
April 15, 2024
Commute Smarter, Earn Easier!
Are you ready to earn rewards as you commute to work? Join VTA’s SmartCommute Challenge this spring! Pick a smarter way to travel – whether it's sharing a ride, pedaling through, walking, or catching...
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March 25, 2024
Community Meeting to Improve Safety on Homestead Road
Protecting your children as they walk or bike to school along Homestead Road in Sunnyvale is the focus of an upcoming VTA community meeting. The in-person meeting begins at 6 p.m. on April 3...
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March 18, 2024
March AskVTA to Talk Jobs, Grants, and Contracting Opportunities
There are more than 2,000 dedicated employees at VTA working together to move people around Santa Clara County. It takes many pieces to complete this puzzle, from the more visible positions such as...
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March 15, 2024
Your Voice Matters to VTA
Public transit is important to many communities, connecting people to jobs, schools, and leisure activities. It's no secret that VTA plays a crucial role in keeping Silicon Valley moving. What we...
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March 11, 2024
Exciting Upgrades at the River Oaks Park and Ride
Helpful changes are coming to the River Oaks Park and Ride lot to improve environmental sustainability and accessibility. Not familiar with the River Oaks Park and Ride lot? Talk to a Niner fan...
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March 08, 2024
VTA And Partners Looking At Ways To Reduce Driving From New Development
How can we reduce the amount of driving resulting from new developments like housing, office buildings, or stores? With the Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program, VTA is working...
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February 08, 2024
Valley Transportation Authority campaign "It Stops Here!" aims to STOP harassment on public transit
At VTA, there is no place for harassment, whether on our vehicles, at stops, at stations, or anywhere. Safety and security are core values at VTA, and we are committed to a safe, harassment-free...
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January 10, 2024
VTA Offers Free Rides to Santa Clara County Warming Centers
With temperatures dropping, VTA is offering free fares to people who are traveling to or from Santa Clara County Warming Centers from Wednesday, January 10, 2024, through Friday, January 12, 2024...
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January 04, 2024
Public Meeting January 10 for the US 101/Zanker Road/Skyport Drive/Fourth Street Project
VTA is holding a public meeting/open house for the 101/Zanker Road/Skyport Drive/Fourth Street Project on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm, at the Walter L. Bachrodt Elementary School...
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