
December 11, 2023
BART Extension Project Provides Added Environmental Benefits
VTA was awarded a $2,982,471 grant from the State of California Wildlife Conservation Board for the beneficial reuse of excavated material in Tidal Marsh Restoration Project. The Beneficial Reuse...
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November 30, 2023
VTA's BART Silicon Valley: Preparing for Construction
It’s an exciting time for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project! Construction will be starting soon! It’s important that the public is aware of upcoming construction, especially how it...
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November 13, 2023
From Vacant to Useful: Transforming 501 Cinnabar Street into Diridon BART's Temporary Parking
VTA is excited that the construction of the temporary replacement parking for the Diridon BART Station is underway! VTA is following through on the Project’s environmental commitments by renovating a...
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November 06, 2023
VTA Purchases the Tunnel Boring Machine for the BSVII Project!
VTA just reached a major milestone with the purchase of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) that will dig the tunnel for the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project (BSVII). The tunnel will contain five...
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November 06, 2023
Rail Rehabilitation Continues in November
VTA's Rail Rehabilitation and Replacement is an ongoing program to ensure that the light rail track infrastructure remains safe, reliable, and in an enhanced state of good repair. Projects include the...
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October 26, 2023
MTC Completes Regional Funding for VTA’s Silicon Valley BART Extension
On October 25, 2023, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) voted to allocate the $375 million for Phase II of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Project, bringing regional BART service one...
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October 23, 2023
VTA Board of Directors Workshop Reviews BART Phase II Timeline, Costs, And Next Steps
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board Chairman announced the creation of an Ad Hoc BART Silicon Valley Phase II oversight committee that will be responsible for overseeing all...
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October 20, 2023
Weigh In on Development at Capitol Light Rail Station
Join VTA, along with our development partner MidPen Housing, for an in-person community open house. Your ideas will help shape the future of South San Jose as VTA's Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)...
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October 20, 2023
Details of Cost and Schedule Changes for VTA's BART Project
VTA has been working diligently over the past 20 years to deliver the BART extension to Santa Clara County. VTA constructed and opened Phase I, a 10-mile, two-station extension in 2020, and will soon...
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