes in both directions and require reconstruction of the Santa Teresa Boulevard/Castro Valley Road intersection.


The total cost for this project is estimated to be approximately $35 million for environmental clearance, design, right-of-way property acquisitions, and construction. The environmental clearance phase of the project is currently funded with a combination of VTA 2016 Measure B funds and federal funds. 

Additional funding will need to be secured for phases beyond environmental clearance. The total project cost is contingent on the final determination of improvements to be constructed.


  • Environmental  |  2025 - 2026
  • Design*  |  2027 - 2028
  • Construction*  |  2029 – 2030

 * Full funding for this phase of the project has not yet been identified.

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Total Funding
$35M (Environmental Clearance)
$35 M


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