
January 21, 2020
BART Phase II Industry Forum
As we continue the plans to extend BART Silicon Valley from Berryessa in North San Jose, through Downtown and into Santa Clara, with four more stations, VTA will hold an industry forum on Tuesday...
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September 20, 2019
VTA's BART Silicon Valley Progress Update
Both Phases of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Program are making notable progress. The 10-mile Berryessa Extension is on track to open at the end of the year. Throughout the summer VTA and BART...
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August 21, 2019
VTA’s BART Phase II Small Business Study Kicks Off
One of VTA's priorities as part of the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project is to ensure small businesses near construction zones will be able to conduct business during Project construction. Although...
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April 05, 2019
Learn About VTA's BART Phase II Project
You may have heard this one...VTA is bringing BART into the heart of Santa Clara Valley. Curious about which future station will be the most convenient for you? What might be built near station areas...
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March 08, 2019
Planning for Transit-Oriented Communities Around BART Silicon Valley Phase 2
Busy, vibrant public places with bustling retail. Recreation and workplaces connected, without the need to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Much-needed housing right next to transit station areas -...
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February 28, 2019
Planning for Transit-Oriented Communities Around BART Silicon Valley Phase 2
Busy, vibrant public places with bustling retail. Recreation and workplaces connected, without the need to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Much-needed housing right next to transit station areas -...
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January 10, 2019
General Engineering Contract Awarded for BART Phase II Project
In another important milestone for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension, the VTA Board of Directors awarded a contract to Mott McDonald/PGH Wong Engineering Joint Venture (MMW) at their...
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December 05, 2018
VTA Board to Consider Final Relocation Plan for BART Phase II Project
On December 6, the VTA Board of Directors will consider adopting the Final Relocation Plan for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension into downtown San Jose and the City of Santa Clara. The...
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September 24, 2018
Field Work Begins to Advance Design on VTA’s BART Phase II Project
In preparation for the construction of VTA’s six-mile BART extension into downtown San Jose and Santa Clara, VTA will begin to gather information about the geological conditions and locations of...
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